Tuesday, February 8, 2022

February 7, 2022 – Week 18, Day 1

Band Face Pulls

12” Log Strict Presses w/ bands (head through on last rep only)
No Bands
Add Bands (+25lbs bottom/+40lbs top)
Add 5 seconds hold last rep


Paused Close Grip 2-Board Bench Presses (1 second)

Paused Incline Bench Dumbbell Rear Delt Flyes (3 seconds)

Paused Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extensions (2 seconds)

Comments: Trying to get things setup a little before I started training today to try and get through the workout in a decent time. I just had the time I guess. Not necessarily sore but I felt aches in my joints, even the ones that didn’t do anything on Saturday. Starting things off with band face pulls. Still 3x12. Feeling a little silly today so I was singing and dancing around during and between sets. I just go with it when I’m feeling that way. Why restrict my joy when it decides to show up for a visit? From there it was log strict press next with shortish rest and bands added. Now I guess there was some rain water still in the log (that had pooled to the bottom) so I had to empty that out. Plan for this was 6x3 with 8lbs more than last time I did these (so one less set). Did smaller jumps to get things to line up. Maybe made the bands feel less rough at the start. Left shoulder still kind of feeling off and achy. It did seem to feel better as I went on these to the working weight. Little bit of rain happening despite the weather app saying rain was 39 miles away. These were feeling a little tough. I was getting tension headaches from holding my breath when I should know better than that. After the third set I finally got myself to actually listen and breathe and that set felt the best. But I guess that didn’t stick as I held my breath again on the fifth set and it felt not great (3rd and 5th were like this) and got it together for the last set and made that one feel like the 4th set. Pull-ups next. Plan was 3x6 with 20lbs added. Note RIR on that last set. With the little bit of rain, I did break out the chalk for grip in case. Things seemed good last time but since I was doing more weight over the three sets compared to last week, I felt it was best to do a few reps with bodyweight to get ready. Ugh, these felt tougher this week. Right biceps was making itself known a bit more this week. The first set was ok. Not great but not bad. I figured that for the next set, I’d put on the compression cuffs to see if that did anything. It might have and it might have not but it gave me a little comfort boost perhaps. I seem to be good for 3-4 reps before the backpack weight starts oscillating too much and I have to do a dead hang to get the last few reps. Seems to work a few different aspects doing both kinds of reps in the set I think. Last set actually felt the best of these. Board pressing next. Pauses reduced to 1 second and advised to work up to 5rm with 1RIR and then drop 10% off for 2x5. I wasn’t sure how these would go. My thinking based off stuff from previous two weeks was to kind of see how I felt working up and aim for 315-330lbs. I deviated from what I was doing a little with the working up sets. A few more reps on the lighter weights and then back to triples. If I went by how I was feeling on the first set of triples, I’d have done 315lbs. But 275lbs things seemed to click and I felt confident in pushing myself here. I looked over numbers since 2016 injury as far as what I’ve done and the most I’ve done on a bench variation since then for 5 has been 325lbs. So pushing over that would kind of be an important step. I haven’t gone over 325lbs at home on any benching I’m fairly certain. But also worries that I’d fail and screw up the whole session by doing so. Just told myself I had it in me based off last week. I did 305x3x5 with 2 second pauses with about 2 minutes rest, I should be able to do 25lbs mor with half the time on the pauses for a single set. I was surprised how smooth and easy these went considering the weight. I think I relaxed a little too much in my resolve on that last rep as that was a little tougher than it should’ve been considering how it felt. I was pleased with that. I’ve been doing a super close grip benching style since last year. Hands nipple grip apart on my narrow bird chest so a long ROM and hopefully seeing improvements into my pressing overhead strength. Into the garage for light dumbbell stuff. Change up from the seated dumbbell power cleans. Paused work with the rear delt flyes with thumbs down. Been a bit since I’ve done these. These always sucked. Using really light weight and struggling. Though I think part of that may have been due to having it part of a superset with side laterals making things tougher. Plan was 3 seconds hold and lower with control. 3x10. I went with the 10lbs and found that I could handle them well enough this session. Last thing was triceps with dumbbells. One arm stuff still but not the Tates. This was overhead extensions with pauses. Advised to do 1-2 second pauses for 3x12-15 with 3RIR. I went with my 40lbs dumbbell for this on the chance that I’d be up to it. These were tough but I got 3x12 done. This is definitely progress when doing seated version of these with 27lbs was extremely tough for sets of 15 reps. Triceps were quivering after these. Put stuff away and stretched before eating pot roast. Workout was pretty quick today so I still had time for the roast to cook. Iced my elbows and the right knee before bed.

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