Friday, March 3, 2023

March 2, 2023 – Week 19, Day 3

Band Assisted Thread The Needles

Swiss Bar Bench Presses w/ bands (+28lbs/+48lbs)
No bands
Add Bands

One Arm Band Rows

Paused Band Y Raises (2 seconds)

Single Arm Overhead Band Triceps Extensions (followed by 30 seconds stretch)

15 Min Walk

Comments: Past two days taking allergy meds. Just noticing some more allergy based stuff is all. I mean, pretty much take nasal spray every morning but this is Claritin in addition to that. Try to take only when I need it. Work I feel I’m not getting enough stuff done. Trying to keep my head clear and mind sharp so my body can relax. Shorter workout so I knew I could take my time here. Get some thoughts out first and then go through a quick workout. Still feeling aches and such that seem to pop up and wander around. But the gnawed on spine sensation is not present so that is good. But there is still stuff that needs to recover fully and got to dance the fine line of keeping finger on the pulse but recouping. Moving with purpose but not overdoing it. Resting but not to the point of lethargy. It has been several months since pushed for a peak so getting used to that too. This workout has been the easiest workout for a few weeks so this was not really much of a change here. Just some intensity, volume and exercises dropped. First up was “thread the needles”. I had switched the sides I started with last time and that seemed to be a good change up so did that again. Only one set this time for just a few more reps. No changes to the band and setup. Pulling from the right arm has been feeling like something being done to the scapulae rather than just truck rotation. Started to get that a little with the left side as well. From there on to benching with the swiss bar against bands again. I was a little confused with the plan. Notes indicated to do 5x3 with between 165-195lbs. RPE 3-4 and adding slight pauses if I went lighter. But also indicating 20% decrease from last week (250lbs so 200lbs). I’m better with determining RIR rather than RPE, especially at the lower RPE. I think because a previous coach that used RPE had indicated that something that low was like walking level of effort. And effort can change depending on intent and if I’m treating things seriously or not. So I went closer to the number that made sense and did 190x5x3. I also was under the expectation that it would probably feel a little like the band pulls the day before. Hip/lower back stuff still tight but I didn’t feel the immediate need to do traction on my back or to do hip distraction stuff to alleviate things. Right wrist still sore but I guess not as bad as last week. I won’t really be needing it really for the contest for pressing (more afterwards with the next contest). Rest of the workout was going to be about the same as last week as far as the band only exercises. Band rows the first set felt a little harder than I remember but the second set I felt more in control. Again, working on bracing where I needed to be stiff and loose where I needed to be loose. I evolved it a bit on the second set with having my back foot pivot with the pulling motion too. These band pulls can feel quite good and still keep me in shape for heaving heavy things. Next was Y raises. Same thing here of no changes. One set of 12-15 reps with 1-2ct holds. Just getting in the work and keeping shoulders and upper back mobile. Triceps with stretch again as well. No elbow aches, easy stuff. Maybe too easy? Again, I’m not sure how to really judge the lower RPE and such. Especially on some exercises I can just gut out reps on even when fatigued. I got a little distracted on the first set for the left side on the stretch but I managed to get the time right for the stretch and hold. So that was it for the lifting portion. Added stuff on the upper body days as far as notes was to do walking and stretching (5-10 minutes). I only do the walking on the off days for 2 miles and I do stretch after lifting for like 35 minutes or so. So I went for a short walk. I think I thought the one loop I was doing was only going to be a 7-10 minutes but either I miscalculated or misremembered as this ended up being 15 minutes. Oh well. No harm done. I had already put the weights away before I went for a walk it was then just time to cook dinner. Stretched out after eating. No icing since walking wasn’t really that much a bother on the knees compared to if I was also doing KOT and mobility stuff. Also worked on getting my contest strategy on paper. With the potential crappy weather coming up, going to stay home rather than drive out to the gym for the last “event” session.

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