Sunday, February 13, 2022

February 12, 2022 – Week 18, Day 4

Mobility Prep
Lateral Stepdowns
bwx2/2 24”
bwx1/1 24”
bwx1/1 28”
bwx6/6 32”
bwx6/6 32”
bwx6/6 32”

Safety Squat Bar Box Squats (20” box) w/ bands (+60lbs bottom/+86lbs top)

Sandbag Shoulderings (Left)

Seated Arm-Over-Arm Pulls (tire, turf)
600x50’ in 27.87 seconds
650x50’ in 29.33 seconds
700x50’ in 32.90 seconds

Paused Hyperextensions (3 seconds)

Paused Side Plank Lifts (4 seconds)

Comments: A bit slow moving again this morning. Partly because I had things I needed to do before I went to train (pack up stuff, gas in car) and I was going to have to drive a bit more cautiously when it came to stops and turns having a 239lbs metal object that isn’t easy to secure down in the trunk. It has gotten up into the 50’s and occasionally 60’s the past two days when it has been below freezing in the beginning of the week. Such variances seem to make my body ache. The thing I was focusing on was that my right lower leg in the front and right side has been tight and been doing soft tissue work on it a good bit. Even with the husafell in the car and having to get gas, I made good time out to train. Wasn’t too bad taking the husafell out of the trunk and carting it into the gym either. Lot of people in the gym. Mostly novice people and some powerlifters. Also some veteran strongman competitors. I mention this as I did end up chatting quite a bit (info dump) so this did add considerably to the workout time. Some it was just shooting the shit but a lot of it was actually strongman related event tips and strategies (like how to shoulder a sandbag, chalking straps on frame to keep from slipping and breaking in a deadlift suit). But not during anything that had timed rests haha. I feel I have a good eye and know somethings but I can’t program worth a damn so I’m not going to cut it as a coach. More of that helpful person that has gone through the same thing and wants to make it so they get it done too and maybe not struggle as much. Music was playing the entire time so didn’t have to use my iPod. Some of the bands I use for the mobility stuff were gone but that was ok. They weren’t ones I needed for training exercises. Anyways, mobility stuff was good and easy. Change from the past several weeks was the single leg work. It has been squats to box for a good while now. I was advised to switch to lateral stepdowns this week. I essentially maxed out the height on these last time at 32”. Next height is 36” but 32” is enough as I’m in a full squat at this point. I’ve gotten so used to getting deep on these one leg exercises that my warming up for these laterals didn’t go as planned. It felt more comfortable to just go down into a full squat or bend my depth check side so that I could just get into the full squat to start things off with the warming up. Knee sleeves on these made a world of difference that first time back to them. These felt pretty good. Next was the ssb box squats with bands. I finished up with the lateral stepdowns just in time for a rack and the ssb to become available. Start of the second 3-week wave on these. Plan here was 325x5x3 with 45 seconds rest. Tried to figure what I’d need to set to keep from getting too much rest setting timer and ended up just being set as 55 seconds EMOM. Added 10lbs to the bar and went up 50lbs a set to warm up. Knees were surprisingly more achy on these than I was expecting with how my knees had felt doing the lateral stepdowns. Maybe the one-legged squats to box are harder on the knees without the knee sleeves and serve as a better warm-up. Could just be my knees being temperamental too. The shortened rest was definitely noted. I feel that I didn’t rush things as much with unracking the bar. Felt a little slow perhaps but hard to tell if actually the case. I didn’t feel like I was fatiguing in the upper back and core though. Shouldering sandbags was next. Now as this was written, I was to warm up with rows and singles and then do 275lbs for 3 singles, 250lbs for 2 doubles and then a set of 250lbs for 2-4 reps depending on how I felt and making sure they were all crisp reps. Since last time I did these I did a “sneaky” single above what I was to do (275lbs when I was to be doing 205/225/250 series), I figured I’d do that this week as well. The only deviation from the programming that is intentional. I’m still getting used to sandbag shouldering and it isn’t always about weight on these. The 306lbs sandbag is an unknown for this for me. Also feeling that competition pressure with someone that I’ll be competing against at the gym. They did the 306lbs bag after missing it for a PR. They seem to be improving a good bit since we last competed in the same show. Working up weights were feeling easy. 275lbs wasn’t. What was different from two weeks prior was that for that lift, I was really focused as it was an unknown for me and I set my grip and took my time. That won’t cut it in competition for this timed event and I figured it was best to treat it like that where I have it standing up and have to knock it to the side and go on the fly. Pick was easy but the shouldering was not. It got stuck and I had to really muscle it up there. Feeling all the vertebrae pop. So with that, I wasn’t sure about going up to 306lbs