Tuesday, August 30, 2022

August 29, 2022 – Week 4, Day 1

Warm Up Circuit

Axle Push Presses w/ bands (+22lbs bottom/+40lbs top)
Cluster Reps (10 seconds)

Axle Close Grip Bench Presses
(6 second eccentrics)
(3 second eccentrics)

Paused Halbert Dumbbell Raises on Incline Bench (2 seconds)

Plate Lu Raises

Incline Dumbbell Tate Extensions w/µb’s 

Comments: Keeping eye on the right knee. Seems to be calming down a little. There will be some added stress this workout but probably the least amount really compared to the other sessions this week. Warmed up with the wall slides and y raises. There had been a tightness in the ribcage on the right side but not in the affected area but this was before training had started for the day. Then on to axle work. Pushing pressing against bands for cluster reps again. Same weight, sets, reps and rests. Idea was to “progress” with focus of intent on moving things very fast and powerfully. Not holding back and going kind of CAT. The past two sessions on the working up, I’ve kept the axle on the shoulders for the set but I felt that I should treat it more like the working sets and deload on the rack each rep. There was definitely an increased soreness factor. My left pec became tight and sore as did both of my shoulders. I figure this may have something to do with increasing the sandbag over shoulder inadvertently by 56lbs. I had also noticed that my left shoulder had felt more stiff/sore after that first week. But thankfully less aches. So with things feeling tougher, it was hard to say if I was truly progressing here or just feeling like I was still going fast. As with last week, last set felt the best. Not every rep felt like a single movement  every set as there were definitely times where I could feel it being a slight delay in the triceps locking out the weight. Putting that kind of output is exhausting. At the end, I’d say that RIR was about the same as last week but potentially slightly less just with how sore shoulders felt. Axle close grip benching. Last week of this setup with the long eccentrics. Plan was 5-6ct eccentric and then take 20% off that for 3x3 with 3ct eccentric. Assuming things went well here, I was expecting a 10lbs increase on last week with dropping off 2 seconds from the eccentric on the top single. I already had started things off at too high an RPE really but I just needed to progress here if possible and then switch to something else after this. The increases in weight really seem to hit hard on these. The last single before the goal felt like RPE 8 which is probably what I should’ve been using at the start I guess. It appears I may have misplaced my compression cuff set but I have one so that was good enough for the one elbow that needs it (right). I just like having both for symmetry and not having one arm being more mobile than the other. Got this rep though it was a little tougher. Down sets for triples. These I didn’t need to take long breaks really compared to the singles since the eccentrics cut in half. I feel like the first set it took a bit to get things moving right to be fast enough as opposed to a slightly slower tempos. Last set wasn’t the best because I was getting attacked by mosquitoes on my legs and neck. They do love to get me when I bench. Into the garage for a slight reprieve. Halbert raises back with pauses. Plan is to stick to 3x10 for a few weeks. I was given the option of increasing weight or increasing hold times. I elected to increasing weight. I feel that getting comfortable with moving weights for this position with a pause vs less weight with longer pause is more important since I felt I struggled with adding weight to this motion previously. The hold for longer would be more fatiguing but I can attach that motion with other exercises if emphasis needed whereas this motion itself is a bit unique compared to say a face pull with band tension. 2lbs added to these and it felt about the same as last week so that was good. Back outside for plate raises. 3x10-15 again, advised to go with 10’s and 5’s together if I felt I could handle it. Managed 3x15 again here. Soreness in the shoulders. Still control in the motion but certainly not as slow as when I was doing 10’s alone. Last thing was Tate’s again but with some modifications. I think this has to do with the lack of jumps for dumbbells but maybe this is also just to change things up. Changing to incline and given the option to add micro bands to it. I setup an anchor behind the bench. I was a little worried it would be awkward and cumbersome to setup and get dumbbells into position but it wasn’t that bad. Used the suggestion from last week with the hand to one side to increase ROM as much as I could. Still got 3x15 with plenty in the tank. It was more challenging compared to the standard variation. Put stuff away and tried to use Chipotle gift cards for dinner but they were out of all the ingredients (why even be open?) so came back home to cook dinner. Stretched and iced the right knee before bed.

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