Sunday, November 8, 2020

November 7, 2020 – Week 12, Day 3

2 Minute Treadmill Backwards Pushes
Mobility Prep
Titan Fitness Farmer’s Walk
100x50’ in 5.74 seconds
150x50’ in 6.29 seconds
200x50’ in 7.45 seconds
200x50’ in 6.88 seconds

Sandbag Rows (long ways)

Sandbag Loads (62”)

2 Minute Treadmill Backwards Pushes

Comments: At this point I’m not sure if it is bad allergies or a minor cold. Really hard to tell at this point. It took me a few hours to get feeling like I could train after being awake. I told myself that even if it was a cold, it made more sense to train today then wait until tomorrow as this was a deloaded session and I’d be able to get 2 days off and with a day off work for Veteran’s Day, I could get in an extra day of sleep and relaxation. It has been hard to tell if I’m feeling better in my joints and muscles since Dayquil has been the only thing that says to be making the symptoms of whatever go away. Left hamstring is still tight.  The 2 minutes of treadmill stuff does feel like a long time but I think it is helping with the knee issues. Again, hard to say since taking Dayquil the past 3 days haha. Rest of the warm-up stuff pretty standard. That will be changing though with the next block of training. Knee health stuff seemed to be pretty good today. Maybe adjust the height in 2 weeks if stuff continues to feel good. Needed to do a little sweeping before doing farmer’s walks today. Not a lot of leaves so able to keep the same 50’ course that I usually do. The reduced training for this week being work up to 200lbs for 2 sets of 50’. So that would be pretty easy with 50lbs jumps. I did a few empty runs to make sure my knees felt fine and to make sure I didn’t feel any hammie issues on the right side like I did with yoke warming up. Seemed to feel good. I felt like I was moving well on these. I noticed I didn’t feel any back aches or pains initially so that was good. I felt like I was getting better at feeling like I had tension before picking things up. So maybe the lower body is recovering somewhat. Despite feeling good, I was apparently moving slower than usual. Weight didn’t feel heavy. Second run was a good bit faster with 200lbs but not a PR for speed. Only consolation from that is that it was faster than my fastest set with this weight back in August but that isn’t saying much. I needed this week to be easy after last week feeling wrecked. Still feeling wrecked in some areas, such as my inner thighs and hips. I got a little bit of relief reading that the handles for USS Nats are going to be 17” pick instead of the proposed 12” pick height so that is a load off. Not that it wouldn’t be too much trouble this far out but I can put all focus on the deadlift and not worry about being too sapped from that to pick up the low handles. On to the sandbag stuff to finish out the day. Sandbag rows to prep for sandbag loads. All reduced weight and volume. 175lbs sandbag was really floppy feeling today but still seemed good. Had some balance issues with the 225lbs bag today on the rows. I forgot I had a fresh nick on my right shin from deadlifts and that started bleeding so I had to tape up my shin before I did the sandbag loads. The loads were going to be easy compared to last time since almost 90lbs lighter. Not exactly getting into the deep lap on these like I would with say 313lbs. My right biceps didn’t really like these today at the start. Literally just throwing the sandbag over. Put everything away and finished up with 2 more minutes of treadmill stuff. Felt better than it did after the previous workout. With the new stuff to be added starting next block, there won’t be a need to do post workout stuff like this. Finished up with a big dinner and stretching and icing. Hopefully I start feeling 100% by Tuesday to start this next training block.

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