Thursday, March 23, 2023

March 22, 2023 – Week 2, Day 2

Nordic Curl Eccentrics (5 seconds)
bwx4 (miscounted)

13” Axle Jack Stand Pulls (straps)

Trap Bar B Stance Romanian Deadlifts (3 second eccentrics)

Heel Elevated Goblet Squats (3-0-3-0 tempo)

Landmine Bar Twists

Comments: Little stresses throughout the week so far. Had a trash bag leak requiring cleaning up a good bit of stuff Monday evening. Getting messages and calls from doctor’s office about issues with results of my blood work but not really telling me what is going on. Ants Tuesday evening that I had to take care of (I don’t like killing things but ants kind of have to with how they are, more an army than an animal). The doctor stuff is the more stressful thing. Most stuff is in the normal range. Cholesterol a little high (runs in family or as I told my dad “no one runs in our family”). The concern is stuff that is elevated that would normally be a sign of liver damage. Appointment is in about a week. I’ve not had contact like this from a doctor ever and I don’t think this screening was ever done on me. But I’m getting daily calls about it and not much information and it is stressing me out. My own research suggests that I’ve probably had this going on for a long time and that wasn’t noticed because never screened for it. The anti-depressant I’m on is known for this. Just finding out good news about it all the time. I mean, I had known about the withdraw symptoms from just missing a day in the past. Not like I was going to be making an informed decision back in high school when I started. But won’t know I guess what is going on until I see the doctor. On that note, I’ve been trying to cut back on the allergy medications since those could elevate my blood pressure. Today first day with nothing taken. I got a bit distracted with things as I intended to get things setup for training during my lunch break. Starting things off with Nordic curl negatives. Same as last week was the plan. Low RPE and 3x5 with 3-5ct eccentrics. I was feeling more comfortable with these this time around. Last time had been right after the competition. I felt like I could push these a bit and did 5 second eccentrics. I miscounted the last set by mistake. From there it was axle pulls. I was somewhat nervous about these. Because of what was still tight and sore. Left side lat/rib cage on top of the shoulder stuff. I’ve never had my lats become an issue with pulls but I guess just concerns. Turns out my right side upper back was feeling more of an issue. Always something. Plan was a heavier session compared to last time. Work up to 75-77.7% for 3x5 and long rests, report back how the last set felt. I figured that big jumps probably wasn’t the best thing. I can get away with it when there are pauses or doing a lot of sets or suit work. So plan was 40-50lbs jumps and dropping reps as I went up. Mostly I think to get used to reps and volume. Working didn’t inspire confidence. These felt “heavier” working up then last week. Granted that was after a few days off a contest and first session vs this time being after a week of training and one of those sessions being decently heavy frame carry. So I kind of knew these would probably feel rough and just have to grit through it and get used to pulling normally rather than side handle. Know that I can get better as I go, as I get used to it. So that first set was pretty rough but I knew what I was about. Need to get better at finding the sweet spot and rhythm. Second set felt better but not quite there. Last two reps I seemed to hesitate a little. Last set I got myself set and that did feel like the best set. I’m in the range I need to be for the working max and potentially to push above that. I did end up getting a bit of friction burn on the left knee from these. The rest of the workout was going to be a repeat of last week with the exercises; just a change in the intensity. So next up was b-stance trap bar pulls. Again, 2x8-12 reps with 3 second eccentrics. I knew I could do more weight compared to what I had done last time, especially if the ceiling for RPE was increased. I think my only concern here was just grip fatigue as while the balance changes between sides, the grip only gets the rest between the sides and sets rather than just the sets. Working grip on other stuff is probably a good idea as this show will have Hercules hold with no hook grip and the frame carry will be really tough as the last event. It also could run very quickly as well. So need to be conditioned for that. These were fine. Besides feeling like I was exhausted after each set. Next was goblet squats. Same as last time but slightly higher RPE. Unlike the previous exercise and the next exercise, this one doesn’t appear to be going forward as an exercise for the next two weeks. Appears it will be replaced with something else next time. Shame, after this session, this might be the best these have felt when I’ve done them as far as fatigue and knee stuff. Stuck to same tempo as last week. Only really noticing the increased weight by the end of the second and third set with fatigue. Keeping an eye on any muscle spasms or twitches as my quads get quite pumped from this. Surprisingly, my fatigue as far as my “air” was substantially less compared to the trap bar stuff. Usually squatting motions take it out of me more. Last thing was bar twists. These were to be at a low RPE and same setup as last time. I felt that I’d be better prepared and use more weight than last time. In the past, I’ve done 45lbs added comfortably. But want to be cautious with adding in new things with twisting and whatnot. Also want to control and last time there were some shoulder tension I was noticing. Didn’t seem to be nearly as present this time around. Put stuff away and got dinner ready. Stretched and iced knees before bed.

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