Band Face Pulls
12” Log Strict Presses w/ bands (head through on last rep only)
No Bands
Add Bands (+25lbs bottom/+40lbs top)
Add 5 seconds hold last rep
No Bands
Add Bands (+25lbs bottom/+40lbs top)
Add 5 seconds hold last rep
Paused Close Grip 2-Board Bench Presses (1 second)
Paused Incline Bench Dumbbell Rear Delt Flyes (3 seconds)
Paused Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extensions (2 seconds)
Comments: Warmer day today with weather. Another 60-degree day. Off work for federal holiday so I kind of had a bonus day. Got stuff done yesterday like I usually do for Sunday and then able to sleep in. I try to sleep in Sundays but I’m not usually able to as late as I’d like as usually my body wakes me up after so long after heavy event sessions that pound my joints. Especially knees. My right knee was quite sore after Saturday’s session and I iced it Saturday and Sunday as well as soft tissue work. Did some soft tissue work today as well before training. Figured I’d lift when I felt ready rather than waiting until when I’d normally do it on a workday. Starting things off with band face pulls. Still 3x12. Easy. From there it was log strict press. Now I messed up on these today. See what was listed was to do 200x5x3 with the lean back and holds (3-5ct) on the last reps. This was to be without bands but I was on autopilot and I assumed this was bands again. The weight jump was fairly large (172lbs last time vs 200lbs this time) so that probably should’ve tipped me off that this wasn’t to be with bands (besides it saying no bands). But I’m an idiot and read it as 5x3 with bands as that is what it has been the past two sessions of lighter log press. Considering the weight increase and that I put on bands, these actually didn’t feel that bad. But yeah, I felt pretty stupid checking the workout after I finished them to see this was to be without bands. Now I just have to hope that I didn’t screw up the peak for this by doing that. Have to tell myself that it is ok. Just pay attention. Pull-ups next. Reduced volume quite a bit here. Listed as doing two max rep sets with 90-120 seconds rest between them. One set with 25lbs added and then the second with just bodyweight. I did set of three to warm up after doing some hanging and scap retractions stuff. Plan with these was leave 1-2RIR. I had done 6 reps with 25lbs a few weeks ago so that was the goal to hit that and either beat that or make 6 feel easier depending on how things were feeling. Two rep improvement. Felt lighter without the back pack on for the second set and managed a set of 10 here. This is probably the most reps I’ve done at this bodyweight. But this hasn’t really been pushed as I’ve mentioned before that most of training since 2016 has been pulldowns. I was about 15-20lbs lighter when I was doing sets of 12 reps (16 reps most in 2012). And a lot of the pull-ups stuff from after 2012 to 2016 were neutral grip pull-ups. So a bit hard to compare there. I don’t have a way to really safely do neutral grip pull-ups (besides rings but those didn’t work out well doing “real pull-ups”. Board pressing next. Pauses back to 1 second. This week work up to 3rm with 1RIR and then drop 12.5% off for 3x3. If feeling good, I was thinking 350-355lbs. I wanted to be more confident in myself on things. Get back to doing reps with 350lbs or so on a bench exercise again. I figured that I’d do warming up with 2 step pyramid to 225lbs and then switch to singles from there to prime and not fatigue at that point. I kind of split the difference on the top set and went with 353lbs as that was 160kgs and then I could do 140kgs for the down sets. That first rep of the triple felt easy but then I got too loose on the second rep at the bottom and relaxed and that made things harder. I knew a third rep would be tough but I didn’t want to stop at 2 reps. But I also didn’t want to miss a rep. I’ve kept that to 2 missed reps total this training cycle so far at 20 weeks. I managed to get that rep locked out. Obviously down sets were going to feel a little tough after that. Some reps the first two sets felt rough and others not so much. Got it together on the last set and they all felt fine. Took a brief break to down a protein shake (wanted a meal but something I could digest quick). Now usually I go into the garage at this point but as I mentioned, earlier in the day so the sun was still out and I figured I’d just do everything outside. Paused work with the rear delt flyes with thumbs down. 3x8 for this week. So couldn’t use the 10’s as they’d be too easy. Have to use the plateloaded handles. They are longer so rather than jump right into the working weight, I did a few with no weight to prep. I had thought I could do 16lbs on these but I lacked the strength at the top end to hold the contraction so I had to lower weight to 13lbs. These need work at this weight. I feel like 10lbs is no problem but adding weight is tough here as the last part of the movement is the hardest. Overhead dumbbells again to finish out the session. 2 sets of 12-15 reps with 1-2ct holds in the stretch position with 3RIR. I didn’t like using the plateloaded dumbbells on these last week and my right arm felt fatigued right off the bat. I figured I’d try the 40’s again and see if I could improve with it being just two sets this week. Arms didn’t feel as fatigued this time. So close to 15 reps but I knew better than to overdo it. Pushing it as it was with getting 14 reps. Arms weren’t nearly as twitchy after I finished compared to last two sessions. Put stuff away and got roast set in the oven before stretching.
