Saturday, November 13, 2010

November 13, 2010 - Events?

Dynamic Warm-ups

18" Pick Farmers Walks
276x100' (turn at 50')
366x50' PR+13lbs

Sandbag/Keg/Prowler Medleys

Comments: This was just a stupid workout. I honestly had no real plans for this workout and Jon was planning on just doing farmer's and stones. I guess it started out alright, I jumped in at 276lbs no warm-up (Lou and I were late and I didn't want to have Jon strip it down) and that wasn't too bad. I got talked into going for a max on farmers and 366lbs wasn't bad. I royally suck at the pick. I foolishly tried 406lbs three times when I should have just done the one attempt. Of course those misses drained me and messed with my head. I was just out of it then. At that point it came down to Jon, Lou and I deciding what to do next and it got tossed around from stones, to no stones, to tire, no tire, tire again, zercher carries, why not conan's wheel, no zercher carries and then why not just go to Chipolte? I was perfectly content to call it there, go home and contemplate and rest. But Lou wanted to do some cardio with the tire. My shoulders are still recovering from last weekend. So I set up a little light medley. I need to rest.

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