Friday, December 4, 2020

December 3, 2020 – Week 16, Day 2

2 Minute Treadmill Backwards Pushes
Mobility Prep
18” Box Squats

18” Safety Squat Bar Box Squats w/ bands
Added Bands (+25lbs bottom/+44lbs top)
Wide Grip Deadlifts (straps)

bw+45x60 Seconds

Side Planks
bw+15x60/60 Seconds

Comments: I’m getting paranoid about aches in my shoulders. It is mostly the left one but sometimes the right. I think that I’m concerned the direct rotary work is too much. I mean, there is obviously a weakness in this and especially in the left side. I spent time during lunch break setting things up for this evenings workout. Smarter, not harder. Using the hand truck. I also moved some stuff from the garage to the patio area, like my circus dumbbell. My thoughts being that if I’m going to use it, it will be out back and not in the street. In most cases that is. And with competitions planned, it would be by itself. Going all in on making home gym has me thinking about what I would need and logistics. As well as what can go where. I think part of it is realizing that I’m alone and going to be alone and I don’t need a nice patio to entertain people if I don’t want or like guests. Kind of bleak. But that’s where I’m at and leaving it there is allowing me to keep functioning and working. Not all is that though as I didn’t even have time to order a new desk chair before my parents got one. So that is back in business haha. It’s like they knew my fat ass was going to break my chair soon. Trying to get stuff setup so that I can move through the usual stuff, get the squat and deadlift stuff done and then take a break to put crap away before doing abdominals. I did not ice my knees last night as it ended up being later than expected before I was ready for bed and I wanted sleep more than I wanted to stay up another 30 minutes. Knees were aching on the knee health stuff but not so much other things like for my ankles other stuff. Plan was using the ssb and a little band tension and work up to doubles with 30lbs jumps up to 50-60% of what I feel 1rm would be. Changes were made. First was the rack. I got rid of the one lower cross bar that I kept hitting my head against. This allowed me to actually get under the bar to unrack. Another thing was adding the handles to the ssb. I had something to hold on to and it added 2lbs to get the bar 65lbs. Another thing was increasing the box height an inch. Worry was that since I’ve not done real squatting in so long, that I may not have that lower back control and ROM. All my squatting has been with anterior load and high reps. Body weight for high rep set. I felt ok. Maybe not as fast as I was feeling last time. I can definitely say that my inner thighs and hips didn’t feel as off as they did that week. Bar for more higher reps and then on to bands. This was the last change. I adjusted the setup to 1; be more in line with my body and knees and not pulling forward and 2; adjusted the anchoring system so that there wasn’t so much slack on the box. This meant I could use a lower band tension but still get close to what I was using last time but increase the tension off the box by over 20lbs from what I had before. Plan was to work up to 275lbs or so. Assuming that my knees were happy and it was moving fast. Knees were weird today as some sets it felt like the worst thing ever and then the next set nothing. I definitely feel like I was moving faster with some of these weights compared to last time. Apparently some of the plates I have don’t fit on my ssb so that slowed things down a little near the end. I stuck to only using the lightest of my midsection support stuff for these to keep myself from going too heavy too fast. Keep moving fast. I’m able to be more aggressive with the unrack of the weights with the crossbar gone. I did check with Mr. Westerling to see if the bar speed was within acceptable parameters for the day. Not that it wasn’t easy but this week is supposed to be an easier week compared to the floor pulls and such so trying to not burn that week’s training from this week’s training. After that I moved to the garage for pulls. Wide grip deadlifts clicked a bit quicker this time around. Plan this time was work up in the plate-quarter-plate jumps to 365lbs and do three singles. Really feeling these in the hamstrings. A little slower than 315lbs (at least how it felt) but that is a 50lbs jump. Only my last pull felt like I slowed down any from pull to pull. Felt good with these lifts today. The rest of the workout was dedicated to planks. As has been the case with lower body session, first half big things and second half abdominals. So this was where I spent my time getting rehydrated and putting away all the weights. Hand truck certainly makes things a bit smoother and less precarious. I had thought I’d have more of a readjustment for the planks but after one session I seem to be back in the saddle already. I think the upper back stuff and supporting my shoulder girdle on the planks has distracted me from noticing my shoulders for the time being. Prepped dinner while I stretched and then iced my knees after eating.

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