Sunday, February 6, 2022

February 5, 2022 – Week 17, Day 4

Mobility Prep
Single Leg Squats to Box (14”)
bwx1/1 (assisted)
bwx1/1 (assisted)
bwx1/1 (assisted)
bwx1/1 (assisted)

Safety Squat Bar Box Squats (20” box) w/ bands (+60lbs bottom/+86lbs top)

Frame Carries
Titan Fitness (16”)
Casual Pace 
Makeshift (18”)
Added Straps
BiggDogg Strongg (20”, 1.5” handles)
800x50’ in 11.08 seconds
700x50’ in 9.10 seconds
700x50’ in 9.33 seconds
700x50’ in 10.95 seconds

Glute Ham Raises (4 showing)

Sandbag Shoulder Carries (casual, turns at 50’)
150x100’ (left)
150x100’ (right)
150x100’ (left)
150x100’ (right)

Backwards “Sled” Drags (Exer-Genie)

Quad Fallbacks w/ bands

Comments: Weather wasn’t great Friday so there were some concerns about stuff from that day making driving out hazardous for Saturday. It had been ice and sleet the afternoon before with it staying below freezing. It sounded like it was going to be good by early afternoon but to me it looked like it was going to be below freezing all day. But it was sunny out and roads were crystal clear when I woke up at my usual time. But that didn’t mean that people on the road weren’t idiots. It was really windy and I saw a lot of cars pull over from either car issues or something else. I made fantastic time out to the gym. The owners were there and I had a question about things for my show after this one (setting up the Hercules hold) and they had questions for me about equipment for the upcoming contest at the gym. I’m apparently not meeting my quota of talking to/at people about strongman as I definitely was talking a mile a minute and oversharing about strongman stuff. There were a good bit of people that did strongman and I know at the gym at the time so there were periods of time where I wasn’t as focused on my rest periods for things that it didn’t really matter on. Anyways, mobility stuff was good. Easy as it should be. Single leg box squats as per usual. 2x10 for this week. The 15” box was in use by a few people for different things. Exercise related but more in the sense that they lacked height to do things so I figured that I might as well go for 14” box. Did a good bit of singles on the assisted lifts to get comfortable. Extra inch was tough. Not pain/discomfort wise, just getting deeper and deeper into a squat. Following the same pattern as it has been. Left leg having issues with the assisted lifts and right no problems, first negative with each side super slow feeling my way down, left leg not aching that much and right leg aching a ton, feeling better ache wise second set for right leg. From there it was on to the ssb box squats with bands. No wait this week. Timed things right to get one of the racks open. Third week of the 5x3 speed squats. 15lbs more than last week. So I started with 15lbs added to the bar and did the same jumps as last week to make it easy. This was probably a good thing since I had to use the beefier rack that tends to hit the bigger plates on the unrack walking out so putting smaller plates first gave me a little buffer. No stiff lower back this time. EMOM style and working up a real good sweat here. Definitely felt tougher than last week but still solid stuff. Could feel the fatigue as I went. From there it was on to frame carry. This workout heading indicated that this was the big emphasis of the session and it was to be a “confidence booster” for the show. The aggressive push continues. Plan here was 800lbs for a set of 50’ and then take off 100lbs and do 3x50’ with that. My issue with frame carry/farmer’s walk is always the pick-up. It drains me and unlike yoke, I can’t adjust the pick height (though I’ve done a show that the yoke couldn’t go high enough and had to do a deeper pick). So doing 50lbs over contest for 10’ further would certainly be a feather in my cap. Assuming I did it. It would be big confidence boost doing this but a severe blow to it if I failed. It would be solely on whether I stood up with it or not. I haven’t done this kind of weight on frame since December of 2010. I did 802lbs for 60’ (no straps) from a 22” pick in a very heavy marathon workout. I wore wrestling shoes to make myself lower to the ground. Then later in that month I did 805lbs for like 6’ from 20” pick. At that time, I was training for a show with a very high pick frame carry around that weight but I ended up rupturing my left hamstring the next month. Since then, frame/farmer’s stuff hasn’t been in that realm of heavy with moving stuff. 350lbs being the heaviest. Only stuff since that time had been frame picks and holds more for grip work or prepping for 2017 SC Nats. Most I did was 800lbs from 19”. So this would be territory that I’ve not been at in some capacity at least 4yrs to lift it and 11yrs to move with it. I had to figure on best way to warm-up here and not have the frame end up in the middle of the course or have stuff end up on the far end. So for that, I figured that less warm-ups with the lighter frames made sense here. Super light still done and usual jump after that. But I had done 100lbs jumps after that and shorter runs but I figured I’d do like 140lbs jump so that I was only doing 2 runs with the makeshift frame. That meant I’d do the empty big frame for a 50’ run and then do 90lbs and 70lbs jumps for 25’. This thing was feeling heavy. I was trying to use just the right amount of effort to get the job done. But it takes effort to move over 700lbs. I didn’t want to do something like a 100lbs jump from 700-800lbs. 728lbs felt heavier than I would’ve liked to be doing 800lbs. So I started preparing myself and getting into that tunnel vision zone. No dark thoughts or anything. Just supreme focus on what must be done. Invoking that flight or fight response. It took effort to talk and breath at the same time as I went up to ask for help with videoing and