Mobility Prep
Paused Safety Squat Bar Squats (3 seconds)
Added Straps
Added Straps
Paused Deadlifts (2 second off the floor, straps)
Heel Elevated Goblet Squats (3-1-3-X tempo)
40x11 (miscounted)
40x11 (miscounted)
Dumbbell Lateral Lunges
Single Leg Seated Band Hamstring Curls
Comments: Not sure why but stuff that shouldn’t be stiff and achy from the previous day of training were today. Right hamstring was feeling a little sharp pain occasionally and left side of my lower back was stiff. Feeling some pressure on the disc on that side. Not sure what that is about. Noticed doing mobility stuff that it was hitting those spots but it seemed to feel less each round through. Another day of ssb pause squats. 65%x4x3 with 2 minutes rest. 3 second pauses and report back RIR on the last set as has been the case. Aches and just with the knees but seemed to be tolerable comparatively. As the reps were less per set, I figured it made sense to stick to triples all the way up. I don’t feel like could actively get things to feel like they did last week for those two sets. Or perhaps there wasn’t anything feeling as dramatic. Or so I was thinking. When it was time for the last set, not sure what happened but it was similar to the last set of strict presses and I can’t blame the boost on Thunderstruck this time. Just felt way better and just made the it feel way easier that set compared to the others. From there it was on to deadlifts. Continuing the sets of five reps working sets. So last week had been 5x5 with 75%. This week was 3x5 with 77.5% (but this wasn’t all the deadlifting today). So rounding up to 15lbs increase from last time. It had been quite manageable so I didn’t think this was going to be too much for me. Warming up felt about the same and even though it felt heavy without the straps, I didn’t let that deter me as that was like that last time and things were fine with the working weight. I wasn’t expecting that first rep to feel so heavy. If going by the perception, it felt really heavy and that I was close to having to hitch the reps if it was more than the five. Video seems to think it was fairly smooth. I was not keen on the next two sets with how that felt but thankfully they felt better those sets. Belt came a little lose on the last set but didn’t want to stop mid set. These were decently tough but still if push came to shove still within rep range (with RIR) for the projected 1rm I’ve been using. The next thing was really freaking hard. 2x5 on deadlifts with pauses. Listed to use 70% for these and pausing just off the floor for 2 seconds each rep. I knew with these that I’d have to rebrace every rep and get some air to manage and not have form breakdown from fatigue by rushing things with it being more than 3 reps a set. These were harder than the previous sets without pauses and more weight haha. I knew I’d be feeling these later. Next was the tempo goblet squats again. 3 sets of 10 reps keeping 3-4RIR. Keeping the same relaxed breathing and upper body like last time with the 3ct tempo. Same weight as last time here as didn’t feel that it was best to make a plateloaded dumbbell for a little more weight and considering how holding it for the triceps the day before was irritating the one wrist. The second and third set I really tried to focus on upright posture and knees forward. I think it came to be more of a sit back and then when in the bottom pushing my knees forward to get a little stretch and then come up with more upright torso. First set is pretty easy and the other sets get tougher. Essentially the sets take as long as my rest periods between them. I thought I miscounted the reps on the second and third but appears I only did on the last one. Dumbbell lateral lunges were next. Same as last week as far as reps, sets and weight. Tried to adapt these a bit more so as not so violently rough on my knees. I was advised I could go back to how I did them the first week but I feel that the risk/reward here if I can get them to work for me are worth it. So the problem was that I was trying to not only push back up but to come off the ground with it and back to the shoulder width stance. By accident last time, I had some reps where my leg grazed the ground a bit and that was less stressful so my aim was to intentionally drag the foot back so that way it wasn’t so rough and could guide where I needed to be. And added effect from that was additional resistance so that I was kind of doing an adduction as well. This actually made things a little more exhausting so I took a very short rest between sides rather than go from one to the other. Finished up with single leg band curls. Goal was to have these 20-30 with 3-5RIR. Strong band and I just went for it. Ended up being 30 reps that first set and then 5 reps dropping off each set. My right hamstring was feeling stronger than the left today. Finished up putting stuff away and then ate a roast before stretching and icing my knees.
