Wednesday, April 27, 2022

April 26, 2022 – Week 7, Day 2

Mobility Prep

Safety Squat Bar Squats

Added Straps

Titan Fitness Frame Deadlifts (16” pick, straps)

Offset Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats (3-1-3-X tempo, barefoot)

Copenhagen Planks
bwx30/30 seconds
bwx30/30 seconds
bwx30/30 seconds

Seated Band Hamstring Curls (5 second hold every 5 reps)

Comments: Left shoulder and neck area still just kind of tight. No pain just tight. Was a little late in getting things started for training but not that much I guess. Mobility stuff felt fine. Starting things off with ssb squats. 62.5%x3x6 with 2 minute rests. Things from last week seemed to work pretty good with getting things to not feel super achy so I did that again before starting squats and then higher reps then I usually do for the working up sets. Less weight than last week but more reps. If anything, shins and ankles were feeling achy. Especially the left one. But as usually the case, as I get warmed up, those go away mostly or completely. As has been the case, first two sets feel about the same and then the last set feels easy. Good bit of reps left in the tank. I think 3x10 would’ve still left me with some reps in the tank on the last set even with 2 minute rests. From there it was on to deadlifts. Now usually I’ve kind of had stuff sort of setup for the next exercise but I was finding that moving quickly from squats to deadlifts to more deadlifts wasn’t really conducive to keeping fluids down during the workout. Especially since with it getting warmer, I am sweating more. This usually means nothing once I start and then for the accessory stuff. So I didn’t have things setup this time to give myself some active rest. I’m thinking that constant moving actually is helpful for me lasting longer on contest or event days as that is hours of not laying or sitting down. Always in motion. Any ways, it was regular deadlifts again. Plan was to do top set of 4 with 2RIR and then 10% off that for 2x4. Suggested for top weight had been 515lbs. I had to fight with myself a little on this. 515lbs for 4 isn’t a PR but 520lbs for 4 technically is for post 2016 injury. Feeling a bit of that “I need to be stronger, I should be stronger, I must be stronger” feelings. I’m doing my best. Warm up and see how I am feeling was kind of the mindset so that I’d stop thinking about it so much and just get work done. I felt that I could deal with going for 515x4 and knowing that I could do 2 more reps was better than pushing too hard with 5lbs more after I went heavier probably than I should for last time two weeks prior. Deadlifts had felt light up until 335lbs. Not sure why they felt heavy after that point so suddenly. Top set weight didn’t feel nice and easy. They don’t look so bad on video but these felt slow and heavy and like I was mostly back on them. Maybe 2RIR but it would be all out effort for sure and probably some hitching, ramping and crying. 50lbs off for the down sets didn’t feel like I took anything off honestly. Just all felt heavy. I have to remember that this is not the focus right now. This is to maintain and keep building after all the last few contests being suited stuff. From there it was on to frame deadlifts. The lighter week. Suggested was between 505-545lbs for 3x4 done EOMOM style. My intent had been 525lbs to split the difference and have it be RPE 7-7.5. However, I messed up my math and I didn’t want to make really odd or small jumps after big jumps so I went with the higher weight end. I was also practicing the quickdraw strap in style here just in case. I don’t know how show will run so just keep the strapping in fast primed in case. I think it would also help me keep thinking speed with that added element like when it was no straps earlier in the cycle. Weight felt heavy but it was moving well. It finally felt light on the last set. From there it was the accessory work of the evening. I had been happy to see no more goblet squats. Bulgarian split squats instead. I was ok with that until I saw that these were to follow the same tempo and breathing guidelines and then I was not a fan haha. 3 sets of 8-12 reps with 3-4RIR. And to do them barefoot. Well for me that meant socks which is close enough. I wasn’t sure how these would feel with the 3-1-3-X tempo without knee sleeves. Thankfully it was tolerable so I could do them without. I knew I couldn’t load up the weight on these from past experience so I went with a single 10lbs kettlebell. From the last time these were part of training, it had been 5-0-5-0 tempo and I was just a mess at the end of each set with the most weight being 15lbs. So I knew this could be tough but I also knew I was getting better with recovering between sets on these kind of exercises. Did one leg, took normal rest and then the other leg followed by normal rest (about 90 seconds). So each leg treated as a set. So about 18 minutes total to get through those sets with how long the sets themselves take. I was good with 12 reps those first two sets but my muscles were fatiguing hard by the third set. I could do 12 but it wouldn’t be with 3-4RIR on those and I also figured my legs would be super sore already. I could tell as I was walking like one leg wasn’t working each time I was done and kind of hip jaunting around until blood flow returned to normal. Feel these more in my glutes and legs in general compared to the goblet squats. Next was bringing back an old favorite; Copenhagen planks. 3 sets of 20/30 keeping RPE 7-8. Missed these. I had an idea to wear the knee sleeves as sometimes the strain of supporting my body on the right leg caused knee pain. This eliminated it completely. I went with 30 seconds for the sets as I knew I could do it. Of course realized when I finished that I forgot to set the camera to film it. But it is just a plank isometric exercise so nothing really missed here. Finished up with seated band leg curls. Both legs in concert this time with sets of 25 reps with hold every five reps for a 5ct. I figured that a strong band by itself would be too easy considering I was able to do 30 reps with one leg. Adding band tension to that certainly increased the difficulty. Last set felt best but that might have been because I took longer rest and knew how hard these got by the end of the set. Put stuff away, ate dinner and stretched before icing knees before bed.

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