2 Minute Treadmill Backwards Pushes
Mobility Prep
Goblet Squats to Box (15”)
Added Straps
Deadlifts off Crash Mats (touch n go, straps)
Mobility Prep
Goblet Squats to Box (15”)
Added Straps
Deadlifts off Crash Mats (touch n go, straps)
Paused Ab Wheel
Paused Side Plank Raises
Comments: My body is a liar. Sometimes. If I went by how I was feeling and had to tell you how this workout would go, I would be off a good bit. Left shoulder and trap thing seems to be subsiding some but it is present and it was making me anxious. Like my shoulder would dislocate pulling a heavy deadlift. That weird lat/oblique sensation (not pain) also on my mind. I swear, it’s sometimes like thoughts like that are accommodating resistance I got to push through. It has been really dry lately and my sleep hasn’t been as good as it should. Been staying up later than I should too but I’m at least making sure I ice my knees before bed and do some soft tissue work. Got to find a balance where I get recovery from all three things. And been not able to slow down with work. Just rapid fire. I was pacing on the headset and my right hip flexor started acting up and I was like well damn. Warm-ups felt mostly good. Usually the right knee is the one that complains but comparatively, it felt better than my “good” knee haha. I’ve noticed that the stuff that was difficult at the start with the knee and ankle stuff has become quite easy. My treadmill stuff I’m starting to get good at keeping a decent pace the entire time. Going into high rep and light weight goblet squats to start things off. Felt ok but I could feel more fatigue compared to how these were last time. Granted some new reps added to the set with the dumbbell but I was feeling that with my bodyweight only so I took a little more rest this time. Now it isn’t like I was burning out or anything or feeling cramps or fatigue but I could tell I was feeling slower. Deadlifts after that. I was kind of hoping I would feel good for today. Not like I did. I feel that the ssb box squats and wide stance/grip deadlifts have reawakened something in my deadlift so I was curious to see if that was continuing. Going into the workout, I had assumed it was the 40-50lbs jumps as usual with the lighter weights being the rep sets and then singles. Also trying to not go too hard and end up blowing all the progress away. So plan based off how 545lbs had been last time was to work up to 565lbs with 530lbs as the weight after 495lbs. However, the workout was set for plate jumps so that would not fatigue as much. Sometimes those smaller jumps are good for priming. Lower back pump with the bar and trying to pull fast with weights. I kind of forgot what I was lifting as I didn’t mean to put on my straps for 405lbs. Didn’t feel that fast to me and I reviewed the video to see and it actually moved quite fast and effortless. So maybe strapping earlier was ok. I think I might have felt a little off form wise if I didn’t and then jumped to 495lbs. 495lbs has felt about the same as it has the past two deadlift sessions. Which isn’t necessarily strange but I feel compelled to do more weight afterwards and seem to still do that. So at this point, I was just kind of arguing in my head on what to do next. The plan was 530lbs next. Kind of. I mean really, the plan was to work up to 95% for a single and make sure that I do a weight in between 495lbs and that weight. I had sent Mr. Westerling a very long e-mail about thoughts on training and competition prep for 2021 season and one of those things had been about deadlifts. You have to commit to the pull. Chase a goal. So that was in my mind and said screw it. 545lbs again. DMX playing and I’m not sure where it came from but it rocketed up. Like, felt better than 495lbs did. I felt like I could do 5 reps with this weight. I had to double take to make sure I had this right. This was how deadlifting felt when it was good. Deadlifting is fun when it feels like this. It is tricky though to keep that going though. I wanted to go right away for 585lbs. I was going to for sure but I knew I needed to rest and actually put the weight on the bar. I was of two minds. One was saying this was happening no problem and wanting me to add 5lbs more so that it would be the most weight raw I’ve done since 2016 back injury. The other was worried that I spent this good will on 545lbs and I’d look stupid if 585lbs was stabled to the floor or started moving and stopped. That had also been a feeling I had going to pull 545lbs. It sucks and I hate it but that doubt is there. Always. And I have to do my best to do it anyways. I ended up pulling 585lbs. First, it is good to be pulling this weight again from the floor raw. Second, I feel like it moved slower than I was expecting it to after how fast 545lbs moved for me. Third, I think I bounced it away from me getting my leg drive, which seems to be a bad habit I picked up and trying to correct. Fourth, this looks to have me back to my 2018 deadlift strength. Between where I was in January and April. But I feel 600lbs is there. So another 100lbs to go. But really, if I can get to 675lbs in training, that would be close enough I think with how I’ve done. Even after I pulled the weight, the feeling of accomplishment is already fading and the hunger for more consumes. I did send a clip during the workout to see if this was 95% or too much. Being cautious. Moving on to the next thing. Crash mat deadlifts. Same plan as it has been just 20lbs more. I was chuffed that I was able to actually get back to expected lift weights on the deadlift. These bouncy pulls seem to be a good one. I remembered reading about lifters a few decades ago using a “hopper” to help with getting more work in and overload by using the stretch reflex. Those were done with wood blocks, tires or rack pins. I think these mats are a superior option as they don’t move around, won’t damage the bar or plates and I can start with a lower position and end on a higher position. They also remind me of deadlift bar pulls. As I’ve been noting, they feel heavy but these reps move fast and are piston like and quite easy looking. I think that if I was training for a show with touch n’ go like this with say tires that I’d need to change to more a breathing set style. But right now, I’m trying to build a big pull as I’ll most likely not be repping the USS Nats weight, even in the best case scenarios. After that, I finally took a break to drink something and put all the weights away before doing the paused abdominal work. These all got bumped up 3 reps. Not much of a difference for the side plank raises as I’ve done 25 (not with as slow an eccentric) with pauses. The ab wheel was tough but doable. Finished up with eating dinner and then stretching and icing.
