Sunday, August 21, 2022

August 20, 2022 – Week 2, Day 4

Patrick Stepdowns (3 second eccentrics)
bwx20/20 at 6”

One Legged Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts (opposite side)

Safety Squat Bar Squats

Titan Fitness Farmer’s Walks (16” pick)

I-Beam Farmer’s Holds (20” pick)
298x5 seconds
338x36.16 seconds

Jog/Sprint/Jog/Backwards Sled Drags

Glute Ham Raises (4 pins showing)

Comments: I was not expecting big things for today as I wasn’t feeling that great. Physically mostly but a little mentally. I think it was a bit of a lot of things just kind of coming all together. Start of it being the rib/lat/QL issue that popped up so to speak on my first real workout back from the previous contest. So that is some added stress on top of things. It kind of comes and goes as far as flaring up and not too much rhyme or reason. There is some learned helplessness when there doesn’t appear to be control. Wednesday I got a fever blister, which is usually from me being stressed enough that my immune system isn’t able to fight off stuff like normal. Thing is that usually I get bit of a post competition stress wave that seems to hit like two weeks or so afterwards. Thursday I had to change up the routine (which even if I tell myself is necessary, it comes at cost) so working out early to make it after work to a friend’s event (another deviation, even if it is something I want to do). I felt wiped after that and stressed and so Friday I woke up feeling like I needed Dayquil to get things to be tolerable with talking and hearing people on the phone at work. Right eye twitch started too so I knew that for Saturday to be something, I’d need to get affairs in order and rest. So no walking as that would eat into things since I had a lot on my plate. With how training was setup, it wasn’t one that would be a longer session and I didn’t need anyone to assist with anything so I knew that I could sleep in. I wanted to have restful sleep and with the eye twitch, constantly clenching my jaw and teeth with the general feeling of a minor summer head cold, I took Nyquil. I had decent enough sleep but I was not feeling like this was going to be a good training day and I was trying to think of ways to not go out and train and just do it at home. But it wouldn’t be the same as last week for certain exercises to compare so that was enough to make me go. I saw on the way out that there was construction on the bridge coming home that had it down to one lane of traffic so I was kind of hoping that it would be back to normal on the way back (spoiler, it wasn’t). Drive took a little bit to get out there. It felt a lot hotter than it actually was when I was there. But sometimes when I’m feeling awful, I burn brightest. The stepdowns were like they have been. Good and fine. Not very taxing compared to some other unilateral work that has been done as warm-ups for training over the past year and half with Drew. But these seem to be low impact but get the job done as far as knees and ankles with the hard foam setup. The next part was where I realized that this might be one of those days where I feel crap but can do well as stuff. Next thing being offset rdls with the dumbbell for 2x10. My original plan here was to do 70lbs for the working set as I felt that 60lbs last time had been maybe a little too light. I did a warm up set with 40lbs and it felt way too easy but still wanted to be sure with 70lbs. It was quite easy so I went for 80lbs on the second set and that was only tougher to balance as opposed to the weight being terribly difficult. So I guess 80lbs or slightly more next time. I did notice that these felt easy but my air was taking a bit to come back between sets, which wouldn’t be a great for the next exercise. Squats with the ssb again. I got to use the good rack this week. Same weight as last week but doing 3x4 and then an AMRAP set (2-3RIR). The good was that knees still seeming to be cool with these with relatively little in the way of knees aching. Also these weren’t feeling like a two part motion on the concentric like last week. Bad was that I was sweating a ridiculous amount and my recovery between the sets wasn’t promising. Also my rehband belt I’ve had for over 10yrs finally broke on the Velcro on one of the straps Thursday so been a bit tricky keeping that secured by itself a the moment. Uncertain if I’m going to spring for a replacement or not as I tend to use things until they can’t be used at all. But the weight was moving well and feeling light. I was to do 3 minute rests and tend to not do that it seems. I thought I was walking slow enough to make the rest here be that but it was closer to 2 minutes (maybe 2.5 minutes) with only getting it to 3 minutes for the AMRAP set. These did seem to feel and move better as I went. AMRAP set I stopped when I felt the bar speed slow down noticeably. It might have been similar to last week really with it being like 4RIR. After I racked the weight, I was super gassed and breathing heavy. Felt like I was overheating so I took my time tearing down and setting things up for the next thing. Farmer’s walk runs this week. With how much these are going to be a part of this training cycle, I’ve been singing to myself “I’m fool to do the