2 Minute Treadmill Backwards Pushes
Mobility Prep
Axle Clean and Push Presses
Mobility Prep
Axle Clean and Push Presses
Axle Half Clean and Push Presses
Rack Chins (yoke, straps)
12” Log Incline Bench Presses
Rack Chins (yoke, straps)
12” Log Incline Bench Presses
Paused Floor Band Trap 3 Raises (2 count)
Active Bar Hang (thick bar)
bw for 28 seconds
Active Bar Hang (thick bar)
bw for 28 seconds
Comments: Knees have just been hating me for the past few days. The tight right calf issue seems to be wandering about through my lower leg. I blame this on the snow shoveling and having to alter my walk routine to go up a really really steep hill. I can still feel some pressure in my lower back from it being worked so that leads to some pressure in the lower back. Not painful but I notice it. I think after reading the workouts, trying to use my anxiety to make sure the lifts are fast. I was hoping I would be good for training today. Shoulders not bothering me as much. Sometimes the soft tissue work is too much and makes it take longer to heal. So I listened. Warm-ups for this next block have changed a bit so a lot less work going on here. The Lock Shoulder Drills were lowered in reps but increased in weight and time for the holds. I ended up using kettlebells which was interesting. I was advised to try doing these on a bench next time to try and make these more comfortable. These with holds didn’t bother my shoulders today. I did have my right triceps cramp up trying to hold the kettlebells a certain way on the second of the three drills. Axle for today. So now it is the time for the little jumps. 20lbs jumps but only aiming for 5lbs more than the previous session. Fair enough. Probably for the best today. My knees were really sucky the first few lifts until they got unsucked. But man did my biceps feel sore. I guess those do need me to beat the crap out of them with soft tissue work all the time. They were sore and it showed in my 2nd pull being not great. I wasn’t expecting to need to revert to the double bump until 245lbs but here, I needed it with 205lbs. 285lbs was way harder than I would’ve liked. Especially with how feather light 280lbs felt two weeks ago. But these things happen. Nobody died. It wasn’t a grinder. It just was. After that was a new one. More a twist on an old lift. So this has been push pressing or strict pressing for 5x2. The rack work just hasn’t felt right for me with the push pressing at home. Axle isn’t a bad as log. My knees don’t seem to hate me as much after a clean and then going into the press. But the clean puts biceps in a precarious position and no sense in overdoing that. Well I had seen a fellow competitor (got 2nd at 2019 USS Nats SHW and is recovering from knee injuries) essentially be doing half cleans. Starting with the axle on the gut where it would be after I do my super slick hand flip and then bump it up to the shoulders for the press. Now he just did the clean but I figured this would be great as consistency here is my problem and it isn’t worth training it a lot due to the above mentioned biceps stuff. I had shown it to Mr. Westerling and he thought it was a great idea to implement. Now it was time to see if it worked or not for me. My hope was that my tables and crash pads would be just right. They were. The start was a little weird until I just accepted that was going to be starting this thing with my belt lifting the axle and then going. I think I got better as I went. Fourth set felt my best as far as the press, last set was my fastest getting setup and finishing the set. Assuming these don’t beat me up too much, these could be good for the axle. Rack chins next. I needed to hang for a moment as my biceps were so sore. I’m glad I didn’t have any pain in my left rear delt like I did at the start last session I did these. Again, just chipping away at these until I get to 3x20 eventually I guess. They are a nice break from the low reps and heavy stuff. Just moving my body. After that was a changeup. No more dumbbells for the incline stuff. Going to try and add weight to a movement. So log outside on the incline bench. Plan here was work up in 3’s to a weight I felt I could do 12-15 reps with for max reps with no grinders. Ideally, I wanted to set this up so that I was starting from the top so I could use stretch reflex and bring the log into a groove rather than strain to start from the bottom. I was honestly not sure how these would go. I’ve not been very good on log incline, regardless of style. And tendonitis from a while back made these not so good. I think my push press has been higher than what I can do here so it is possibly a way to work that without working it. My hope here was to do over 200lbs. Maybe I should’ve done 187lbs for the top set. I ran into issues with the top set as I kept on banging the damn thing into the rack arms. I wanted to do these without the wrist wraps so that I didn’t just keep pushing to failure. 15 reps done but maybe harder than I would’ve liked. So that wrapped up the heavy stuff. Lighter stuff for shoulder health. T3 raises on the ground with the bands. Lower reps but longer count. Felt fine. No issues. It does appear that I’m doing them incorrectly with the anchor points so I’ll fix that going forward. Then finished up with bar hang with my shoulders retracted and pressed down. Not bad. My hamstrings cramped from keeping my legs up off the ground. I’ll need to keep them tucked in front next time to stop that. I felt beat after this. Ate meatloaf and stretched and iced my knees.
