Sunday, August 14, 2022

August 13, 2022 – Week 1, Day 3

Patrick Stepdowns (3 second eccentrics)
bwx20/20 at 6”

One Legged Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts (opposite side)

Safety Squat Bar Squats

Titan Fitness Farmer’s Deadlifts (16” pick)

Titan Fitness Farmer’s Shrugs (16” pick, heels on slant board)

Sandbag Over Shoulders (left)

Sandbag Carries (drops at 50’)

Glute Ham Raises (4 pins showing)

Comments: Still feeling workout from Thursday. Triceps and shoulders sore as well as still having tightness in the QL/lower lat area (also intercostals). I’ve had that before and I’ve been able to work through it with no disruption. Plan was to get up and out to train earlier because I needed help bringing in a new piece of equipment from home. I have sandbags at home but more often than not, I’m training at the strongman gym and the only times I haven’t have been due to a contest happening that takes all day (usually powerlifting) or schedule conflict (like with vacation issue). Nationals has a lot of sandbag and going from 300lbs to 350lbs with no in-between would really suck. So I ordered some lead shot (which ended up being harder to get than it was 5yrs ago) to add to my 313lbs sandbag to try and get it to be around 335lbs. I didn’t add the lead shot to it at home because why would I want it heavier when I got to put it in a vehicle first thing in the morning (and then take it out)? I also wanted to be there earlier so that I could catch the owners and let them know I brought in a new piece of kit. But I guess that wasn’t an issue because the gym was having a “PR Party” and they were there most of the day. I generally don’t like going early because more people are there that are generally local and it gets crowded and warm. But it wasn’t as hot as it had been this summer so it wasn’t that bad considering what I’ve gotten used to this year haha. There were a lot of people so odds were high that I’d have delays in training either because of needing a piece of equipment or because I’d be involved with helping for a PR. Despite my introvert nature and getting annoyed at my own what I feel is snail’s pace progress, I will be the hype man if I know what is going on and be happy with you. I think maybe that’s why I generally don’t go to shows as a spectator or as a helper. It is exhausting and I’m always training myself. Any ways, I had to get to work today. It wasn’t a lot but it could be depending on things. So starting things off with easy stuff for knees with the lower height step downs. High reps for one set with eccentrics. Using the hard foam again. I haven’t felt the need to ice my knees so far but that could be just from not beating up the joints and inflaming tendons from the workload since I just did a show where I deloaded and now reloading. A small boy asked me what I was doing about halfway in (thankfully another child who is more gym savvy assisted in answering his inquiry) and the short answer is to prep for training because I’ve put some mileage on these joints whereas the long answer is one I’m not too sure on and have been asking myself for over a decade now. At this point, my folks showed up with the sandbag. They had gotten separately and were going to make it an ice-cream date (must be good ice cream to go out 45 miles one way) out of it so that benefited me as it would’ve sucked to try and load and unload this out of my car since the trunk is recessed and not flat like theirs. Much easier to get out of car vs getting in. Then back to training. Next was rdls with dumbbell. 2x10 but with just one dumbbell in the opposite arm. There wasn’t any specifications on like RIR or RPE here or set weights so I assumed that it was to be a decent weight but not something that would be determinantal to what was to come or to be so light that it was a warm up. I was planning to go heavier than I did but just holding say an 80lbs weight just felt a bit much so I went with 60lbs. I probably could go heavier here. I am happy that balance seemed to be decent here. I’ve usually done these with the b-stance rather than as a true one-legged lift. On to squats and surprisingly there was a rack open. Not the best one but it was one so I took that. I was a little nervous here just because I was switching up the squats again. Last cycle had been mostly front squats and that had felt good. But I’m guessing maybe somethings were missed doing them exclusively. So these were the regular ssb squats. Indication was plan wasn’t to really be pushing these. Considering that this show has a lot of picking things up. Plan was to do 3x6 at 70%, so just under 345lbs. Indicate RIR on the last set. I was a little concerned about the stiffness/discomfort in the right side but that didn’t seem to be an issue. My knees surprisingly weren’t too achy either. Again, could just be from getting some rest. Around this time was when I started to get that time suck going as people I know were setting up for PRs and I wanted to be there. It also I think helped me distract from thinking too much about squats. Squats were fine but felt slightly off. Obviously front squats helped maintain and possibly improve my leg drive but the mid-range transition was where it felt like it was less a smooth movement and became a two-part lift. It doesn’t look like it on camera really but it felt like it. I still felt strong and that I could hit more reps. Perhaps this is why bringing these back is felt similar to the sensation I was having with suited pulls in that while lockout was good, I was feeling like more back was needed at that point. Or maybe it is incidental. Last set I felt like 4RIR but because of the way the movement was feeling, I marked it was 3-4RIR just in case. Though I feel I could probably gut out more than that