farmer’s walk oh yeah, I don’t want to do the farmer’s walk no more” to the tune of Steely Dan’s “Dirty Work”. Plan was to do 6 runs of 40’ done EOMOM style. As far as weight, it was suggested that I do something I know I can complete all the runs with but that the runs would be 7 seconds or faster. That last bit was what was going to be tricky. Even though the distance is shorter, my pick is the part where I am slower so even picking a lighter weight, I may still be not at that time. For this training cycle since I don’t have the exact handles (as I don’t think they even sell them) I’m using different ones for different things to try and get a rounded experience. I’m sticking with Titan Fitness for the lighter stuff at the moment. These handles feel tough in my hands with how the grips are but I think the show implements will be thinner but I know those can be rough on the hands for multiple sets. I wasn’t going to really know what my times were really here with going off of EOMOM rather than doing a “ready, set, go”. Right knee was feeling a little achy. My hope was that I could do 275lbs for these today (I feel that I could do 315lbs with the rests periods and squeak it out but it would be slow as a dead snail and I’d be gassed) but with how 225lbs felt in my hands, I knew that I’d have to go lighter. So I dropped 10lbs from that so I’d just be over 80% of the heavier set of farmer’s at Nationals. I went on my own time rather than waiting for the timer to beep. 10 seconds left and I’d count 10 seconds and go so that I was able to get my brace right and not be rushing things as that is a recipe for bad things. Especially with the ribcage issue. Picks felt slow to me but I felt like moving speed was decent. I think the thing was most pleased with was that there wasn’t any discomfort with this movement at any point for the irritated area. I can’t confidently say these were 7 seconds or less though. I was sweating a ton still and even with the liquid chalk, I had to reapply dry chalk a few times just to keep from having sweaty hands. My shirt was light blue when I got there and now it was almost navy blue with how much I sweated. Farmer’s walk stuff wasn’t done just yet. Time for a grip hold set. Plan was 30-40 seconds at RPE 8. Since I knew my lower back was feeling fuctiged (hence slow picks) that elevating the height 4” was probably best idea here. I swapped out the Titan Fitness handles for the I-beams since I think these grips are actually closer to what is going to be used. Most I’ve picked and held with these has been 352lbs and that was from a 22” pick height and I was doing 20” today. Seeing as how I wanted to do over contest weight of 330lbs, I felt that rather than jump right to whatever weight that I’d do a in between pick and hold from the runs since that was 146lbs jump in weight. This actually didn’t feel too bad. I counted to 40 in my head before I put the weight down as I didn’t need to be exact here. I could hold longer for sure. So that was nice. Next thing was low impact but skill work. Event at show is sandbag carries into a backwards sled drag. This was more to focus on the movements before getting to the sled drag. So by that, it was jog 50’, sprint 50’, jog 50’ and then backwards sled drag 50’. Plan here was two sets with the weight being something that took me 15-20 seconds to complete and then 30 seconds to complete last set. I figured I had things set for that but perhaps not. The good was that my body didn’t explode on the sprint portion. Weight felt like I hit it just right for the first set on the sled drag. But afterwards I was breathing heavy and I had to set it up with more weight and be ready to go in 2 minutes. I had already decided that I’d add 175lbs sandbag to the top of the sled for ease in loading. I was wondering if it was too much. Realized that I forgot to put on the soft belts like I’d have on for this that first set. Maybe that made the difference in things as the increased weight only felt slightly heavier and I didn’t need 30 seconds to finish that part of the course. Took a bit to cool down from this before the last thing of the day. Glute ham raises again with just bw for 3 sets of 8-12 with 3RIR. Same as last week. I was wondering if due to the Nordic curls if there would be built up fatigue here to make this more challenging. Not really. I decided to head home to worry about stretching rather than stay at the gym as I’d need to get home and cook planned dinner for at least 90 minutes and I didn’t want to be eating at like 8:30PM or later. However, the road had different plans. Construction was still going on and my drive home almost took 2hrs so I ordered food instead since it would’ve been like 9PM by the time I could get the roast done and save it for tomorrow. Apparently they were doing construction from last night and it will be until Monday morning. Didn’t see this news posted until I got home. And apparently they are doing again next weekend and then again like 3 weeks after that. I’ll need to keep note of that and find alternative routes those days because that was a pain being stuck that long. Stretched when I got home and ate 10 tacos and iced my right knee.

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