Thursday, March 30, 2023

March 29, 2023 – Week 3, Day 2

Nordic Curl Eccentrics (5 seconds)

13” Axle Jack Stand Pulls w/ bands (straps, +40lbs/+111lbs)
No Bands
Add Bands

Trap Bar B Stance Romanian Deadlifts (3 second eccentrics)

Paused Safety Squat Bar Squats (3 seconds, 2” above parallel on concentric)

Landmine Bar Twists

Comments: Something unexpected before training. So changes being made to the Regional show I am doing end of June. It is now going to be a two day show with an extra event added (sandbag toss series). Initially a little annoyed about it now being a two day show because that would mean more money to stay out there as well as meal costs but it could be a boon in that it will be more like Nationals in that it is a two day show. And as far as adding an event, I can’t be mad with sandbag toss. Or that it will allow for some rest for grip between the exercises. And I was kind of wanting to do some tossing events again. It could’ve been something like a front hold (that one two day Regional show is doing) and I’d have been pissed and probably dropped out. But these changes are fine as while I’ve already qualified for Nationals, this will be more practice on top of a possible Arnold bid. Also sounds like if I podium I get direct invite to Regionals for 2024 as well. Which could be fruitful for me to picking competitions and training. As I am thinking about next year already as far as what will make sense as far as off season. I guess depends on how this show and Nationals go. Stick with what I’ve been doing (winter and summer off season) or change it up. Anyways, it was time to get to training. Starting things off with Nordic curl negatives. Same as last week was the plan. Low RPE and 3x5 with 3-5ct eccentrics. Other than miscounting the reps on the last set, these were good last week. Lower back had felt some fatigue after the heavy event work that Saturday. I got to keep watch of the little muscles in the lower legs on these as these can be quite brutal on them. I feel stronger and better control. Almost miscounted the second set. From there it was axle pulls. The more “speed” week so to speak. Indication was to use 50-55% weight and then add 15-20% in bands. Light bands had worked out well enough for trap bar pulls last training cycle and considering this was to be higher band percentage, this should work. Band tension ended up being slightly less at start but about the same at lockout compared to setup with the trap bar. I had to look back on the axle pulls from Nationals and see what I was doing there as far as working up. I guess I was doing pretty big jumps. This was a little different compared to that first easy week where it was no bands and singles. This was a good amount of bands and for triples. I was also to control the eccentrics. It can be challenging to do that with bands as it can feel like it is pretty slow/controlled but it is moving not much different from just lowering it. As I went, I feel that I got better with pulling with authority and lowering with control as well as bracing. At least up to the third or fourth set. Then it was evening out and controlling the eccentric more. I guess good thing was that I didn’t get friction burn on my legs this time around. Those first two exercise take some setup and teardown which I work in as being part of active rest but also allows me to get some fluids in without risk of it coming right back up. So next up was b-stance trap bar pulls. Still two set but the RPE increased and rep range decreased. Still with 3 second eccentrics. I had an idea to try and push these and aim for the lower end of the rep range potentially as these seem to be quite fatiguing. However, it seems that I’m still figuring out what I can actually do on these. Essentially did 50lbs jumps in triples. Next time that may be unnecessary to start with the empty bar. I was expecting that first set to be the top weight but I still felt good for a bit more still. Got to keep thinking on the stretch in the hamstrings, the balance in the hips, bracing for the core and grip for the frame. Next week is supposed to be the last session of these. Next was a squat variation. It had been those tempo goblet squats. I was digging those but I guess a change needed. Safety squat bar is back. This was a little tricky for me as it was to be a variation of pause squats but the RPE was really low (4-5). I know how difficult paused work can be for me and this was going to be a new one for me. Pauses yes but not where I’m doing them on the concentric for squats. I’ve done them on strict presses and for deadlifts and they are just terrible. So my lowball estimate was to do working sets with 205lbs but working up I could see that might be pushing it. Really seems to be hitting my quads in the spot where they are not the strongest. I didn’t feel I worked up to enough weight to warrant using the hard belt (I had planned to if I was using 205lbs for all sets). Got to get consistent with the pause location on these but I feel I’ll adapt as I do these more. Last thing was bar twists. RPE notes indicated to increase a bit. Seeing as how with the 35lbs added that the diameter potentially was an issue with the lower end ROM (unless I placed it in the right spot) I decided rather than going with a 45lbs plate, that I’d just use my “25s” instead. The added weight and position definitely was noticed. Maybe it was fatigue from doing short rest between sides and normal rest between sets but the right side seemed to feel harder than it usually does (seems to be the easier side). I was feeling a little touchy with the right knee pivoting though. Put stuff away and got dinner ready. Stretched after eating and iced knees before bed. Physical tomorrow, maybe I get some answers.

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