Mobility Prep
Paused Safety Squat Bar Squats (3 seconds, beltless)
Paused Safety Squat Bar Squats (3 seconds, beltless)
Paused 7” Jack Stand Spud Harness Pulls (4” off the floor, 2 seconds)
Safety Squat Bar Step Ups (14”)
Band Assisted Nordic Curls/Hollow Holds
lbx8/bwx30 seconds
lbx11/bwx30 seconds
lbx9/bwx30 seconds
lbx8/bwx30 seconds
lbx11/bwx30 seconds
lbx9/bwx30 seconds
Paused Seated Band Hamstring Curl (3 seconds holds)
Quad Fallbacks (17” target)
Sled Drag Work
260x5 minutes
260x5 minutes
Comments: Day didn’t start off great. I woke up feeling like I had a slight cold. Nasal spray wasn’t doing it so I eventually relented and took some Dayquil to make the day tolerable. Tree people were here so wanted to keep the headache to a minimum with all the noise outside. Wasn’t feeling the blahs so much today but I was still concerned about my knees and ankles. Been doing ice and soft tissue work. Mobility stuff to start off the evening. Again, mostly legs and some core work. Started things off with paused ssb squats. Beltless doubles again. 6x2, same as last time with the 90-120 seconds rest. I assume this was to be 70% (app was missing a zero). Knees weren’t complaining too much on me until I got up to the top weight. At that point, my left knee was feeling like it wanted to shift on me the first rep of each set but then no issues for the second rep. I’ve kind of gotten to that morbid state of “if it goes, it goes doing this” when it comes to anxiety about aches and pains. I know that these pause squats are hard on my knees with the holds in a position that keeps tension. But I got my reps in. After that was harness stuff. Last week was first time using it so this week looking at doing a variation based on observations from that first session. What seems to be working for the deadlifting had been heavy suit work and then raw paused work. Can’t do that for at least another week after this one. So this was to be the pause week. So for this, I was advised to setup stuff so I was pulling from a 1-2” deficit and holding for 1-2ct about 3-4” off the ground. So starting lower and doing a hold at essentially floor or slightly above, which is my weak point. I elected to use my Jack Stands and a higher platform so that I didn’t have to worry about the bar rolling or having to use a jack to put on weights. The plan was to do between 365-385lbs for these based off how 545lbs looked last week. Do 5x3 with no real set rest. Indication was that it was to be challenging but feel like I could build on this next time and so on. So I felt 365lbs was the minimum for me depending on how I felt. I also feel that I have mobility in the wrist to hold a deadlift with straps but trying that next week for the “heavy” week is probably not wise, especially when not cleared to do so yet. These felt pretty good. I had originally planned to do some doubles and then singles to warm-up but this is still a new movement for me so I just stuck with doing doubles. 365lbs felt way too light so I went and did 405lbs for the work sets. I didn’t want to go too far out of the effort range on these but these were pretty comfortable. I said it last week and I’ll say it again, even if I’m not injured, I have no problem with doing these as an assistance exercise. Though it will need to be seen if these help the intended thing I want them to help. Step ups with the ssb after that. I was a little nervous my knees would just explode on me. But no issues with just the bar so I figured I’d be ok to go. I went up 10lbs from last time and decided to do straight sets with that weight just to be on the safe side. Felt about the same each set. And maybe a little harder the first few reps of the first set getting used to it. I can go up I think another 30lbs before I’ll need to go outside to not hit the ceiling on these with weight haha. I got time I think. I was trying to get things moving along as I knew it would be getting dark pretty quick. Superset of band assisted Nordic curls with the hollow holds again. Last week wasn’t good enough apparently as I was told for the Nordic curls to do 2nd and 3rd set of them as max reps instead of just the last set like last week. More towels on the bar (maybe too many this time) and using my knee sleeves to protect my legs. Not much to say about the hollow holds really. Just they get tougher each set. Same can’t really be said for the Nordic curls as they are up and down. Another hamstring exercise added after that was band leg curls again. But with holds. Eww. So 3 seconds contractions and max reps with what something that would have me failing between 15-25 reps (1-2RIR). I wasn’t sure what to expect. The contraction was hard on these after the Nordic leg curls. Oof. Just managed to stick to the low end on these. Those holds sap me good. After this was those darn quad fallbacks. Still 3x8 with bodyweight. Continuing to progress on ROM on these. I think I moved this out 1” further from Saturday. I wasn’t sure if I was even going to do these as I was still remembering how they felt on my ankles Saturday. Was going to break my ankles for knee health? More morbidity. But these felt like they usually do for me so I’m not sure what happened on Saturday that made them so difficult. Last bit was more sled drags forever. But now the sun goes away fast so it was pretty much just darkness. Turned on porch lights and got out reflective vests and flashing lights to make myself and my sled stand out. Added 5lbs to last time and I did a bit more alternating between backwards and forwards to keep from having things lock up on me from fatigue. So humid that I was just done after I pulled the sled back into the garage. Ate Thai food before stretching and cleaning up. Iced knees before bed.
