Tuesday, August 23, 2022

August 22, 2022 – Week 3, Day 1

Warm Up Circuit

Axle Push Presses w/ bands (+22lbs bottom/+40lbs top)
Cluster Reps (10 seconds)

Axle Close Grip Bench Presses
(8 second eccentrics)
(4 second eccentrics)

Paused Halbert Dumbbell Raises on Incline Bench (2 seconds)

Plate Lu Raises

Dumbbell Tate Extensions

Comments: Seem to be feeling better after sweating out my demons Saturday and getting back on routine and relaxing on Sunday. Still have some discomfort from the right side thing from the first week but it seems less and a bit more manageable. Mentally I was feeling a bit down just from how worn I had felt Thursday and just how tough and slow picks felt with farmer’s walk. But other stuff was fine. I think also just seeing people training these events and being this far out and doing more than what I’m doing for several sets. Then finding out they aren’t even HWs. I know I don’t always have that luxury of having contest weight be easy training weight. But I also know that I can peak and overreaching with the best of them but lord does it take its toll coming back down. Which was kind of evidenced with this past week of stuff with stressed related issues. Work was fairly smooth but didn’t get everything I wanted to get done. Forecast had rain but was lucky in missing that. Warmed up with the wall slides and y raises. Felt less issues in the right side discomfort area compared to last week. I was honestly surprised it calmed down (still have twitching and some feelings of eye twitch) considering how it was feeling going out to train on Saturday. Then on to axle work. Pushing pressing against bands for cluster reps again. But not quite the same. I wasn’t moving fast enough for the plan here so weight was dropped by about 10%. This was supposed to be fast and leaving a good bit in the tank and with how things went, I wasn’t doing that. So same band tension and instead of 6x2 doing 5x3 for the cluster reps. 10 seconds for the rest vs 15 seconds from last week. I did end up going up 5lbs more then what was planned based off the percentage because it was easier (just empty axle and adding 30lbs for jumps). With bands, these feel quite heavier than it would actually be in the rack position at the start. These were definitely moving today. Getting some violent lower body drive here. Front of my quads around the knees were getting muscle soreness. Could be just feeling stuff from Saturday with heavier squats and backwards sled work. Last set felt the best here. I think this was much more what to be done here. I think 8RIR is being conservative with how powerful these were going up. Axle close grip benching. Somewhat not looking forward to this but more I think because it trashed my triceps something fierce for the second press day in the week (but could’ve also been stress stuff) and that laying on my back does seem to add some discomfort to the affected area, especially if I try to brace and arch. Getting an idea of the progression here with the plan being to add a little more weight and potentially decrease the TUT with the super long eccentrics and then switch to a different variation. I kind of started too damn heavy I think and a bit hard to back step that now. Plan was 6-8ct eccentric and then take 20% off that for 3x4 with 3-4ct eccentric. I was initially going to do the lower end (6/3) but I think realizing there was another week and if I cut off 2 seconds that I’d not have much left for the next week to trim and then having uneven pairings of 7ct for the single and 3ct or 4ct not matching up made me revert to doing 8/4. That was the thought process and it sounds no less crazy in writing. But I think realizing that stupid things like that can make me do a longer route rather than direct needs to be mentioned, put out for scrutiny and make conscious effort to adjust for next time. So with the longer holds, I did about the same thing as last time and aimed for 5lbs more on the single and then the down sets. This single and last week’s were definitely not RPE 8 lifts. This week would’ve been easier than it ended up being if I didn’t press back too soon and hit the j-hooks and had to kind of take a less direct itinerary to reach the destination. So much for using axle to not be worried about numbers on this. The down sets felt decent other than the first rep of the first set. I didn’t have even spacing on the bar (I only have taped marked for grip for axle clean and press which also works for my deadlifts) for my grip so lockout was a little off on the right side and but I was able to adjust after that. Not much to say after that, it moved well enough. Down sets have never really been in doubt on these. Into the garage after that and I had the fans going as it was muggy and buggy. Halbert raises back with pauses. These had been decent enough last week and I was hopeful that with them feeling good, I could actually add some weight here and not have it become like it was when I first tried them. I was successful in that endeavor this time around. Back outside for plate raises. 3x10-15 this time. I was advised that I could use either bumper plates or metal plates. I decided to try the smaller metal plates and aim for 3x15. This felt a lot more natural to me as far as the movement goes. Realizing that odd numbering and unevenness of reps with over and under is a thing for me, I decided to say it wasn’t important here and just go with it. I didn’t want another hang up on numbers like with the tempo benching to show up. I think I’m getting better at recognizing my patterns. I know when a certain set or reps is important and when sometimes it’s just work and close enough is fine. Last thing was Tate presses. Advised to stick with the 40’s and go higher reps. So this ended up being 3x20 here. I took shorter rests compared to last week and gripped the hand to one side to increase ROM as much as I could. Put stuff away before cooking dinner. Stretched and iced the right knee before bed.

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