Mobility Prep
Circus Dumbbell Clean and Presses (Dumbbell with Fat Gripz Extreme)
50x2 L/10x2 R
50x2 L/10x2 R
50x2 L/10x2 R
50x2 L/10x2 R
50x2 L/10x2 R
50x2 L/10x2 R
50x2 L/10x2 R
50x2 L/10x2 R
50x2 L/10x2 R
Circus Dumbbell Clean and Presses (Dumbbell with Fat Gripz Extreme)
50x2 L/10x2 R
50x2 L/10x2 R
50x2 L/10x2 R
50x2 L/10x2 R
50x2 L/10x2 R
50x2 L/10x2 R
50x2 L/10x2 R
50x2 L/10x2 R
50x2 L/10x2 R
One Arm Half Kneeling Landmine Presses (3 seconds negatives)
Paused Half Kneeling Single Arm Band Pulldowns (3 seconds holds)
Paused Behind the Neck Strict Presses (5 seconds holds)/Paused Incline Bench Dumbbell Cuban Rotations (3 seconds holds)
Supinated Band Front Raises
Banded Pec Flyes
Single Arm Band Triceps Pressdowns
Comments: I’m in that state of uncertainty although I’m not sure if that is entirely accurate. More of a wanting to and not wanting to at the same time kind of thing. Is it cognitive dissonance or some kind of quantum state wanting? A more accurate thing may be that I’m like this because of the uncertainty of things. Myself (recovery), the upcoming event (COVID) and the future (what is next). I like having plans and structure and knowing there is something to follow. Progression, moving forward. At this point, I have no idea after this upcoming show in October. It’s something I need to think on and figure out my goals. The end goal is the same still, that hasn’t change but getting there seems tricky with a high bar of entry to leap over. But back to the present. Most everything seems ok from the last week. Left shoulder has a sore spot around the AC joint. Not sure what caused it or why just the one side. My thinking was maybe the pads on the hack squat as that was the only new thing I did and I noticed discomfort on the ssb stuff afterwards but not before. Still wearing wrist brace for training. Again, I added my own stuff to warm-up (foam rolling, PNF stretching). I also did some movement prep stuff with the wall slides, TKE step-ups and push up position planks (knuckles). Circus dumbbell again for light stuff. Same as last time with 50x10x2 and I did 10lbs for the injured side as my active rest. I had to talk myself out of doing any more than that on the injured side. Just another week. It wasn’t until later when I reviewed video that I realized I had only done 9 sets. Oh well. This was more or less form work and warm-ups so not that big a deal. In the grant scheme of things, this is like 25% of my 1rm on these. Into the garage for the rest of the workout. With fans going. Still in the 90’s and muggy. I had setup stuff before I got started with the circus dumbbell stuff. Landmine pressing again. Told to keep the long negatives and do sets of 5 up to an 8rm and then do 3x10 with a percentage of that. I took big jumps again and did the empty bar for the injured side with matching reps again. I figured +110lbs was a good number. 1rm said I couldn’t do it haha. Honestly I had at least another rep here and maybe two. But this was fine as the down sets were the killers. Just under 100lbs added and doing 3x10 when +90lbs has been the most weight I’ve been doing for less reps. Those last two sets were quite tough to finish. Next up was the single arm lat pulls while kneeling with holds. 4x12 again. I had been advised that this workout wasn’t really one that could be progressed at the moment other than increasing band tension. This is the “extra day” for upper body work. I figured with that reasoning, it was probably best to maintain the band tensions I had for stuff for this week as hopefully I get cleared to return to normal training this Friday. These holds against bands are exhausting. Especially over this amount of sets. Super set of the little shoulder muscles returned. Light stuff but with holds and pauses so this got tough quick. I mean, the first series is pretty easy and gets really tough with the burn in the shoulders by the end. I think that I had better awareness of the barbell this week compared to last week. Which is good. Kept same weight on the rotations. No need to go heavier with these. Then bands for the rest of the workout. As mentioned above, I was going to keep band tension the same. I figured it might be tricky trying to add bands to raises and flyes. Raises had felt pretty easy last week but I figured I could make things tougher by resisting the accelerated eccentrics of the bands rather than just moving to move it. Definitely made a big difference in the difficulty. Banded flyes are going to be hard to add tension to with how much I need and just my own body weight to brace. So controlling things here also worked quite well. Last bit was triceps. Stuck with mini band for the injured side. I didn’t do the controlled stuff on these as I knew this amount of tension was tough and would be tough to finish over four sets. Elbows have been quite achy since having to change things up due to the arm issue but that had been feeling like that at the start of this training cycle too. Band triceps twice a week is getting rough. First set was definitely easier than planned but I knew that my triceps fatigue quick and once they do, they suffer. So the last three sets were each harder than the last. My right arm is going to be so much larger than my left if I don’t get back to normal training soon haha. Put stuff away and ate big dinner. Stretched out before cleaning up.
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