Tuesday, April 12, 2022

April 11, 2022 – Week 5, Day 1

Band YTW’s

Axle Strict Presses w/ bands (head through on last rep only) (+22lbs bottom/+40lbs top)

Pull-ups (0-1-0-1 tempo)

Paused Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Presses (3 seconds off the shoulders)

Paused Band Pullaparts (3 seconds)

Paused Overhead Dumbbell Triceps Extensions (2 seconds)

Comments: Well it was a pretty stressful end to the work week last week. Weekend did me good as far as deloading and venting. Still annoyed but it is what it is and that is hopefully not something to review for another 4 months. I’ll go crazy fixating on that and I can’t have that stop me from living life at this point. Warmer weather today. YTW’s with bands for 3x10 on these with brief pauses again. No mess ups this time (with counting or being too close to the camera). As has been the case, first set feels the best usually with these and then fatigue builds up over the sets quick. Axle with bands next. Change from the past two weeks. Plan here was to work up to a top set of 8 (1-2RIR) and then take off 10% for 2x8. Report RIR on both that top set and the last set. I was also advised that if I wanted to that I could do a single 5% heavier than the proposed top set to prime things. I figured that was probably a good idea. So I set things up to be 30lbs jumps up to 10lbs heavier than the planned 8rm so that I could do the single and then take off 10lbs for the set. Stuff felt heavy today. It felt heavy but moved the same is best I can explain it. Like stuff felt 30lbs heavier than what I was lifting but video (and the fact I was still able to hit the reps) said it was what it was. Warming up I was thinking damn this feels heavier than usual. Even though I’ve been doing 5lbs less for sets of 5 for several sets with about 2 minutes rest this was feeling tough. Shoulders were feeling a lot of fatigue today. I’m noticing that with the lean back style, that I can seem to brace with a breath for like 4 reps or so before I need to rebreathe and brace again. I might need to figure things out a bit better and I wonder if off season work with the lean back style for higher reps might be good to work on that issue. Shoulders were feeling fried by the end of this and the last set was harder than the top set I feel as far as RIRs. From there it was on to pull-ups. This was adjusted. Temp kind of with a hold at contraction and hold at stretch. Make things harder but perhaps get a stretch and work the full ROM for tendon and ligament health. Plan was 25 reps total over how many sets it took to do them. Keep sets to RPE 7 so expecting 2-4 a set. I took the usual rest I do between sets of pull-ups for this (about 90 seconds). I started with the pause at dead hang and then initiated the set. What I was noticing that unlike other times where the first rep is the easiest, that rep seemed to be much harder and then the second rep was the easiest. Last time I did pull-ups after the event session of sandbag stuff, they were quite sore. Sore even just having my arms bent to rack the axle to press. Not so this time. Right biceps still chirps a little (usually just the first rep) but not as much. I didn’t feel like I needed to use compression cuffs for these like I’ve been doing on paused holds. I did tend to go close to say RPE 8 on these but I felt I was able to recover enough to repeat the effort so most of my sets were 4 reps. When it comes to pauses, I think I like these more than just pauses. Since it was warm and sunny outside, I didn’t move to the garage for the rest of the workout like I usually do. Get some sunlight.  Seated dumbbell presses again but changing the variation. Pauses right off the shoulder. Plan was 3x10 with 3-4RIR. I went off what I thought I’d be able to do for that from the last time (and only time) I did these. That was for 2 second pauses and part of a superset. I did the 40’s for 12 and was struggling when it was to be RPE 7. I think that it being a superset and me trying to do them nonstop played into that. I feel my shoulders are better suited to the demands now. But I still went with 40’s this time just to make sure. The axle stuff had felt heavy and fatiguing so not sure if this was a good day to push shoulder stuff or if they would cooperate with me. Guess I was wrong on that front. It was too easy. Last set was the only one that really got close to being in the RPE range and that was more from me taking fairly short rests compared to how I normally do the seated presses (taking more time to reset them). But good to see how much this weakness has improved from 9 months ago. Paused pull-aparts after that. Same as last week. It will be a bit before I feel like I can move up in band tension on this and I’ll probably just try to grab more band to increase difficulty before attempting to add more bands or swap out bands. Last thing was triceps with the dumbbell. Same as last time. I figured that I should stick to the same weight. I also tested to see if putting 5’s instead of 10’s on the dumbbell made things feel better ergonomically and it did. No real wrist discomfort and was able to do the sets with no issues or needing wrist wraps. I did rush the first rep of the first set as I heard the weights shift on the dumbbell and the startled me as I thought it was coming apart but it wasn’t. Finished things up in a timely fashion, put stuff away before cooking dinner and stretching. Didn’t feel like I needed to ice the knees today.

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