Friday, November 6, 2020

November 5, 2020 – Week 12, Day 2

2 Minute Treadmill Backwards Pushes
Mobility Prep
Goblet Squats to Box (15”)
Ab Wheel/ Paused Side Plank Raises

2 Minute Treadmill Backwards Pushes 
Comments: Well some things are better and other things are still how they were before. Hard to gauge as my allergies are acting up again and the only thing that seems to be enough to alleviate the issues is Dayquil.  So a little hard to gauge aches and pains with that haha. I know some things are better as far as mood and dealing with emotional baggage. I forced myself to do some intake and housekeeping (literal and figurative). It didn’t hurt anywhere near as much as I thought it would and I’m still standing and not an emotional wreck. But still got things to work on and resolve but I’m working on it and that is ok. This week is last week of the current plan and next several weeks will be different. Sled drag dropped in favor of reverse treadmill pushes. Just using the resistance of the tread and working for 2 minutes. This did ache for my knees at first but felt better as I went. This was tiring to do the whole time haha. I know this is needed as I could feel my tendons behind my knees feeling worked after doing just the sled drag last time. I think that doing the soft tissue work and icing them the day before helped too. The knees felt better doing the other warm-ups too. Goblet squats after that. I don’t really have much to setup since this was going to be a deloaded workout and no bands so I tried to make myself rest a little between sets. I could feel aches in my joints but the movement felt natural. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn’t. Didn’t get a lower back pump either so also good. Deadlifting today was going to be easy and simple. Only working up to 315lbs for the 5 singles. Originally this was going to be 515lbs for 3 singles as a possible continuation of the band and platform deadlift program. I was still feeling like that hamstring tightness wasn’t quite there so not sure if they are fully recovered. Maybe not having a hard belt to brace against also made it difficult to really get the abdominal brace to feel right. I also have to remember that usually I don’t feel so awesome when I do a deload workout or need to do a deload workout. I didn’t feel like I needed to take 3 minutes rest but I made myself stick to as close to that as I could. I rushed things a little on one of the pulls and nicked my shin. I kind want 405lbs to feel this easy and move this well. Then I’d know that I was over a 600lbs raw pull again. Last bit for the evening was abdominal work. This was adjusted a bit from before. Previously, it was one and then the other for higher reps. This time, like half the reps and doing them circuit style, running through it twice. On the ab wheel, my lower abdominals felt tight. They have been feeling like that since last week’s heavy deadlift training. I wasn’t sure if it was from the heavy deadlift training or if the elevated platform height for the knee exercises was putting more stress on the hips. Not sure as it can be hard to tell if a change is doing something until several weeks in in my experience. Like when the new shoes were killing my knees and it took several weeks before it popped up to be an issue. But that went away shortly after fixing the issue. Side plank stuff felt about the same. I was a little slower on the second go through but I didn’t feel like my lower abdominals were nearly as tight. Now the training wasn’t exactly over as I had to also finish up with 2 more minute of treadmill stuff. Knees were a tad achier this go around. But it didn’t feel like it was a tough or long. Ate pot roast and stretched before getting ice on the knees and getting to bed somewhat earlier than usual.

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