with ugly lower back wrenching form which isn’t ideal so keeping it as “good form” RIRs. Trying to be smart. These aren’t even that high of reps but it has been lower reps for the front squats really so this will take a little to get used to it. There was kind of a break here while assisting with Guy going for slightly above the current WR on circus dumbbell for the 90kgs class (and then a big jump above it attempt). Maybe because it was farmer’s walk stuff. I was kind of surprised these were showing up after just competing and doing this event last week. But this event is on both days of the show and I need to work on getting it so that the pick isn’t as fatiguing as it is to do well. And build up a reserve for the deadlift medley. No straps and I treated this as if it was the deadlift medley rather than the farmer’s walk medley. I guess. I mean, I wore the belt setup and knee sleeves I’m going to have for farmer’s walking but wearing shoes for the deadlift medley. I may keep on knee sleeves for the medley and just pull them down if/when attempting the axle so not in the way (medley isn’t split times, just reps and the second set of handles for farmer’s deadlift and the axle would be big PRs so not rushing). Plan here was to treat this like speed work with shorter rests (60-75 seconds) and do 5x3 with a weight that moved well. I’m not a fan of reps with farmer’s handles or frames as there just seems to be a tendency for them to bounce if I want to maintain tightness and not have my arms or core go slack. I went with different handles for this training as I feel that with doing increased frequency that these might be kinder to the hands in the long run. These didn’t feel that awesome to me. On the second to last rep of the last set, the “bounce” caught me off balance. It is very strange feeling how these feel and then seeing it look like it was nothing on camera. Very much a perception thing. Wasn’t quite done as I had some more farmer’s accessory stuff. Advised to do a set of 25-50 reps of shrugs with them and to drop weight to like half. Plan was for some more grip and to build up tolerance in upper back. And to emphasize a forward lean like when walking with the handles. I swapped into my moving shoes and decided to put a slant board under my heels to further emphasize that. I felt that dropping to 50% of what I was just using was going to be too light so I just took off 90lbs a side so 135lbs. These were very easy, like I could’ve done 100 reps here probably. From there it was on to a twist of a fairly new addition; sandbag over shoulder. Sandbag to shoulder was brand new to me starting this year and I feel I got decent at it in the three months or so for that show. So this is a little different in that tossing over the shoulder. Same but different. Drew indicated to still treat it like to shoulder rather than worry about having it go over biceps to the side and be a no rep. I took that into consideration but I felt that I needed to kind of go wild and see what worked here. There is a certain level of control needed for placement with shouldering and potentially having to do this with 350lbs vs 300lbs is also something that needs to be tested. Plan was to do 8-10 singles EMOM style with a light to moderate sandbag for form work. Since I’ve last touched sandbags here, it would seem that the 225lbs or so bag is gone or broke. So that meant that I’d either have to use less than 225lbs or 250lbs or more. When I first did sandbag to shoulder, 225lbs was my weight and it was decently challenging. But I have more experience and I don’t have to really think when doing this movement now. I ended up doing 3 singles at lighter bags to get a feel for this again and make sure I was good and then went for the more compact 250lbs bag. We have different bags and there are larger 250lbs bags that could be good for size prepping the 350lbs bag. The 275lbs weren’t going to be ideal with how they are either. I was familiar with this bag from two cycles back so I knew that the pick would be comfortable each time and I could focus on the toss over shoulder. It took a few tosses before I felt stable and like I wasn’t falling back over with the weight as well. This was kind of fun and I’m interested in seeing how this progresses. There was more sandbag after that and that wasn’t fun. It was to be a single set of sandbag carry with either the sandbag I was just using or slightly heavier. 150’ but dropping the sandbag every 50’ so I’d have to pick it up 3 times. I’m in a more of a feed vs speed mode for front carries with prepping for that max distance keg carry so I’m going to need a few sessions to get moving quickly. So I’d already done a ton of picks and laps so that didn’t really need warming up and I knew my speed and moving wasn’t going to be great so rather than potentially waste energy trying to get my legs moving faster, I just went right for this. That 275lbs sandbag with lead shot in it feels so much heavier than it is. The picks were the worst part of this. Moving and holding wasn’t bad other than me not being that fast. With that done, last thing was glute ham raises. Just bw for 3 sets of 8-12 with 3RIR. Indication was to control the eccentric and keep these strict. I did my best here. First set was a bit easy but the fatigue factor certainly made the other sets tougher. After the workout was done, I decided to put in the lead shot for the sandbag and get it weighed. Came out to 336lbs. Since it was still fairly early (and it would be still like 4.5hrs before my pot roast was done), I stretched at the gym before heading home. Mid back was tense laying on the floor so guess I got to keep an eye on things and work soft tissue stuff and get plenty of rest.

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