Comments: Day didn’t start off great. I woke up feeling like I had a slight cold. Nasal spray wasn’t doing it so I eventually relented and took some Dayquil to make the day tolerable. Tree people were here so wanted to keep the headache to a minimum with all the noise outside. Wasn’t feeling the blahs so much today but I was still concerned about my knees and ankles. Been doing ice and soft tissue work. Mobility stuff to start off the evening. Again, mostly legs and some core work. Started things off with paused ssb squats. Beltless doubles again. 6x2, same as last time with the 90-120 seconds rest. I assume this was to be 70% (app was missing a zero). Knees weren’t complaining too much on me until I got up to the top weight. At that point, my left knee was feeling like it wanted to shift on me the first rep of each set but then no issues for the second rep. I’ve kind of gotten to that morbid state of “if it goes, it goes doing this” when it comes to anxiety about aches and pains. I know that these pause squats are hard on my knees with the holds in a position that keeps tension. But I got my reps in. After that was harness stuff. Last week was first time using it so this week looking at doing a variation based on observations from that first session. What seems to be working for the deadlifting had been heavy suit work and then raw paused work. Can’t do that for at least another week after this one. So this was to be the pause week. So for this, I was advised to setup stuff so I was pulling from a 1-2” deficit and holding for 1-2ct about 3-4” off the ground. So starting lower and doing a hold at essentially floor or slightly above, which is my weak point. I elected to use my Jack Stands and a higher platform so that I didn’t have to worry about the bar rolling or having to use a jack to put on weights. The plan was to do between 365-385lbs for these based off how 545lbs looked last week. Do 5x3 with no real set rest. Indication was that it was to be challenging but feel like I could build on this next time and so on. So I felt 365lbs was the minimum for me depending on how I felt. I also feel that I have mobility in the wrist to hold a deadlift with straps but trying that next week for the “heavy” week is probably not wise, especially when not cleared to do so yet. These felt pretty good. I had originally planned to do some doubles and then singles to warm-up but this is still a new movement for me so I just stuck with doing doubles. 365lbs felt way too light so I went and did 405lbs for the work sets. I didn’t want to go too far out of the effort range on these but these were pretty comfortable. I said it last week and I’ll say it again, even if I’m not injured, I have no problem with doing these as an assistance exercise. Though it will need to be seen if these help the intended thing I want them to help. Step ups with the ssb after that. I was a little nervous my knees would just explode on me. But no issues with just the bar so I figured I’d be ok to go. I went up 10lbs from last time and decided to do straight sets with that weight just to be on the safe side. Felt about the same each set. And maybe a little harder the first few reps of the first set getting used to it. I can go up I think another 30lbs before I’ll need to go outside to not hit the ceiling on these with weight haha. I got time I think. I was trying to get things moving along as I knew it would be getting dark pretty quick. Superset of band assisted Nordic curls with the hollow holds again. Last week wasn’t good enough apparently as I was told for the Nordic curls to do 2nd and 3rd set of them as max reps instead of just the last set like last week. More towels on the bar (maybe too many this time) and using my knee sleeves to protect my legs. Not much to say about the hollow holds really. Just they get tougher each set. Same can’t really be said for the Nordic curls as they are up and down. Another hamstring exercise added after that was band leg curls again. But with holds. Eww. So 3 seconds contractions and max reps with what something that would have me failing between 15-25 reps (1-2RIR). I wasn’t sure what to expect. The contraction was hard on these after the Nordic leg curls. Oof. Just managed to stick to the low end on these. Those holds sap me good. After this was those darn quad fallbacks. Still 3x8 with bodyweight. Continuing to progress on ROM on these. I think I moved this out 1” further from Saturday. I wasn’t sure if I was even going to do these as I was still remembering how they felt on my ankles Saturday. Was going to break my ankles for knee health? More morbidity. But these felt like they usually do for me so I’m not sure what happened on Saturday that made them so difficult. Last bit was more sled drags forever. But now the sun goes away fast so it was pretty much just darkness. Turned on porch lights and got out reflective vests and flashing lights to make myself and my sled stand out. Added 5lbs to last time and I did a bit more alternating between backwards and forwards to keep from having things lock up on me from fatigue. So humid that I was just done after I pulled the sled back into the garage. Ate Thai food before stretching and cleaning up. Iced knees before bed.
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