Tuesday, February 1, 2022

January 31, 2022 – Week 17, Day 1

Band Face Pulls

12” Log Strict Presses (head through on last rep only)
Add 5 seconds hold and slow eccentric last rep


Paused Close Grip 2-Board Bench Presses (2 seconds)

Seated Dumbbell Power Cleans

Single Arm Tate Extensions

Comments: Right knee is acting up on me. Just have to keep an eye on things and continue to manage things. Adding glucosamine with chondroitin and MSM to supplements to see if that does anything to help with joints. Starting things off with band face pulls. Still 3x12 as it has been. A warm up. Log strict press next. Lean back style with the no head through until last rep and then 5ct holds on the working sets. Plan being 4RM (1RIR) and then 3x4 with like 10-12.5% less weight. My planning for this was the 25lbs or so jumps to get to 240ish. I wasn’t sure how things would go with the style being such as lower back on the left side had been a little sore/tense Saturday earlier in the session but hadn’t been an issue. This style puts a lot more stress on the back and abs. But I felt good and could really get my hips and glutes into a power stance. Weights came out to 241lbs with the jumps but I figured I’d go 1lbs heavier. That way is was 110kgs and would match my 4RM from before (listed as 245lbs but that was when I thought my log was 90lbs empty). Still pretty comfortable here. Went with just 10% decrease for the down sets and these felt good too. Log is clicking for me with this change I think. If competition style also goes this well, I’m going to be kicking myself for not doing this sooner. I guess it seemed counterintuitive to do but it makes sense experiencing it. It shows that a lot of people still don’t know things about the sport and training for it. Myself included in that statement. Pull-ups next. No pauses this week. Similar to what has been done for a few exercises recently in the training cycle with doing 3 sets of increasing difficulty from RPE 6 to RPE 7-8. For pull-ups, I was to do weighted for 3x6 this way but also adding in 90 seconds rest periods. So not full rest. Usually my rest for other stuff like this was how long it took to change the weights. I wasn’t sure if my bodyweight alone would be considered easy enough for RPE 6. I haven’t done a pull-up with weight added to my body since 2016 at least. I was to do some last training cycle before I decided to box jump on unsecured surfaces. Well started things off with doing just my bodyweight for a double. First rep is usually the easiest for me so wanted to make sure a second rep was also fine and dandy. I had done some hangs and retractions to get ready. With that, I decided to just do 5lbs added in back pack and go up 10lbs each set and hope that that worked out for me. The pauses certainly helped may things feel easier regular style. But I think part of it was also slowing me down as unbound by that tempo I was moving faster and having a bit of a swinging effect going that was a little difficult to control as more weight added. I eventually would stop when it got too much and go from a dead hang to keep that from happening. My grip is good so it works for me. 25lbs added was definitely at the limit of what I’d call RPE 8 here. I had been concerned that biceps would hate me here but they didn’t. Board pressing next. I wasn’t expecting the change here. I had figured that these would be heavier this week by a good bit but not that they’d have pauses added to them. I know I have not done paused board presses before. I actually wasn’t sure how that would go. So goal was 3x5 with 20lbs more than last week. 265lbs last work up set was feeling heavy. I think these went fairly well. Just got to get it through my head that just because it isn’t moving or feeling super fast, doesn’t mean I don’t got more reps there. I was to assess how many RIR I had after that last set. Hard to say but at least 1RIR. Felt these in my chest, shoulder and triceps. Into the garage for the last things for the session were involving the 40lbs dumbbells. Seated dumbbell power cleans and single arm tate presses for 3x12 and 3x20 respectively. Just try and do these better, make them not as tough. Higher reps on the dumbbell power cleans gets exhausting. I felt myself get sloppy after the 9th rep of the last set and redoubled my efforts to make the 3 remaining reps good and powerful. Just work when it comes to the single arm tates with these high reps. Put stuff away and ate dinner before stretching. Iced both elbows and right knee before bed.

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