Thursday, December 13, 2012

December 11, 2012 – Day 1, Week 2 & December 12, 2012 – Day 2, Week 2

December 11, 2012 – Day 1, Week 2

Dynamic Warm-ups

1) Strict Presses – Up to several sets of 235x2

2) Barbell Close Grip Bench Presses w/ 50lbs of Chains – 265 for sets of 3

3) Parallel Bar Dips – bw+90x3x6

4) Neutral Grip Pullups – bw+10x5x6

5) Incline Chest Supported Dumbbell Rows – 80’sx3x12

6) Chinups/Incline Curls – bw/30’sx3x8/10

7) Isometric Abs

33 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: Felt off going in to the workout today. All of the overhead pressing felt heavy. The doubles were all hard fought. I did a warm-up set for the benching this time. Left shoulder was achy. Still quite good but nowhere near as easy as last time. Despite doubling the weight for dips, they didn't feel that much harder than last week. I did some warm-up sets as I was concerned with how heavy everything had felt so far. These were the first thing of the workout to feel good. Neutral grip pullups went well, felt slightly easier than last time. Right biceps was getting sore and really pumped. Incline chest supported rows were good as well, the increased weight and decreased reps were to my advantage. Very explosive reps. I was prepared for the superset this time. More reps on chins and less on the curls equaled it out but it was still very challenging again. Finished up with the iso holds. Didn't check the time once during these so getting better at blocking out the pain. Good deal of stretching afterwards.

December 12, 2012 – Day 2, Week 2

Dynamic Warm-ups

1) Squats – Up to several sets of 430x2

2) Olympic Pause Squats – 315 for sets of 6

3) Weighted Crunches – 100x3x12

4) 12" Log Cleans – 230x3x5

5) One Legged Romanian Dumbbell Deadlifts – 80’sx2x3

6) Land Mines – 25x4x8

31 Minutes of Stretching

Comments: Mixed feelings going into the workout. On one hand, I did quite well last time but I had been fresh. Weights felt heavy today too. Not as tough as pressing was yesterday though. Weight was light for the pause oly squats but again fatigue struck. First set felt tougher than the last time but I was in control. Felt comfortable with the crunches this time. Much more natural. Did log cleans this time for the event training as most of the shows that may be open in the Spring have log. Had good hip drive but really feeling exhausted on these. Just got to stay familiar. Dumbbell deads were Romanian style. Really easy this time and I wanted to speed up the workout so I did the sets with no rest. Landmines finished up the workout and I did them in between putting weights away.

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