Comments: Not sure why but stuff that shouldn’t be stiff and achy from the previous day of training were today. Right hamstring was feeling a little sharp pain occasionally and left side of my lower back was stiff. Feeling some pressure on the disc on that side. Not sure what that is about. Noticed doing mobility stuff that it was hitting those spots but it seemed to feel less each round through. Another day of ssb pause squats. 65%x4x3 with 2 minutes rest. 3 second pauses and report back RIR on the last set as has been the case. Aches and just with the knees but seemed to be tolerable comparatively. As the reps were less per set, I figured it made sense to stick to triples all the way up. I don’t feel like could actively get things to feel like they did last week for those two sets. Or perhaps there wasn’t anything feeling as dramatic. Or so I was thinking. When it was time for the last set, not sure what happened but it was similar to the last set of strict presses and I can’t blame the boost on Thunderstruck this time. Just felt way better and just made the it feel way easier that set compared to the others. From there it was on to deadlifts. Continuing the sets of five reps working sets. So last week had been 5x5 with 75%. This week was 3x5 with 77.5% (but this wasn’t all the deadlifting today). So rounding up to 15lbs increase from last time. It had been quite manageable so I didn’t think this was going to be too much for me. Warming up felt about the same and even though it felt heavy without the straps, I didn’t let that deter me as that was like that last time and things were fine with the working weight. I wasn’t expecting that first rep to feel so heavy. If going by the perception, it felt really heavy and that I was close to having to hitch the reps if it was more than the five. Video seems to think it was fairly smooth. I was not keen on the next two sets with how that felt but thankfully they felt better those sets. Belt came a little lose on the last set but didn’t want to stop mid set. These were decently tough but still if push came to shove still within rep range (with RIR) for the projected 1rm I’ve been using. The next thing was really freaking hard. 2x5 on deadlifts with pauses. Listed to use 70% for these and pausing just off the floor for 2 seconds each rep. I knew with these that I’d have to rebrace every rep and get some air to manage and not have form breakdown from fatigue by rushing things with it being more than 3 reps a set. These were harder than the previous sets without pauses and more weight haha. I knew I’d be feeling these later. Next was the tempo goblet squats again. 3 sets of 10 reps keeping 3-4RIR. Keeping the same relaxed breathing and upper body like last time with the 3ct tempo. Same weight as last time here as didn’t feel that it was best to make a plateloaded dumbbell for a little more weight and considering how holding it for the triceps the day before was irritating the one wrist. The second and third set I really tried to focus on upright posture and knees forward. I think it came to be more of a sit back and then when in the bottom pushing my knees forward to get a little stretch and then come up with more upright torso. First set is pretty easy and the other sets get tougher. Essentially the sets take as long as my rest periods between them. I thought I miscounted the reps on the second and third but appears I only did on the last one. Dumbbell lateral lunges were next. Same as last week as far as reps, sets and weight. Tried to adapt these a bit more so as not so violently rough on my knees. I was advised I could go back to how I did them the first week but I feel that the risk/reward here if I can get them to work for me are worth it. So the problem was that I was trying to not only push back up but to come off the ground with it and back to the shoulder width stance. By accident last time, I had some reps where my leg grazed the ground a bit and that was less stressful so my aim was to intentionally drag the foot back so that way it wasn’t so rough and could guide where I needed to be. And added effect from that was additional resistance so that I was kind of doing an adduction as well. This actually made things a little more exhausting so I took a very short rest between sides rather than go from one to the other. Finished up with single leg band curls. Goal was to have these 20-30 with 3-5RIR. Strong band and I just went for it. Ended up being 30 reps that first set and then 5 reps dropping off each set. My right hamstring was feeling stronger than the left today. Finished up putting stuff away and then ate a roast before stretching and icing my knees.
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