Comments: Knees have just been hating me for the past few days. The tight right calf issue seems to be wandering about through my lower leg. I blame this on the snow shoveling and having to alter my walk routine to go up a really really steep hill. I can still feel some pressure in my lower back from it being worked so that leads to some pressure in the lower back. Not painful but I notice it. I think after reading the workouts, trying to use my anxiety to make sure the lifts are fast. I was hoping I would be good for training today. Shoulders not bothering me as much. Sometimes the soft tissue work is too much and makes it take longer to heal. So I listened. Warm-ups for this next block have changed a bit so a lot less work going on here. The Lock Shoulder Drills were lowered in reps but increased in weight and time for the holds. I ended up using kettlebells which was interesting. I was advised to try doing these on a bench next time to try and make these more comfortable. These with holds didn’t bother my shoulders today. I did have my right triceps cramp up trying to hold the kettlebells a certain way on the second of the three drills. Axle for today. So now it is the time for the little jumps. 20lbs jumps but only aiming for 5lbs more than the previous session. Fair enough. Probably for the best today. My knees were really sucky the first few lifts until they got unsucked. But man did my biceps feel sore. I guess those do need me to beat the crap out of them with soft tissue work all the time. They were sore and it showed in my 2nd pull being not great. I wasn’t expecting to need to revert to the double bump until 245lbs but here, I needed it with 205lbs. 285lbs was way harder than I would’ve liked. Especially with how feather light 280lbs felt two weeks ago. But these things happen. Nobody died. It wasn’t a grinder. It just was. After that was a new one. More a twist on an old lift. So this has been push pressing or strict pressing for 5x2. The rack work just hasn’t felt right for me with the push pressing at home. Axle isn’t a bad as log. My knees don’t seem to hate me as much after a clean and then going into the press. But the clean puts biceps in a precarious position and no sense in overdoing that. Well I had seen a fellow competitor (got 2nd at 2019 USS Nats SHW and is recovering from knee injuries) essentially be doing half cleans. Starting with the axle on the gut where it would be after I do my super slick hand flip and then bump it up to the shoulders for the press. Now he just did the clean but I figured this would be great as consistency here is my problem and it isn’t worth training it a lot due to the above mentioned biceps stuff. I had shown it to Mr. Westerling and he thought it was a great idea to implement. Now it was time to see if it worked or not for me. My hope was that my tables and crash pads would be just right. They were. The start was a little weird until I just accepted that was going to be starting this thing with my belt lifting the axle and then going. I think I got better as I went. Fourth set felt my best as far as the press, last set was my fastest getting setup and finishing the set. Assuming these don’t beat me up too much, these could be good for the axle. Rack chins next. I needed to hang for a moment as my biceps were so sore. I’m glad I didn’t have any pain in my left rear delt like I did at the start last session I did these. Again, just chipping away at these until I get to 3x20 eventually I guess. They are a nice break from the low reps and heavy stuff. Just moving my body. After that was a changeup. No more dumbbells for the incline stuff. Going to try and add weight to a movement. So log outside on the incline bench. Plan here was work up in 3’s to a weight I felt I could do 12-15 reps with for max reps with no grinders. Ideally, I wanted to set this up so that I was starting from the top so I could use stretch reflex and bring the log into a groove rather than strain to start from the bottom. I was honestly not sure how these would go. I’ve not been very good on log incline, regardless of style. And tendonitis from a while back made these not so good. I think my push press has been higher than what I can do here so it is possibly a way to work that without working it. My hope here was to do over 200lbs. Maybe I should’ve done 187lbs for the top set. I ran into issues with the top set as I kept on banging the damn thing into the rack arms. I wanted to do these without the wrist wraps so that I didn’t just keep pushing to failure. 15 reps done but maybe harder than I would’ve liked. So that wrapped up the heavy stuff. Lighter stuff for shoulder health. T3 raises on the ground with the bands. Lower reps but longer count. Felt fine. No issues. It does appear that I’m doing them incorrectly with the anchor points so I’ll fix that going forward. Then finished up with bar hang with my shoulders retracted and pressed down. Not bad. My hamstrings cramped from keeping my legs up off the ground. I’ll need to keep them tucked in front next time to stop that. I felt beat after this. Ate meatloaf and stretched and iced my knees.
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