timing. Some people would talk to me and I’d know they were talking but I couldn’t comprehend what they had just said as I was so tuned out of all distractions. I knew that after this effort was done, there was going to be a big dip and need to recover a bit before doing other heavy stuff this workout. I got set and got my timing right and picked it up. Felt heavy but it wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been. Once settled about halfway through I started to pick up my pace. Only thing I heard was someone telling me to pick up the pace. I was shocked that my time was about a half second slower than my time two weeks ago with 750lbs. So this was done and there was relief but I still had a lot of work still to do. I took my time putting weights away to get things ready for the 3x50’ with 700lbs. I didn’t expect things to feel as light compared to last time with going from 750lbs to 650lbs. First set that weight felt heavy and slow and I was bummed but I knew that was to be expected after 800lbs. But then I checked my time with what I did last time I did 700lbs and audibly swore as I was apparently almost a half second faster than my fastest time with this weight a month ago. It was even faster than my best time with 660lbs. The hell? Second set was also similar in that it felt heavy and slow but also still faster than my fastest time from a month back. Now I think the issue after that was I spent too long shooting the shit with Brian and cooled off a bit too much and didn’t have the focus. It felt fine on the pick and I felt like this would be even faster but I think I screwed up my breathing or just finally getting that adrenal crash as about halfway through I felt light headed and felt like I was going to drop it and had to slow down unlike I could regain control and go. That was my slowest time by a good bit. Almost the same speed as my 800lbs set. So not the best end to the frame session but very happy with the sets before that haha. After that glute ham raises. I was told to do 3 sets of max reps with 2RIR and work on keeping it to knee flexion. Last time I had made these easier than I’ve done them in the past with having the foot pad back a pin slot (5 showing). I felt that if I did that this week, I’d be doing like 20 reps a set or something and I figured that I should at least try to do them from the pin slot (4 showing) that I was doing previously from. There is certainly a bit more core/back stress with this setting but I seemed to not be too bad on these. I was actually hitting higher reps here than I was expecting honestly. Last set was when fatigue caught up to me and the reps went down big time. Next was a new exercise for me; walking with sandbag on my shoulders. Now I should mention at this point I was annoyed. See, the sound system at the gym lets people attach I-pods or phones to it. Most people wear headsets. Twice one of the powerlifters went and turned off the sound system as they didn’t like the music. Now in the past, people have asked if they could put their own music on or just skipped to another song. I’m fine with that. As long as something is playing. Feels disrespectful to just go up and turn off the music. Someone is obviously listening to it. The first time it happened I thought the sound system had just shorted as it sometimes does when volume it to loud but I didn’t think that was the case as it was a softer song. Second time I saw the culprit do it. I left it off until I was done my sets of ghrs but I wasn’t going to train in silence. Especially if it had to hear them talking the whole time I was training still. Anyways, the plan here for the sandbag carry was to do 2 sets of 100’. One set was 100’ on the one shoulder and then 100’ on the other shoulder. Gym just got new 100lbs and 150lbs sandbags that were like packed sphere sot that worked for me. I was told I should stand as upright as I can and feel it in the opposite obliques. I did this and I did not feel that. I was feeling more in the same side bracing as well as in the shoulders and lats. A different powerlifter went up and changed the song while I was in the middle of my set. While that is progress, it is an unspoken rule that you don’t change a song while someone is in the middle of a set. I was walking with these to keep time under tension long. This was kind of easy so I just do each set back to back with a little rest between the sides just to collect my thoughts. Backwards “sled” drags with the exer-genie after that. Two sets again. Same setting I’ve been keeping these at. Felt tough today for both sets but easier the second set. My calves were feeling these today. Last thing was quad fallbacks. But I was advised to add band tension to make them tougher. I wasn’t too sure how that would feel and had to think on setting up an anchoring station. The best spot unfortunately was near the powerlifters. Now I was in the annoyed state and also with that comes some anxiety and thinking people are looking and talking about me. They are probably not and I try to block that out. So first set I used just a mini band and realized that this was not enough tension. So added another mini band for the second set and that felt about right. Wasn’t going to do a third set as these without weight or bands are enough work to begin with. I decided to go home to stretch because of a few reasons. I didn’t know if I was going to tank even more from digging into the reserves for the heavy frame, people were driving like idiots coming to the gym and I’d rather not add darkness to that equation, and I didn’t want to be around the people that were irritating me for an activity that was to help me relax and decompress. Made good time home and stretched before icing my knees and getting things ready for the evening.

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