Friday, April 15, 2022

April 14, 2022 – Week 5, Day 3

Axle Clean and Push Presses (one clean)
230x0 (missed clean)
260x0 (missed clean)

Axle Incline 2-Board Presses
(8-1-0-0 tempo)
(4-1-0-0 tempo)

Bench Chest Supported Dumbbell Rows (3-0-3-0 tempo)

Half Kneeling Band Face Pulls (low anchor point)

Dead Stop Axle Floor Triceps Extensions

Comments:  Not what to make of today. As far as work, feels like I’m drowning but it stuff just stops for a day I can get back above water. But it seems this month is going to be one where stuff isn’t fun. Not sure if another issue like last week is going to be present tomorrow. Trying to not think about that too much. It is exhausting just the inanity of it all. Maybe I’ll just have things piss me off Thursday afternoons and then have to take off Fridays to recover for Mondays. So on to training. I was looking forward to training. Getting to put the full movement of axle clean and press together. So how things were and try out equipment to see if it helped or hindered me. Plan here was to work up to 260lbs for 3x3 (one clean) and then do 260x4-5. Take my time. Don’t rush. Good technical work. And I thought no problem. Grip shirt and setup the axle like it appears it will be at the show (on 6” crash pads). No discomfort and doing 30lbs jumps. I figured triples working up was fine. Since I haven’t been using a belt for the past four sessions with axle push presses, I felt it was best to add it earlier than I’d plan to just to get used to that again. That last transition from sternum to shoulders on the continental wasn’t feeling crisp. It felt awkward and slow. Not smooth, more of a catching gear than a lubricated socket. Added the elbow sleeves on for 230lbs. Got it to the point for the flip and I missed it. I couldn’t get it. 30lbs under what I was to do and I missed it. I went with more of a hang clean to start the second attempt and I got it but it was a struggle. Took off the sleeves for the working sets thinking that had been the problem. Nope. Same issue without the sleeves with 260lbs that first time. Walked it off and came back. This was not easy and it became more of a roll on to the shoulders rather than the usual pop I do. That sucked and I actually missed the first try at the press. I’m thankful that there has been a lot of pause presses and just working on bracing and walking out that keeps me from tossing baby out with the bath water in those circumstances. Second set went a bit better on the clean and much better with the press. Third set improve slightly on that second set. So I figured I’d try the sleeves on last time for the last set which was to be AMRAP but indicated only 1-2 reps over the triples here. Sleeves were a mistake. Missed the clean first attempt and then ended up just belt cleaning it to get enough momentum to get under it. Sleeves messed up how I press on an axle I guess. Work great for log though it seems. So this was a frustrating start to the session. Not sure what my issue was here. Yes, it has been over 14 months since I’ve done an axle clean and press. I think I’ve usually had a shirt on top of my grip shirt in training. Maybe I’m pulling up too high now with where I was originally getting it. I know I’m not totally screwed but it definitely puts a damper on things. Need to clean this up and fix it ASAP. From there it was axle on incline. This was a bit of an odd one. So what was listed was to do pin presses with axle on an incline. Start from the top and rest on pins with them being 3-4” above the chest. And do long negatives. 8ct for a top double and then take off 20% for 3x5 with 4ct. I was annoyed with how axle clean and press went and I was worried that lowering to pins would mess me up with how I have to really watch myself on incline pressing with an axle or barbell as far as the bar path. Since plan was start at lockout, I had an idea. I’ve seen some people doing board pressing on incline presses. Maybe that would work. I could use the 2-board and pause it there for a 1ct. That seemed to work. Hopefully this substitution is fine. That long of an eccentric was a bit tricky to figure out and get used to. 210lbs I think was barely in the effort range of 7.5-8 RPE (180lbs would been fine). Down sets were quite tough even with the lowered tempo on the eccentrics. I also didn’t wear the wrist wraps on these. Shoulders were getting burnt by the end of these. Into the garage for rows. Still dumbbell rows but a change-up. Old one with the bench chest supported rows. I like these. But of course tempo has to be added to everything these days. I’ve never done tempo rows so I wasn’t sure what to expect here. This was to be 3x10 at RPE 7-8 with short rests. Seeing as how it was about the same as the goblet squats, it would probably be same amount of time to do a set as the rest period. I went with my trusted 40’s on this. Definitely felt too light that first set but it was the cumulative effect of fatigue I wanted to see. Got closer to the effort range by the end but it was more a lactic acid thing in the elbows and wrists with the biceps and forearms getting a good workout as well. It seemed like it was sputtering rain outside so I started to move some stuff into the sunroom. But it never really got going. The next thing was a twist on the face pull. Half kneeling style. Advised to anchor the band about a foot off the ground so that there was constant downward pull. I was to keep my arms parallel to the ground. Hope with these was to get that feeling of having to flip the axle from sternum to shoulders. I can definitely see that with how these felt. I had to use a light band tension on these as I could tell that even stuff that would be light for normal band face pulls would be too much. I was also not sure how I would handle explosive reps with slight pauses so I did a full set of 20 reps with a mini band but could tell it wasn’t enough to be considered a working set. A monster mini was much better test. Last thing was for triceps. No EZ curl bar but advised not worth purchasing one and I could use a barbell or axle. Using small plates for these to get a larger ROM. 3x12 with short rests like the rows. These felt fine. Some balance issues at the start. Trying to keep control and keep constant tension on the triceps while lifting. I think I got better at that as the sets went on. Or I just felt like it was as I got fatigued. Put stuff away and ate dinner before stretching out.

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