Sunday, April 24, 2022

April 23, 2022 – Week 6, Day 4

Lateral Stepdowns
bwx3/3 20”
bwx10/10 32”
bwx10/10 32”

Safety Squat Bar Squats to 20” Box (5 second eccentrics) 

2” Deficit Stiff-legged Deadlifts (straps)

Sandbag Over Bar (56”)
250x6 in 27.15 seconds

Bearhug Step Ups (12”)

Glute Ham Raises

Makeshift Go-Really-Grip Machine (2 second holds)

Rolling Bar Hangs
bw+21 for 45.77 seconds
bw+21 for 33.20 seconds
bw+21 for 27.90 seconds

Comments: Mostly caught up at work so I was able to be a bit more relaxed I think the past few days. Which was probably good because while my stuff was caught up, not the case with others and needing my ear for a good bit of the day that it left me very little time to do my own stuff. Potentially looking at a different job that would be a promotion potentially but really am adverse to moving from where I’m comfortable. Things are setup so that I can do the things I enjoy. I slept in a little bit as my lower legs have been tight and not really shutting up. Mostly the right one with the tibs being tense. So that kept me up a little (and eating 6 chicken sandwiches for dinner probably didn’t help with getting to sleep haha). I wasn’t in a rush today like last weekend where I had stuff that required assistance in the form of help and making sure I had the Hercules hold setup. I did have things to do after training but on my own time. I was a little anxious about my knees and such with the drive with them feeling tense already but that was fine. I know that even if I’m not directly thinking about it, the subconscious is as I had a dream a few days ago being told my knee was “dislocated” and I’d need surgery. Even when I’m not awake, my mind makes up scenarios to stress me out. But I keep moving forward. I go there and I was surprised that there were still people from the group training at this time but they left before I got into anything serious. So starting things off was lateral stepdowns. 2x10 this week. Not sure if this will be the case going forward as a way to reduce volume on them and keep intensity or what. I did a bit more warming up as far as mobility stuff. Oddest thing was that my left knee was the one that was aching more than the right when it came time to do the actual exercise. Just can never tell. I was slightly concerned that I was feeling winded on these. Sometimes the extra reps in a set are enough to make that happen. I think I was worried that my capacity on taking in oxygen and recovering would be at a compromised level today which wouldn’t be fun with stuff planned. From there I moved on to the squats with the ssb to box like it has been the past two weeks. 5x3 with the 5 seconds eccentrics. Been going up 15lbs a week. I’ve a feeling that this will probably be done in waves like end of last cycle with squats to keep me fresh but working hard and primed for the events. But no clue if another wave of these or if I’m completely off base. I’d expect some changes as I get closer as while the weight here isn’t something that would be considered super heavy, the accentuated eccentrics are taxing. There were instructions this time to do shorter rests and I felt I was able to stick to that. I’m noticing that as I get more warmed up that I’m better able to control how I move. Not to say I can’t already but my knees are stiff and achy and I tend to be more forward lean at that start vs where I am after 1-2 sets where I can really sit back and feel like I’m not in a fixed plane. Stiffys for deadlift accessory work was next. 3x10 with 1-2” deficit added. I wasn’t looking too forward to these. Primarily because last week I had to do 2x15 and I took a long break between those sets and I felt worn out and this week I was to stick to 2 minute rests between the sets. So I was expecting a good bit of unpleasantness here and then having two other unpleasant fatigue inducing exercises to follow. The idea was to do these touch and go with the whisper touch to keep constant tension as has been the case. However, I feel that I’m probably still cutting most reps shy of that whisper touch. I do not have good proprioception for that range it seems and I’m worried I’ll hit the ground and bounce it. Trying to limit that feeling with having a very stiff bar and weight setup so no bending. Used the 55lbs squat bar this time with the kilo plates. I did more reps warming up than I had originally planned but they felt good so I stuck to that. I didn’t feel too bad on these honestly. Didn’t really feel much fatigue at all in the posterior chain. Which was a good thing considering that sandbag was up next. I wasn’t looking forward to it but that is on a scale. Looking forward to it more than two weeks ago but not more than four weeks ago haha. I think the point for me was that this was more weight but back to doubles and while there was a 6 rep set at the end like last time, I was allowed to rest fully before do it. EMOM doubles are a lot easier than EMOM triples, who knew haha. So the plan here was 250lbs for the sandbag. Now the gym has two style of 250lbs sandbag; one being like the 225lbs bag which is the