Sunday, November 15, 2020

November 14, 2020 – Week 13, Day 3

2 Minute Treadmill Backwards Pushes
Mobility Prep
NY Barbell Yoke
270x50’ in 6.15 seconds (misload)
420x50’ in 6.76 seconds
520x50’ in 8.25 seconds
570x50’ in 8.46 seconds
620x50’ in 9.01 seconds
Sandbag Rows
Stone of Steel Loads (62”, tacky towel)
Comments: I was a bit curious with how today would go. I was mixture of anxious and annoyed. Not with training that is. I did let people that I interacted with today know that I was not in a good mood and trying to not take out on the nearest person. And I know I was annoyed for stupid reasons too. The anxious part was to do with WSM happening right now and reading that quite a few of the athletes got injured. I just can’t take that contest seriously with how they run things. I remember last year I was thinking the same thing with all the foot/ankle related injuries while doing events. This year appeared to be biceps. My annoyance had to do with having to be ready for stuff at a certain time and while I was ready on time, others were not. And I kind of wanted to stew about it. I did my best to distract myself warming up and was perhaps too good with that. It all felt very easy. Hardly any knee issues. But that meant I forgot to film stuff to keep track and make sure I’m doing this knee stuff right. Yoke was a bit different in that I was to do certain weights working up rather than leaving myself to my own devices to warm-up to the top weight. Going with one set at the top weight too. I had been feeling beat the last workout. And honestly, not certain everything is recovered. Plan here was to start at 320lbs and do 100lbs jumps to 520lbs and then 50lbs jump to 620lbs. All for 50’ runs. Ton of leaves so I had to kind of create a barrier of leaves around the course I had. I will say I didn’t have any hamstring twinges in the right side that had worried me last time I did these. Left hamstring still perpetually tight and sore. But forgot to add 50lbs to my first set and I didn’t realize until I was done the run. I was already feeling miffed that it felt slow and heavy and then find out it was 50lbs too light. I debated doing the correct weight but figured what was done was done and take the L and move on to the next weight. Also slow. Same with the next set. I realized after 520lbs I had not been using the arm sleeves to keep my biceps warm. Seem to help me feel better about pulling in the side bars. My chest was sore still from the incline pressing. But thankfully the shoulders were so tight as I’d expect them. Same with the upper back and traps. I felt like I was moving faster for the last two sets (more so the downhill set but got amped for the last set). Not too sure why I was slow. I was trying to increase turnover of my feet but I feel like I was stomping rather than moving forward with the shorter walk cycle. Some of these runs were almost 2 seconds slower than my best with these weights. Top weight run was over a second slower than my best run with 20lbs less. Also slower than my best with 30lbs more. Well, yoke isn’t in the competition but I don’t like the back tracking on progress here. I know this is more to overload my lower body for the farmer’s walk and give things a break that are taxed on that and vice versa. The next part of the workout was adjusted. Less of a separate exercise and more of a warm-up for the stone stuff. Band rows followed by some stretching and then just a set of my light sandbag for rows. Felt ok and good. So stone of steel after that. Plan here was about 10lbs more than last time. I felt this might be a big ask with how tough things felt last time but my hope was that a fresh tacky towel on the heavy stuff and a deload week would do me some good. As I have been doing, older tacky towel on the work up sets and then fresher one for the EMOM. I could definitely feel my hamstrings on some of these. Not like in a painful, sore or bad way. Just that they were working. I forgot to triple extend with my ankles on one of the work up sets. Last work up single felt a little harder than I would’ve liked and when my top weight came out heavier than planned, I was also a tad nervous. It did not help matters when I gripped it off center on the first lift of the EMOM and had to adjust to that haha. Other than that, the lifting felt good and better than last sessions stone lifting. I think I’ll be doing +360lbs before the end of the year for the workout. Took a good bit for me to figure out what to do next before I decided to clean up first and then stretch before eating dinner and then icing my knees.

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