Friday, March 31, 2023

March 30, 2023 – Week 3, Day 3

Kettlebell Arm Bars (3 second holds)

Close Grip Axle Floor Presses

Dumbbell Z Presses (2 second holds)

One Arm Band Rows (30 seconds)

Band Y Raise Holds
mb+µbx30 seconds
mb+µbx30 seconds

Comments: So not really getting answers with the medical appointment. I did indicate my displeasure about how I was called almost every day last week about the results of the blood work and not being given anything beyond that “levels” were high and I might have liver damage. Mailed out a diet plan for a “heart healthy” diet which I pretty much already follow. New doctor didn’t seem to recall sending me stuff or that he was aware of the high levels. I also apparently have anxiety with the readings so he did my blood pressure after I had been talking with him for a bit and my numbers were normal compared to when I first sat down and they were elevated. This physical felt like a waste of time since I don’t think my presence was needed if just going off numbers. Doctor not the one to discuss diet with if the suggestion is to “cut it in half”. And it could be genetic for the cholesterol. But as far as the liver, he told me that it is elevated but not one where it would be something like cancer or cirrhosis. My number was just below 100 when people with those conditions have it in the 100’s and 1000’s. So probably stressing about it for no reason. But have to get more blood work in two months and an ultrasound of the liver in two weeks. Oh well. On to training I guess. Well maybe not immediately. I was still not sure how things would go with the left shoulder ache and the left elbow also starting to ache. Those had been present during the day. And I had felt “flat” last week doing this workout so there were feelings of this being that great with past stuff of not being able to progress from week to week for upper body that was discovered last cycle. But putting best foot forward. No changes while coach away haha. Trust what is planned. Starting things off with the kettlebell arm bars. I was hesitant with how the left shoulder had felt on these last time (and I guess also the time before that). For whatever reason, I decided to use both of my 15lbs kettlebells. I’m not sure what compelled me but I did and it felt fine (no real difference) and then went for the initial turn and where I was expecting some discomfort, I felt none. I think I was shocked by that that I just laid there for a few seconds and realized I wasn’t to do that (I think I’ve previously done these as just a stretch/hold for time before) and then figured “screw it” and did 3 second holds in that position for the rest of it. I don’t know. Maybe feeling better or maybe the added weight actually helped. On in compressing downward and then from more muscles needing to work to stabilize. Not entirely sure. I did have some issues with getting my hands switched between sides. But this was a good start to things. Close grip axle floor press. This (besides the achy arm bars) last week had been the thing that was a bit frustrating. Felt like things had gone down from the previous week despite wrist discomfort being less. Could also be just being out of practice from prone pressing in general. Plan was to work up to a top set of 5-6 with 2-3RIR working up in triples. So even though last week’s 10lbs jump was an overshot, if I felt good, I could probably be ok with 10lbs more and drop off 3 reps and be ok for the higher end even if not my best. That was the feeling/mindset. So working up in 30lbs jumps has been ok I guess for pressing. These went better and felt more like they should. As far as down sets, 2 of them this time with matching reps with 10% decrease. I have no idea what was up with the first set. It felt fine and then I immediately misgrooved that first rep. I had a few more too but eventually got it shorted out to finish the set. Ugh, I really didn’t want a repeat of last week where I was struggling on the down sets. Got my mind right and made sure I stayed tight and didn’t misgroove and I knocked the reps out like a fast paced piston. That’s how it should be. From there it was z presses with dumbbells. First week oops and second week was more like it should be. The decrease in the reps here (still one top set) with no needing to do 5’s on every work up set I think had me feeling like I could safely get away with a 10lbs jump rather than a 5lbs jump like I had planned on doing. Oh well. Left side was feeling a little out of synch. I bungled the getting dumbbells into position part. Not with actually initiating the set and to the shoulders but just getting both in my lap and upright. That was a mistake. I thought I had it figured out last week. But I guess better than the first week. A little tougher than I would’ve liked here but I still got the reps in. These get tough so very quickly and fatigue in the neck/traps make it very hard to hold that lockout solid. But this is good for me to be working on it. Rest of workout was bands. One arm band rows again. I stuck with the same increased band tension I did last week. First set I was already getting more reps than the best set last week and then got even more with my other side. And this wasn’t just a matter of the adjusting the tempo where there is like a second left and keeping the sides balanced. It was a 3 rep difference. I wasn’t planning on getting a rep per second really so I increased the bands more for the second set after some hesitation. Nope, I just was getting warmed up and got more reps total with the higher band tension. I guess more band tension or just get used to reps being that rapid and still getting a good ROM. Last thing was the y raise holds. I had not intended to increase the band tension as I know this position is like a stress position really and any change can be dramatic. But I felt like this was one that feels good on the shoulders and just increase it a little bit. That little bit I think is the most I’ll do on this as far as band tension as that sensation was like I had eaten horseradish as far as the contraction needed to initiate and get into position that first set. I was bit more prepared for it the second set. Put stuff away and stretched while I awaited delivery (curry). I had a $10 off from when they were offline Saturday so figured use it while I figure out meals and potential adjustments with things.

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