Wednesday, November 18, 2020

November 17, 2020 – Week 14, Day 1

2 Minute Treadmill Backwards Pushes
Mobility Prep
12” Log Viper Presses
12” Log Strict Presses
Bench Chest Supported Dumbbell Rows
Slingshot Dips
Paused Floor Band Trap 3 Raises/Paused Band External Rotations (left/right)
Comments: What an odd day. November finally decided it was time to be cold out. Had numerous hail storms throughout the day. I was wondering what that sound was since I could still see light through the blinds. Thankfully, that nonsense stopped before it was time for me to train and all the hail evaporated. Wasn’t able to get my outdoor lights installed last weekend due to weather and scheduling issues. Going to have to wait until this weekend. I had knots in my midback that just wouldn’t go away the day before. Despite how cold it was (42 I think), I stayed warm and got warmed up pretty quick with my routine. The distraction I had used last time for the treadmill stuff (singing) didn’t work as well this time and I got quite tired haha. Positioning for the lower leg exercises seems to effect the difficulty quite a bit if I have my hands and shoulders at different spots. I need to try and stay one way so I can track progress. I can already see progress in some of the knee and shin pain. Everything else was good. Today’s training log. With opposite weeks being axle with leg drive, these sessions have been modified. Not quite leg drive but not quite strict. Plan going forward for the next few sessions is viper pressing. I checked and the last time I did these was April 2018. Flood light out back after the easy reps with the kettlebells. Actually felt smooth and easy. Maybe these will be good today haha. Like pressing has been, set a goal weight and do 20lbs jumps in singles up to it. So like axle with 80%, this time also 80%. But I haven’t done these in 31 months at this point so no clue how these will go. I decided to base off my best in training from back then, roughly what I feel my strict press might be now (yes, my strict press best on log is higher than my viper press best on log). That would be 205lbs. A nice number normally but not when it would require micro weights and 20lbs to get a starting weight and do dumbbells for a warm-up. So I said screw it and went 2lbs heavier. Empty log felt like crap and I was reminder how these aren’t so fun sometimes. I was kind of worried I’d just snap all my shit up in my arms, shoulders and back haha. But I didn’t. Adding some weight to the log and it start to actually feel good. I then figured I’d just do this with no support equipment of any kind to keep myself from going too hard so soon. Lapping 207lbs was a little awkward feeling but then it went up so easy that I felt I had to do more. But I wasn’t feeling like another 20lbs would be 80% so I went 10lbs. The lap was better and felt easier. This was honestly one of my better viper press sessions for log. I’ll have to adjust my planned weights accordingly for the next few sessions. Strict pressing out of the rack, much lower percentages. Told to be working explosively. Again, 2lbs extra just to avoid having to adjust a lot of stuff. Perhaps too much power on that first set as I got off balance haha. Really not much to say here as these were quiet easy and consistent. There is still aches in my knees when I try to get under the log like for a push press but pressing was fine. Granted I’ve only been doing these new knee health things for a week now and I’ve noticed changes in that time. Into the garage for more. Rows on the bench. Trying to get adequate rest. Not too much but not too little. Delicate balance with active rest and moving equipment around. These rows are considerably easier compared to the incline dumbbell benching with the same weight. On to sling shot dips after that. Shoulders and elbows felt a little stiff at the start but warmed up. Traction from adding the 25lbs plate felt really good as it got stuff to adjust. Taking slow with these and going up just a tad. It was deloaded last time to just doing 5 reps so now going up to 6-8 on the set with 100lbs. These were all easy. Outside for the rotator cuff stuff. Remembered to only use the micro bands. My left side on the external rotations is so much weaker than my right side. No discrepancy when I do the trap 3 raises. I did get through both sets without stopping to get the burn/fatigue to go away. Stretched and ate a big roast for dinner.

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