Sunday, August 1, 2021

July 31, 2021 – Week 2, Day 4

Mobility Prep
Nordic Leg Curl Negatives (5 seconds)

Box Jumps
30”x0 (missed box and fell hard)

Front Squats

Casual Pace
650x50’ in 10.65 seconds
650x50’ in 10.31 seconds
650x50’ in 10.?? seconds (camera issues)

Seated Arm-Over-Arm Exer-genie Pulls (2” rope, tire)
8x30’ (lead got stuck)
8x60’ in 29.04 seconds
12x60’ in 36.94 seconds
16x60’ in 52.22 seconds
.75x120’ (2 runs of 60’) in 20.62 & 17.82 seconds (misload)

Lying Leg Curls

Backward Sled Drags (concrete)
360x100’ in 39.12 seconds
360x100’ in 39.18 seconds
360x100’ in 37.68 seconds

Comments: I got through the session but at what cost? A bit of social interaction the day before and I ended up going to sleep a lot later than I had planned so I ended up sleeping in past my alarm (haven’t done that since mid-April when I started going out to train again at the gym. I was also a little worried about stuff getting closed again due to COVID-19 stuff this coming month and potentially disrupting things again. Traffic wasn’t great until I got onto the one highway road. There were a ton of people there today. I was really not expecting that as usually there are a handful and I come in when they are finishing up things. A guy and his two boys that used to train at the Y and I had told them about this gym years ago had finally made the trip out. It was quite crowded. Movement prep stuff had split squats and hip airplanes. These felt good today. No lower back pump like last week. Then nordic leg curl negatives. Again. These aren’t getting any easier haha. I at least had things figured out from last week so setup wasn’t too bad. Tough, especially since I did them earlier in the week as well with band assistance. After that was a new one for me. At least as far as most training goes. Box jumps. I think I’ve only ever done these twice in my life for training and that was in 2016 and had been singles as part of a contrast training. I didn’t think it did anything for me. And I’m really out of jumping shape as I did use to be a good volleyball player when I was under 100kgs in bodyweight. Plan was to do doubles with 60-75 seconds rest. Idea being to do “soft landings” and step down each jump. I did several jumps to warm-up. I felt like I could do the 30” box. Which in hindsight maybe not a good idea if the best I’ve done in the past had been 33” for a max I think at 20lbs lighter. Now getting myself ready for the working sets I guess I cooled down too much as my first go I was not getting as high as I was on my warm-up jump and it was definitely not a soft landing. Second and third set I rectified that I feel. Fourth set was a disaster. I should say the first attempt was. I was too close and didn’t get high enough. I had elected to use the hard foam block for my box as I had leery about used the wooden plyo boxes having seen so many shin injuries from misses and the larger foam ones were being used for Hercules hold training crash pads. I had been impatient and wanted to keep going with training and didn’t wait to use the way more stable setup. I missed and gravity returned me to terra firma post haste. I landed hard. Now no problem with my back or head but I had used my left arm to try and catch myself and that was immediately sore. I don’t think anything was broken but I could tell my wrist was going to be bruised and swollen sooner or later. I got back up and I did that last double. So mad at myself for this. Now my options were to head home now or continue with training. Other than arm-over-arm, nothing I saw seemed to stand out as stuff that I couldn’t do even with a banged up lower left arm. I elected to continue as going home was just going to be me icing and doing recovery stuff and have me be doing a pity party. I had three working limbs. So I continued. Next up was front squats. Plan was to work up to 77.5% and do 3x5. Now if I was doing front squats like an oly lifter (rack) or bodybuilder (cross arm), I’d have a problem here but I use straps so I should be fine. I wasn’t too sure how these would go. Most I’ve done on front squats since 2016 injury was 315lbs for a triple to a box and 270lbs for five earlier this year. My all-time best is 385lbs I think. I was hoping that all the lower body improvements I’ve been seeing would have helped me improve and maintain so just have to see. I had to do these in the tunnel area as all the other racks were in use. Which is fine by me. I was also wondering how my left knee would do on these as the knee problem only seemed to be present on back squats and split squats. I didn’t seem like it would be a problem but I decided I’d put on the knee sleeves for my working sets to be safe. I was feeling good on these today so I ended up going for heavier weight that was closer to what I’d have for my previous 1rm on these. Other than the sensation of the weight feeling crushing on my upper body the first unrack, it felt comfortable for me. Felt good first two sets and I could feel some fatigue by the third set. That was at least something