with how that felt. Especially compared to last time. But I went for it. 250lbs for a single warming up that last time also wasn’t the best and that ended up being a great rest of things (other than biffing the last lift of the last medley). Didn’t set the grip, treated 306lbs like I was starting in the medley event. Already saw someone do it. Maybe this will make the other weights feel easier. This was almost like the 275lbs was two weeks ago. I was kind of shocked how easy it was and just spun around it with it and tossed it off. I was tempted to do two more singles and just do that as my three for the day but I went back down to the 275lbs bag as it was harder to do and I figured that the difficulty vs the weight was more important with this implement. I feel it got easier each time. 250lbs I was going to try and have two bags setup so I could do medley transitions but the other 250lbs is leaking sand out a good bit and will be replaced and it didn’t seem worth the hassle to potentially have it burst more while on turf. So for the doubles, I just did the second rep where it lied. 250lbs felt ridiculously easy. For the last set, I reset the bag so it was standing up each time so that it was like I was doing a four bag medley. Again, this was stupid easy. Like, how was this weight ever tough for me. So up next was arm-over-arm. Again, weight is unknown for the contest at this point and setup other than it being seated in a tire with a rope on turf is also not confirmed. Been giving numbers and trying to obtain numbers from others that have trained at the gym for my friend to see about providing to the promoter for this. I’m fine with it being impossibly heavy. The setup I’ve been using I hope is one that would look as cool as it is going to look if it uses a prowler sled that will be easy to reset and not taxing on the helpers as it is going to be over 70 people and this is the only event that really will require a reset every single time. So I figured it was best to do actual weight this session vs exer-genie. That is good for building strength and getting used to things but it isn’t perfect for getting things like timing and pace down with an implement or object that behaves in it’s own way. The fine tuning with the genuine thing. Also a bit of contest competition. I had thought I was training above board. I’ve only done this event twice in contest (first show and got 2nd having never done strongman stuff but the day before at weigh-ins and another show where I had strained my lower back on the first event and still beat someone that eventually turned pro two years later). But that wasn’t such a certainty. When I had asked, numbers mentioned had been 650lbs in weight not including the sled (75lbs) so 725lbs or so and doing it ins 35-45 seconds. Last I did this was 525lbs and just getting under 35 seconds. That had been with the 2” thick rope and without someone handling the rope but still. Now the contest is probably going to use the thicker rope for the open classes but I wanted to see how I stacked up here. Did two half runs with weight before setting things up. Plan was to do 3 runs of 50’ at 80-90% contest intensity. Don’t have that so was going to see how 600lbs felt. This wasn’t too bad. The key thing for me is timing the very three last pulls. First set I did it perfectly so that my pulls resulted in me getting it right amount of effort without having to reset. That felt too easy for 90% and I figured I’d go up another 50lbs. Even with a mistime (missed the rope) on one of the pulls, this went well too. Saw where I was with the last three tugs so did a short tug for the penultimate and then a long pull to get that last one to cross. Another 50lbs. A bit more effort but still not something where I felt like it was going to be impossible to do. On this one I did mess up the last three pulls. I was too short on the penultimate pull and my final pull was shy like 3” so I had do another to get it. That’s what will be the difference maker. I didn’t know what my times were until I got back home but I wasn’t expecting these to be faster than my fastest time from a month ago with the thick rope and 525lbs. But at least I know I’m not slouching on this event. It was a good bit later than I was expecting it to be by the time I finally got around to doing the last bit of accessory work. Hyperextensions with pauses. 2x8 with 3 second for RPE7-8. I decided to do the same weight as last time for these. I was having issues getting things ready that first set as the pressure in my tendons of my ankles was too much and also smashed the boys on the knee cushion. I eventually got back in and rolled my knee sleeves doubled down and that seemed to be enough. These do feel good. I definitely think I can go up a bit more on these if they pop up again. Last thing was side plank lifts with pauses (3-4ct). Advised to do 3x8 with RPE7-8. I decided I would use 40lbs and aim for 4 seconds holds and do these back to back (rest being however long it took me to turn my body around to the other side). Definitely noticing that the left side has a harder time one these with fatigue. Cleaned up and drove home to get a roast going and stretched. Iced knees after dinner.

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