Ironmind style and the other being a compact Titan Fitness Velcro style. Considering that the more compact bag was probably more like contest conditions (265lbs compact), I figured it made sense to use the 250lbs to get used to that feeling. The 275lbs bag at our gym is smaller size too (but not as compact due to lead shot) so working specificity here. As that being the case, I figured that warming up with the 225lbs wasn’t really going to be too helpful for the different style 250lbs bag. So I did two singles as warm-up. The planned workout of 5x2 then began. I was still a little hesitant at the start on the first lift but saw that I didn’t need to be by the second. I got a little too confident as I rushed the second set first lift and didn’t quite get it all the way over to roll and it came back and had it pinned but eventually let it down to reattempt. Easy second rep but I cursed myself out for messing up and making me have less time to recover. I’ve seen before how much this can cause a domino effect on the following sets. However, I was very efficient with things and was getting my doubles done in less than 10 seconds so I was fully recovering between doubles and the missed rep was barely a footnote. As for the timed set, I was nervous but not really about the set itself. Sure, I might have a bobble happen but that wasn’t the end of the world. I wanted to get commands and time right away rather than figure it out later from editing video. There was only one other person there and she was a light weight powerlifter that that I know is a friend of friend but I didn’t want to bother anyone I don’t know. And I know how I come off appearance wise so I was stressing about that before asking and I over explained what I was going to do as well I feel. I didn’t die from embarrassment so that was good. I also really did well on this. I was shocked that I got 6 reps done in under 30 seconds. I’m going double digits at the show for sure. I will make people work for their points. So I was quite pleased with that. Essentially contest weight for all intents and purposes. Step ups with sandbags again. Same as it has been. My options were to either increase the height a little or increase the weight (not actually listed choices for the program, just my thoughts on progression here). I figured I wanted another crack at 125lbs here as last time I got like 2 reps and stopped that first week. I decided to do some warm-ups to hopefully have things not feel so sudden going from nothing to all the weight. It did help a little. Oddest thing here was that the reps felt hard that first set but as fatigue built and I got to breathing heavier, I seemed to do them quicker and easier. Like I knew that I was racing the clock of fatigue with holding the sandbag and gassing and I got faster despite being tired. So that was something. Next was my choice of exercise using the ghr bench. Either ghrs or doing hip hinge back extension. Whatever I felt needed work. I felt like I wanted to test things with doing more than negatives with the ghrs and I felt that sldls were covering the other part of things. Goal was 3x10 with RPE 7-8. Did a few with just bodyweight to feel things out and then held a 10lbs weight to do the sets. Not much to say here. Last bit of the workout was grip stuff. I was to do two different exercise; one because that seemed to be what I needed to work on and the other potentially because I don’t seem to shut up about it when training for Hercules hold. So first exercise was the crush grip setup I did before. 2x10 with 1-2 seconds hold and RPE 7-8. Seeing as how the weight last time felt good compared to the heaviest weights I did with Hercules hold, I stuck with that weight and just did 2 second crushes each rep. That extra time did add up. The last one was rolling bar hang. I did them as part of short prep for a Hercules hold when I didn’t have access to it and I absolutely crushed it. Even though I have the setup now, I don’t know if it will be similar and this is another way to train grip and not be as taxing. Previously with this, what I had done was just do one all out set and call it a day with only near the end adding a set with hook grip after that just for additional endurance work. Go up in weight added once I hit a minute at a given weight. I got up to 22lbs added for a little over 47 seconds in that prep. This was up to me as either to do 2x45 seconds or 3x30 with 1:3-4 rest ratio, depending what I felt was better for building grip endurance in my experience. I elected for the 2x45 just because of it being closer to what I did. I accidentally went heavier on my weight to use here and ended up being close to my top weight (and I weighed a few lbs less too) but I got the first set of 45 seconds casually. Not so much the second set. My forearms just seemed to lock up on me and I barely got over 30 seconds. I took an even longer rest after that to try another set and that one was less than 30 seconds. Well I got over 90 seconds of work so enough there. Stretched out before heading home.

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