Sunday, May 13, 2012

May 13, 2012 – Events

Dynamic Warm-ups

Bigg Dogg Strongg Dumbbell Clean and Presses
80x3 (11" bell)
115x3 (13" bell)
202x2 PR+9lbs & 1 rep

BiggDogg Strongg Yoke/Frame Medleys
900x50' (2 drops)/700x50'

BiggDogg Strongg Husafell Stone Carries (turns at 50')
352x175' PR+25'

Comments: Trained at Jerry's this time. I was really looking forward to seeing how work on the monstrous King Kong dumbell would translate to the not so monstrous Bigg Dogg Strongg dumbbell. Still using just my left arm since my right thumb/palm is still acting up on me. Felt good. First four attempts at 202lbs I had the power but couldn't stabilize it. I was resigning myself to just one more attempt and thought why not try it with a belt. Big difference. The clean was easy and even though I had it in poor postion on my shoulder, I got it. Ugly but got it. I started to walk away but thought why not try another rep. Missed it but then went again and got another. Very happy about that. Just got to get consistent at 200lbs but I got time. Plan for yoke/frame was to at least get in 750/550 for a run. It was ok, not great. Decided to at least test 900lbs on yoke for a pick. Once I got my feet positioned, it didn't feel bad so I said screw it and setup the contest weight for both (and then some for frame). Going up an incline made it really tough, dropped the yoke twice from losing my stability. Still finished it and took a bit of a breather before going at the frame. Grip was easy but my legs were jelly at this point. Finished up with husafell. I was aiming for 200'. Picking it up felt easy but my bottom hand never felt secure. Decided to weigh it afterwards to make sure. Turns out what we had thought was 300lbs was actually 289lbs and what I had thought was 365lbs was 352lbs. So while it is disappointing that I was using less weight than I had thought, it is still improvement.

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