Comments: Warmer day today with weather. Another 60-degree day. Off work for federal holiday so I kind of had a bonus day. Got stuff done yesterday like I usually do for Sunday and then able to sleep in. I try to sleep in Sundays but I’m not usually able to as late as I’d like as usually my body wakes me up after so long after heavy event sessions that pound my joints. Especially knees. My right knee was quite sore after Saturday’s session and I iced it Saturday and Sunday as well as soft tissue work. Did some soft tissue work today as well before training. Figured I’d lift when I felt ready rather than waiting until when I’d normally do it on a workday. Starting things off with band face pulls. Still 3x12. Easy. From there it was log strict press. Now I messed up on these today. See what was listed was to do 200x5x3 with the lean back and holds (3-5ct) on the last reps. This was to be without bands but I was on autopilot and I assumed this was bands again. The weight jump was fairly large (172lbs last time vs 200lbs this time) so that probably should’ve tipped me off that this wasn’t to be with bands (besides it saying no bands). But I’m an idiot and read it as 5x3 with bands as that is what it has been the past two sessions of lighter log press. Considering the weight increase and that I put on bands, these actually didn’t feel that bad. But yeah, I felt pretty stupid checking the workout after I finished them to see this was to be without bands. Now I just have to hope that I didn’t screw up the peak for this by doing that. Have to tell myself that it is ok. Just pay attention. Pull-ups next. Reduced volume quite a bit here. Listed as doing two max rep sets with 90-120 seconds rest between them. One set with 25lbs added and then the second with just bodyweight. I did set of three to warm up after doing some hanging and scap retractions stuff. Plan with these was leave 1-2RIR. I had done 6 reps with 25lbs a few weeks ago so that was the goal to hit that and either beat that or make 6 feel easier depending on how things were feeling. Two rep improvement. Felt lighter without the back pack on for the second set and managed a set of 10 here. This is probably the most reps I’ve done at this bodyweight. But this hasn’t really been pushed as I’ve mentioned before that most of training since 2016 has been pulldowns. I was about 15-20lbs lighter when I was doing sets of 12 reps (16 reps most in 2012). And a lot of the pull-ups stuff from after 2012 to 2016 were neutral grip pull-ups. So a bit hard to compare there. I don’t have a way to really safely do neutral grip pull-ups (besides rings but those didn’t work out well doing “real pull-ups”. Board pressing next. Pauses back to 1 second. This week work up to 3rm with 1RIR and then drop 12.5% off for 3x3. If feeling good, I was thinking 350-355lbs. I wanted to be more confident in myself on things. Get back to doing reps with 350lbs or so on a bench exercise again. I figured that I’d do warming up with 2 step pyramid to 225lbs and then switch to singles from there to prime and not fatigue at that point. I kind of split the difference on the top set and went with 353lbs as that was 160kgs and then I could do 140kgs for the down sets. That first rep of the triple felt easy but then I got too loose on the second rep at the bottom and relaxed and that made things harder. I knew a third rep would be tough but I didn’t want to stop at 2 reps. But I also didn’t want to miss a rep. I’ve kept that to 2 missed reps total this training cycle so far at 20 weeks. I managed to get that rep locked out. Obviously down sets were going to feel a little tough after that. Some reps the first two sets felt rough and others not so much. Got it together on the last set and they all felt fine. Took a brief break to down a protein shake (wanted a meal but something I could digest quick). Now usually I go into the garage at this point but as I mentioned, earlier in the day so the sun was still out and I figured I’d just do everything outside. Paused work with the rear delt flyes with thumbs down. 3x8 for this week. So couldn’t use the 10’s as they’d be too easy. Have to use the plateloaded handles. They are longer so rather than jump right into the working weight, I did a few with no weight to prep. I had thought I could do 16lbs on these but I lacked the strength at the top end to hold the contraction so I had to lower weight to 13lbs. These need work at this weight. I feel like 10lbs is no problem but adding weight is tough here as the last part of the movement is the hardest. Overhead dumbbells again to finish out the session. 2 sets of 12-15 reps with 1-2ct holds in the stretch position with 3RIR. I didn’t like using the plateloaded dumbbells on these last week and my right arm felt fatigued right off the bat. I figured I’d try the 40’s again and see if I could improve with it being just two sets this week. Arms didn’t feel as fatigued this time. So close to 15 reps but I knew better than to overdo it. Pushing it as it was with getting 14 reps. Arms weren’t nearly as twitchy after I finished compared to last two sessions. Put stuff away and got roast set in the oven before stretching.
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