Friday, August 12, 2022

August 11, 2022 – Week 1, Day 2

Axle Clean and Push Presses (clean every rep)
Cluster Reps (15 seconds)

Axle Push Presses

Seated Axle Pin Presses (6” ROM, No Back Support)

Push Ups on Kettlebells (feet elevated 12”)

Dumbbell Cuban Rotations

Paused Band External Rotations (2 seconds)/Single Arm Overhead Band Triceps Extensions (5 second eccentric)
µbx15/15 – mmbx15/15
µbx15/15 – mmbx15/15

Comments: There was some anticipation to this workout. It would be the first real workout back from the show. The one where effort would be needed. And it was training towards Nationals. It has been 5yrs since I’ve been. Not that I didn’t qualify in 2018 or 2021 (didn’t attempt to in 2020 or 2019). Last year I didn’t feel I was ready for it. I hadn’t gotten things back to where they were yet in pressing events and a few other things were under par. Honestly, last year’s events I still wouldn’t feel like I was ready at this point still. Things are lining up better for this one. But that doesn’t mean it will be easy training. The things I’m good at tend to be terrible to train. Finally starting to get a break in this fever high temperatures that have been endemic to this year. So much so that crops in my parent’s garden didn’t react as usual and I’ve barely had to mow my lawn. Probably good thing considering for training. So most of this workout was axle. I have to make up with axle fast. Only overhead event for nationals and it is for max like two shows back. I really had to sit and think here. I went through trainings as far back as 2015 to get ideas on what went wrong and what could be added to the new to lead to the best performance. So part of that anticipation was seeing if those thoughts and ideas worked. Starting things off with the full movement of clean and push press. Not going to bother with jerks. Commit to one style and hone it. So that is essentially the belt clean and push press. First thing was light and form work. Advised to do a triple at 50%, 60% and 70% and treat them like cluster singles. Another chance to test the grip shirt out. 50lbs wasn’t really enough. Need to see how things move and feel with this. Thankful it wasn’t beastly hot as it is heavy and dark material. Why they have to make all these things for support such dark colors? Hair was getting a bit distracting so I managed to shove it all up into my do-rag for a good bit of the session. Other than mosquitoes nipping at my ankles, this was comfortable and easy. I wore more than I needed here as far as support stuff as it was recommended to treat these as max and wear what I would for that. Turning the buckle to the side on the hard belt so that I don’t get that issue I had with it getting caught on the pull. From there, it was axle out of the rack. For some additional work. Plan here was just 80% for a triple and then a max rep set with 2RIR. Stop when slowing down. I was initially going to do a different working up but thing seemed fine with bigger jumps. I also wasn’t going for one all out set without touching the top weight first so that helped. I took off some of the support gear as not needed. Even though I don’t need a grip shirt for out of the rack stuff, I left it on just so that in the event that the fabric changes things any that I’m not getting out of sorts. There were nerves here. Not really been doing reps and there has been struggles with this kind of weight when I accidentally did it against band tension last cycle. And the first rep felt slow with this on the triple. Trying to not panic while walking out the weight (there are plans to address that issue). It felt better on the rep set. I felt it was fast the first 4 reps and then there was some slow down so as not to get off balance and fatigue after that. It still looks fast on video. Probably could’ve stopped at 7 and been fine but I wanted 8 so that I could say I could do 10 for max reps. So the normal pressing work was done and on to the thing I was interested in; short ROM pin presses. This seemed to be a constant in my training in 2015 to 2016 and usually with a log. Seated with 6” ROM and for reps, usually low. My form may not have been the best on say log clean and press but my lockout was good. That time frame I was able to hit 300lbs for a double at 2015 Nationals (as well as reps on a 200lbs dumbbell) and then got 320lbs on axle with a close miss at 340lbs. Drew did make some changes to this suggestion with these being without back support. Carry over would be minimal and wasted effort if weight’s end up being more than 20% over goal weight. Looking at 325lbs so 390lbs and under works. Same but different feel. Again, keeping grip shirt on just because. I initially thought the top setting would be needed but that was a little high so lowered it one. I had an expectation that I was going to be using 275lbs at least here. It can be tricky with pin presses as it could be a thing where a little bit more just won’t budge. Plan here was 3x5 working from 4RIR to 2RIR. So a little trial and error. It was one of those things where a certain weight was moving really easy and then the next weight wasn’t. I did attempt 320ish and it wasn’t budging for me. Some weights moved real easy but it is still a lot pressure as my back on the lower right side (like the QL) is stiff and tight from these. I got that immediate muscle soreness in the area right around the elbows and my triceps were kind of twitching. Not a bad soreness, like an untrained this is hitting what was being missed thing. So excited to see how these progress. So that was it for axle stuff and on to the reps and such. My choice of push ups and I went into the garage for these. Get a little reprieve from the mosquitoes. Replacing incline. Incline other than log has been not fun mentally or physically. Shoulders and neck have not enjoyed them when it is a bar or axle on the left side. But getting shoulder and pec work is beneficial so push ups seem to be the most friendly. So plan here being my choice to get some shoulder and chest work and keep it 8-12 rep range with 3-5RIR. So a bit of play. As far as ones that seem to feel good for me and not a headache setup wise (bands are good but a pain), I’ve really dug the push-ups I’ve done using my kettlebells. Get a stretch and open up the shoulders. However, I know I can do like 20 reps or so with RIR even with tempo and holds so I elevated my feet to make things interesting. Triceps were twitching but not that big an issue. My anterior deltoids were very sore and stiff. Felt too easy first set but the fatigue built up over the sets had this be right in the range for the last two reps. Probably add a little weight to back pack for next time. Rotator work after that with dumbbells. Cuban rotations and used the 10’s. Feel a little jarring and get tough quick over the sets. I rotated my position for the camera to get front, side and back video in case anything looks funky. Back outside to finish things up with bands. A superset of external rotations and triceps. Been doing internal and I’m a good bit stronger at those. Usually it is external and light weight. I forgot which side was the one that had issues keeping up but it is the left side. It has been a bit since I’ve done these. Towel pinch and holds. Not bad really, just takes a long time with the reps. Or so I thought until I did the triceps. So these were single arm as well but with 5 second eccentrics. My arms were shaking trying to control them this much. I think more from the effort I made them put out for the pin presses. Just had to kind of go into a zen state and they started to be fine. Put stuff away and made a brief visit to visiting family before back home to cook dinner and stretch.

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