Sunday, December 13, 2020

December 12, 2020 – Week 17, Day 3

2 Minute Treadmill Backwards Pushes
Mobility Prep
NY Barbell Yoke
300x50’ in 6.09 seconds
400x50’ in 6.18 seconds
500x50’ in 7.43 seconds
600x50’ in 7.55 seconds
660x50’ in 9.36 seconds
Sandbag Rows
175x9 (miscounted)
Stone of Steel Loads (62”, tacky towel)
Comments: Today was a no odd day. For me and for the weather. Something has been stressing me out more than normal and I’m not entirely sure what. Not sure if it is just the season or the sleep issue the past few days or that I got really amped up on deadlifts and this is the payback. But it has now manifested physical symptoms and that usually means my immune system is compromised when that happens. And I can’t tell if it is just stress stuff or if I have a cold. If I have a cold, it isn’t a bad one by any means. With how things are, if I didn’t have a home gym setup, I wouldn’t be training today as I don’t want to risk anyone else’s wellbeing. Also, gyms are being closed in the state until next year so again, home gym plan works out. As for the weather, it was super humid and foggy. And there were points where I couldn’t tell if I was sweating because I was hot or if because it was humid. It is usually very dry. Warm-up stuff felt fine so I figured I’d be ok for today. I’ve been making it a point to get the icing on my knees done each day. Yoke to start things off. Same as last time with 100lbs jumps starting at 300lbs to 600lbs. Then 60lbs on top of that for the top set, so again going up 20lbs. I followed the same warm-up I did last time with empty implement runs with none being a full out sprint right off the block and a pick with 300lbs. Knees were only achy getting under the weight to pick it up and that went away fairly quickly. I felt a little slow on the first two sets despite being essentially the same time as last time. Honestly, I felt like I was slow on everything. My forehead felt warm and my glasses started to fog up. With 600lbs I felt slower than I was. I was noticing that my breathing was off and I was holding it to try and finish rather than do forced breathing. This ended up being a PR on this yoke with the weight for time, being under 8 seconds. I did not expect that speed drop off to be so drastic with 660lbs. I knew I was feeling slow near the end as I was having the same breathing issue as 600lbs. Still under 10 seconds and I guess technically a PR. It seems that mid-500’s is where I see the times start to get slower with even small increases in the weight. My best time with 560 is 6.74 seconds on this yoke and this time’s 600 was 7.55 seconds (a PR of .45 seconds). My best time with this particular yoke with 700lbs is 10.27 seconds. I’d like to get that under 10 seconds eventually. Little break to get some fluids in and clean up. Taking my time here seeing as how the air feels thick and I can see my breath. Band rows and biceps stretching followed by a set of light sandbag rows. I was putting away 180lbs worth of weights after each exercise. Sandbag rows were really easy and I miscounted. I did one less than I was supposed to. Oh well. I was glad that my left knee didn’t ache breaking it off the floor like it sometimes does. I had already decided at this point I was going to take Nyquil before bed to insure I slept soundly (rest for recovery and sometimes my joints ache from heavy event training that keeps me awake). Stone of steel after that. Plan here was about 10lbs more than last time. It is written 5-10lbs. This was going to be the last time I purposely aimed for 10lbs more as it has gotten to the point where this has gotten very difficult. I wanted to get to the point where I could just do plate jumps up to the top weight and then worry about adding from there. I’m essentially at the contest weight for the heaviest stone of the carry and load series and that will be to 5” lower than what I’m doing. I already knew what the weights were going to be working up since it would be plate jumps so I didn’t have to worry about weighing stuff until the end when I needed to find out how heavy my working weight was. Things were feeling pretty good a the start. 274.5lbs slipped a little bit on the pick so I was a little cautious going into the last work up set. Almost 2 months ago this was my working weight. I stuck with using the older tacky towel. Then it was time for the unknown weight to be lifted. Newer tacky towel brought out. I was a little nervous as I had missed a rep last time and had to fight to recover and then had oblique stuff going on. Well first rep went up fine and then the second one was even better. Third is where the good times stopped. The pick and lap was easy but I didn’t have it crushed into me tight enough. I went up and got the extension but I was just a step too far away and it came down on the wrong side of the bar. I tried to pin it and push it over but it feel. I wasn’t thinking about the rep after that as my first worry was the floor of my garage as it had come down hard. I rolled it away and the floor was perfectly fine. But I did see a divot in my stone of steel. Worry about that later. I proceeded to have a tough time getting the stone of steel up into my lap and somehow managed to get that third lift before the next minute happened. After that, it was like trying to hold hot soup in my hands. I wasn’t recovering fast enough after that disaster of a third set. The fourth one I had a hard time picking and lapping and then when I went for extension, the left arm slipped so I put it down. Try again on the next minute. That came around and I couldn’t break it off the floor. Damn it. I took a minute to calm down and then told myself I needed to get two more lifts, regardless of the time. I reset my timer so I’d have the EMOM again. So two minutes of rest from that last attempt miss. Everything about these last two singles was tough. The pick, the lap and the extensions. I’m honestly not sure how I managed to do it with how they felt. Like even with the stone of steel in my lap, I didn’t feel like I had it secure enough to load. But I knew that staying still in a lift like this is how you die. Always be moving, thinking, planning, attacking. I let out a groan of disgust and completion after that last one went over. Got cleaned up and weighed the stone. Technically the most weight I’ve done in training for more than a single single. I’ve done more to lower height and with grip shirt and receiver gloves. These past two sessions have been the most I’ve done for attempted EMOM sessions as well. I seem to get a good bit out of the receiver gloves with the stone of steel too as far as grip but I’m trying to use this to train for atlas stones and I don’t use gloves there. So take good with the bad here. I do see though that even though I can do the competition weight essentially on this event, I still need to work on things. Cooked dinner while recovered from training. 

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