Comments: My body is a liar. Sometimes. If I went by how I was feeling and had to tell you how this workout would go, I would be off a good bit. Left shoulder and trap thing seems to be subsiding some but it is present and it was making me anxious. Like my shoulder would dislocate pulling a heavy deadlift. That weird lat/oblique sensation (not pain) also on my mind. I swear, it’s sometimes like thoughts like that are accommodating resistance I got to push through. It has been really dry lately and my sleep hasn’t been as good as it should. Been staying up later than I should too but I’m at least making sure I ice my knees before bed and do some soft tissue work. Got to find a balance where I get recovery from all three things. And been not able to slow down with work. Just rapid fire. I was pacing on the headset and my right hip flexor started acting up and I was like well damn. Warm-ups felt mostly good. Usually the right knee is the one that complains but comparatively, it felt better than my “good” knee haha. I’ve noticed that the stuff that was difficult at the start with the knee and ankle stuff has become quite easy. My treadmill stuff I’m starting to get good at keeping a decent pace the entire time. Going into high rep and light weight goblet squats to start things off. Felt ok but I could feel more fatigue compared to how these were last time. Granted some new reps added to the set with the dumbbell but I was feeling that with my bodyweight only so I took a little more rest this time. Now it isn’t like I was burning out or anything or feeling cramps or fatigue but I could tell I was feeling slower. Deadlifts after that. I was kind of hoping I would feel good for today. Not like I did. I feel that the ssb box squats and wide stance/grip deadlifts have reawakened something in my deadlift so I was curious to see if that was continuing. Going into the workout, I had assumed it was the 40-50lbs jumps as usual with the lighter weights being the rep sets and then singles. Also trying to not go too hard and end up blowing all the progress away. So plan based off how 545lbs had been last time was to work up to 565lbs with 530lbs as the weight after 495lbs. However, the workout was set for plate jumps so that would not fatigue as much. Sometimes those smaller jumps are good for priming. Lower back pump with the bar and trying to pull fast with weights. I kind of forgot what I was lifting as I didn’t mean to put on my straps for 405lbs. Didn’t feel that fast to me and I reviewed the video to see and it actually moved quite fast and effortless. So maybe strapping earlier was ok. I think I might have felt a little off form wise if I didn’t and then jumped to 495lbs. 495lbs has felt about the same as it has the past two deadlift sessions. Which isn’t necessarily strange but I feel compelled to do more weight afterwards and seem to still do that. So at this point, I was just kind of arguing in my head on what to do next. The plan was 530lbs next. Kind of. I mean really, the plan was to work up to 95% for a single and make sure that I do a weight in between 495lbs and that weight. I had sent Mr. Westerling a very long e-mail about thoughts on training and competition prep for 2021 season and one of those things had been about deadlifts. You have to commit to the pull. Chase a goal. So that was in my mind and said screw it. 545lbs again. DMX playing and I’m not sure where it came from but it rocketed up. Like, felt better than 495lbs did. I felt like I could do 5 reps with this weight. I had to double take to make sure I had this right. This was how deadlifting felt when it was good. Deadlifting is fun when it feels like this. It is tricky though to keep that going though. I wanted to go right away for 585lbs. I was going to for sure but I knew I needed to rest and actually put the weight on the bar. I was of two minds. One was saying this was happening no problem and wanting me to add 5lbs more so that it would be the most weight raw I’ve done since 2016 back injury. The other was worried that I spent this good will on 545lbs and I’d look stupid if 585lbs was stabled to the floor or started moving and stopped. That had also been a feeling I had going to pull 545lbs. It sucks and I hate it but that doubt is there. Always. And I have to do my best to do it anyways. I ended up pulling 585lbs. First, it is good to be pulling this weight again from the floor raw. Second, I feel like it moved slower than I was expecting it to after how fast 545lbs moved for me. Third, I think I bounced it away from me getting my leg drive, which seems to be a bad habit I picked up and trying to correct. Fourth, this looks to have me back to my 2018 deadlift strength. Between where I was in January and April. But I feel 600lbs is there. So another 100lbs to go. But really, if I can get to 675lbs in training, that would be close enough I think with how I’ve done. Even after I pulled the weight, the feeling of accomplishment is already fading and the hunger for more consumes. I did send a clip during the workout to see if this was 95% or too much. Being cautious. Moving on to the next thing. Crash mat deadlifts. Same plan as it has been just 20lbs more. I was chuffed that I was able to actually get back to expected lift weights on the deadlift. These bouncy pulls seem to be a good one. I remembered reading about lifters a few decades ago using a “hopper” to help with getting more work in and overload by using the stretch reflex. Those were done with wood blocks, tires or rack pins. I think these mats are a superior option as they don’t move around, won’t damage the bar or plates and I can start with a lower position and end on a higher position. They also remind me of deadlift bar pulls. As I’ve been noting, they feel heavy but these reps move fast and are piston like and quite easy looking. I think that if I was training for a show with touch n’ go like this with say tires that I’d need to change to more a breathing set style. But right now, I’m trying to build a big pull as I’ll most likely not be repping the USS Nats weight, even in the best case scenarios. After that, I finally took a break to drink something and put all the weights away before doing the paused abdominal work. These all got bumped up 3 reps. Not much of a difference for the side plank raises as I’ve done 25 (not with as slow an eccentric) with pauses. The ab wheel was tough but doable. Finished up with eating dinner and then stretching and icing.
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