Wednesday, November 25, 2020

November 24, 2020 – Week 15, Day 1

2 Minute Treadmill Backwards Pushes
Mobility Prep
Axle Clean and Push Presses
123x1 (oops)
Axle Push Presses
Rack Chins (yoke, straps)
Incline Dumbbell Bench Presses
Paused Floor Band Trap 3 Raises/Paused Band External Rotations (right/left)
Comments: Lower back was beat up from last week and I’m not sure why. Perhaps doing real squats had something to do with it. My understanding is that turns with farmer’s also unevenly loads the spine. Like I said, I felt weaker picking up sandbags then I had felt the past few times. Usually best thing is hope, rest and move around (go for walks). My knees were feeling better and I had thought perhaps the new stuff was enough on its own but doing warm-up stuff and working out this session, it became apparent that I need to keep up with icing. I don’t like that it seems to be a daily thing now to keep stuff feeling good and happy. Upper back got crampy doing the last bit of the warm-up exercises. Got a new light installed for the porch that is motion sensor when it gets dark. Works perfectly. I still have the flood light just in case since that thing can get very warm and I might need it if conditions get frigid haha. Axle for today. I was a little concerned as my lower back had been stiff during warm-ups and I was going up in weight. Also thinking about a few things that might distract me (competitions moving/cancelling in 2021, Thanksgiving, etc). After talking with Mr. Westerling after last session, he convinced me to return to my usual style of axle clean where I don’t pull from hang. What a difference. So fast. I made some mistakes with plate math. I was to start out 10lbs heavier for the 20lbs jumps to match up and make sense. Resulted in me doing some 25lbs jumps and then accidentally doing a weight twice because I forgot when I changed the small plates to one big plate. I was feeling good on these today. No chalk needed with how cool it was outside. I was a little concerned that I felt like the press was feeling a little harder than it should (I mean still easy but not super duper easy like 100lbs more there no problem). 243lbs was when I added wrist wraps. For whatever reason, I fiddled with them to get the loops off my thumbs and not have them tight as I would for a max lift. I think my thinking was that this was why my grip flip missed with 248lbs last time with the clean attempt from hang. It was not but it lead to another kind of suck. I caught it too low for a good pop roll but too high to really adjust it and I ended up having to almost reverse curl it with my right arm to get it racked. Christ that sucked. I corrected it for 263lbs for my planned top single. Press went up fast but I got a bit too far forward and had to chase my center of gravity down. I was stable for a moment and then brought it back to the pads to drop it. Wasn’t going to fight it and possibly injury my shoulders at this point. So comparing the hang clean to my usual style, I’ve noticed that the pop to the stomach is much harder with the hang but the forced slow down makes the transition from the stomach to the shoulders a bit more consistent. Again, I’ve only done up to 248lbs with that style. I think that it would be a helpful off season training, similar to the paused push press circus dumbbell work although it couldn’t be something where I switch to my usual style after working up to a top weight with the harder variation as the clean needs to have the groove greased. In the dumbbell, the clean is the same for both so not an issue. I got the weights for the push press but a little annoyed that I still fumbled the weights. I still got 60lbs more to go on this for contest weight. After that was push press from the rack. Same rep and set scheme but lowered percentages. So kind of getting near the weights I was doing earlier but not quite. Knees didn’t care for these today. It is really strange to me that my knees aren’t nearly as vocal when I’m clean and pressing. I could feel that I was maybe pressing the weight a little forward and not back. Perhaps the knees making me not want to rely on that. I think I noticed it a bit today because I had to do a little dancing around with my top weight overhead and that I really stressed things with that muscling up of the weight the set before. This is easy stuff though. Not going to be a problem. Looks nice on camera but unracking weights just doesn’t feel like it did when I was training at the Y. Into the garage for accessory work as has been the case. Rack chins again as my standby for reps. I didn’t feel so hot after the axle work and thought that the five reps I do for warm-up were a precursor to how much the rest of this was going to suck. Good thing I was wrong. First set felt really good and easy. My back and arms were feeling pumped. Sticking with the plan of going up just a rep across the three sets, hopefully getting to 3x20 eventually. I was a little surprised these felt as good as they did considering the stress I put my right biceps through on the botched axle clean. I did hang a little bit before each set to deload my shoulders and spine a little too. After that, incline bench press with my dumbbells. I was not sure how these would go. Plan was 3x20. Last session it was a struggle to get 15 on the last set after two sets of 20. I wasn’t feeling confident as my right forearm was feeling sore just holding the 40lbs dumbbells on my lap at the start. Pec and shoulder on the right side were also tight from that axle clean issue. I did rest a little bit more this time but these went much better than I was expecting. It was tough on the last set but nowhere near as tough as it felt last time. Well, goal achieved with getting 3x20. Now to figure out the next thing. Kind of dreading the rotary band stuff at the end. I like the trap 3 raises but I loathe the external rotations. Specifically for my left shoulder. The pauses are what kill me. It’s a deep burn. A lesser extent for the right shoulder. Doing my best to not give in and stop to let the soreness subside. I ate dinner after training and then did my stretching followed by icing my knees and shoulders before bed.

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