Monday, October 24, 2022

October 24, 2022 – Week 1, Day 1

One Arm Half Kneeling Dumbbell Strict Presses (3-1-3-0 tempo)

One Arm Half Kneeling Band Lat Pulldowns (30 second sets)

Front Foot Elevated Split Squats (4”, 3-0-3-0 tempo)

Suitcase Carries (turns at 50’)

Forwards Sled Drags (straight leg, heel emphasis)
165x5 minutes
165x5 minutes

Comments: Well good I guess is anxious to get back to training. I had to keep myself from wanting to do this workout on Saturday as opposed to Monday. Some of that enthusiasm had gone away as my neck on the left side started to feel off Saturday evening and then bottom of my right foot Sunday evening. Hell, all I’ve been doing is resting, walking and reading. But seemed to have subsided and I was waiting for work to finish up so I could train. Even though not training for anything specific yet and this wasn’t going to be the fun kind of training. This was going to be the necessary training to feel good to then do the fun stuff again. So starting things off with pressing. Single arm strict presses while in the half kneel stance. Been here before but not with tempo. Tempo really puts a halt in things as far as what I know I can do. I know I can do 80lbs for good amount of reps without tempo. But with tempo, need to reassess. Plan was 3x8-10 with 4-5RIR. So fostering really light weight here. I did 10lbs to warm up and it felt like nothing for my left side but it felt like something for the right (I had tested left first even though stronger side because of the bursitis issue). With that, I felt that 40lbs would be tough to get under the radar of being in the right range so going for just 3x8. Tough but needed. Resting between each side and set. Got through these but could feel the work being done and fatigue. Next was more upper body stuff; lat pulls. One arm with bands and my choice of half kneeling or seated. Went with half kneeling as that seemed to be more what I’ve done. More time in that stance and would help me keep track of having done one side and the other better rather than just seated. Body awareness and positioning changes to note the passage of time and sets. For these, I was to pull towards my hip and do them for time rather than reps. 30 second sets. I timed and kept track of reps. I was slower and more cautious at the start and then faster as I went. Made sure I evened things out after being off pace on the one side at the start. From there it was on to lower body focused stuff. Unilateral leg exercise of choice but suggestion was to be quad dominant. As well as other hints to aim towards a particular type of exercise. Namely a front foot elevated one with tempo. Kind of like those stores of parents having children go out and find a branch for whipping them. Plan was 3x10-15 with 4-5RIR. I went with the split squat with similar tempo to the strict pressing. Figured that would have me probably using bodyweight and would allow me to not immediately overload my knees as well as focus on getting that knee over toe point worked. Right knee is perpetually achy but stronger. Why 13 reps? Well 10 was too easy and 12 was feeling like I was leaving too much in the tank that first set but felt that I was pushing it trying to do more so here we are. With those out of the way, I had to move outside to finish up. Needed to kind of be efficient here as daylight fading. First moving exercise was suitcase carries. 2x100’ and resting between sides and sets. With how my street is, I didn’t want to be doing 100’ straight shots with me doing uphill one side and downhill the other so I did a turn at 50’ so I got uphill and downhill each side. I was surprised how easy the left side felt and then a little shocked that the right side felt tougher. Figuring that it was just fatigue but even for the second set it felt like that. Last thing was more sled dragging for a long time. Two sets of if going forwards for 5 minutes. Plan I guess was to kind of treat it like a single leg reverse hyperextension with no eccentric as I was to be trying to keep my legs straight and drive with the heel. Got all the bright and flashy things on for this. Go out however far I needed for the first set and I guess come back the second set after 2 minutes rest. My tibialis anterior started to cramp up like shin splints near the end of the first set from me really trying to emphasize the heel drive. Was walking a little funny putting stuff away. Ate dinner and stretched out before icing my knees and elbow before bed.

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