positive for the day. Next up was yoke. I wasn’t expecting this after doing yoke last week. But I guess that had been really light and more of a reintroduction. Set warm-ups and working weight this time around. I did have some choice with the first bit of doing the empty yoke. I elected to do casual pace and then normal for the short runs. Advised belt up for all sets after that. I did still work up to that with doing notches on the belt so that max tightness I use for yoke on last work up set. Wrist was not enjoying this but I made it work. 650lbs didn’t feel bad on my knees or back. I’m just slow. For comparison, this speed is about what I got for my speed PR with 800lbs. Another competitor was using the other lane so I couldn’t rely on my tripod for filming and had help from my friend Brian. On the last set which was feeling like maybe my best of the day (at least better than first run), I had an incoming call that disrupted the video so couldn’t get the time off of it. So a little annoyed with that. I’m not terribly concerned about my yoke speed as long as I’m feeling comfortable under it. Up next was arm-over-arm work. With the stupid Exer-genie. I taped up my wrist so that I could give this a go (as thankfully my left arm is not my lead arm for this). I thought I had figured it out from last session on what I need to do to get it to work for me. I guess I still have more to learn. The ropes get twisted and tangled and that meant I had to restart my first working set. Plan was to do things of increasing difficulty with top set being RPE 9 and then go back down to something to try and do a double run on. This pain in the ass situation was figured out but now requires two people to assist (one to eat the rope and another to make sure the line doesn’t get tangled). I’m sure that this issue won’t be nearly as bad when it comes to doing truck pull simulations. In either event, the unit gets very hot so I have to wait sometimes to adjust it. Made big jumps (relative) on this using “2lbs” more than my top set last time and went up “4lbs” each. The jump for the second set was tough but I thought maybe another jump wasn’t going to be that tough. I was wrong as the time increase shows. The plan for the last set was to do a double. Use either what I did for the second or first set and try to run it twice or at least do two sets as quickly as I could after one another. This didn’t go great and I didn’t want to repeat it after I was done as I was frustrated. The first was that I had the cylinder on the wrong setting so instead of being “8lbs”, it was apparently at “12oz”. So this was just me doing light rows. The second problem was resetting as it took over 75 seconds to reset and hook up the rope to the new lead line. So more time was spent on rest than actual work. But it was done and I moved on to finish up the rest of the day. So lying leg curls after that. Plan being 3x15 with 3RIR. I figured that with the work being put in on hamstrings, that I could do 135lbs for this as I had gotten 18 reps that one time. But I wasn’t expecting my hamstrings to feel so sore in the muscle belly from all the Nordic leg curl stuff. Just 45lbs was feeling challenging. But I knew it was just from feeling sore and not that I couldn’t do it. And if my wrist situation keeps me out from the stuff I need to do, might as well put effort into the things I can still do. So resulted in pushing it up 5lbs each set. Last item for the day was backwards sled drag. Plan being 350lbs for three sets of 100’ with 2 minutes rest. I deviated as 360lbs was easier plate math with the proposed working up of doing 10-20’ runs adding a plate each time. That way I could start with 100lbs on the sled and just add 45lbs. I was told not to use my arms, not sure if I did these right (was I to have it hooked to a belt?) or if this meant for me not to row the last bit. I tend to do that using the momentum to finish. The warming up seemed to work great. On the first and second set, I still did the row shrug at the end but I waited until after I had gotten through the finish to do so. More to get some extra distance and make turning around the sled easier to have it at the start line again. I counted time but apparently I counted too slow as it was closer to 2.5 minutes and 2.25 minutes respectively. These sled drags felt good. I could tell that I was going a bit faster on the last set as I got a good groove and it almost felt like I was falling backwards with it at points. After that, I was debating going home and stretching or staying and stretching. Only benefit would be going home now was I could get to taking ibuprofen sooner. I stayed to stretch with the hope that going later would result in a smoother drive. It did not. Terrible drivers everywhere except for the one stretch of road that is always terrible traffic coming and going. It was perfectly fine and no traffic there. Took anti-inflammatories and iced my wrist twice. Really hope this doesn’t affect things too much.

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