Mobility Prep
Paused Safety Squat Bar Squats (3 seconds, beltless)
Spud Harness Deadlifts
Safety Squat Bar Step Ups (14”)
Band Assisted Nordic Curls/Hollow Holds
lbx14 PR+3 reps/bwx30 seconds
lbx12/bwx30 seconds
lbx10/bwx30 seconds
Paused Seated Band Hamstring Curl (3 seconds holds)
lb’sx23 PR+4 reps
Quad Fallbacks (17” target)
bwx5 (stopped due to discomfort)
Sled Drag Work
295x5 minutes
Comments: Realizing that I need to find a middle ground in my thoughts. There are times with overestimation and underestimation that have led to rash decisions when it comes to my pursuit of strength. In general but also this year. This year I can kind of see it more clearly and try to not follow in the footsteps of mistakes I’ve previously made. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. You can come back quick but you may not have the endurance to maintain right away. Being forced to take a detour has me looking at things. I’ve previously mentioned how I expected this whole year to be getting feet wet initially and seeing if I still really wanted to do this. And then 5 weeks into training, I had the bug and wanted to compete and try for SC Nats. I tempered expectations and but still felt I’d podium at the competition. Winning was a bonus. Qualified but decided I wasn’t going to compete there. I had already stretched myself thin with committing to another show in August for fun (had to pull out) and then the show I had withdrawn from earlier in the year had openings again and I got back on the roster. I’m seeing that even if I was healthy to do both shows as planned, doing the one was going to take away from the other and vice versa. Though more apparent for the later show. I have to think on things a bit more but ideas are starting to solidify. On to training stuff. Woke up with my right knee feeling achy and stiff but thankfully that went away fairly quickly during the day. Same mobility stuff as last few weeks. Had all the fans going. I think it has been just above 90 every day this week and last when I’ve had garage training sessions haha. Started things off with paused ssb squats. Beltless doubles again. Dropped a set so now 5x2, with the 90-120 seconds rest. Still creeping up in weight with 12lbs jumps it seems. So I had to alter the weights a little rather than just doing the empty bar to start. No discomfort in the right knee. Left knee still doesn’t seem certain but it seemed better this week. I feel like I was a little deeper into the squat and able to hold rather than rest on my calves still. Might have been a bit more forward lean than last week. But still going up. Relatively light percentages compared to what I think I can do for a belted single on regular ssb squats but it is just 30lbs shy of my top double with pauses I’ve done so far. Harness pulls from the floor after that. Plan being work up in doubles with controlled negatives and then 3x3 with top weight followed by removing 50lbs for an AMRAP leaving 1-2RIR. Much like last week (and I guess the day before) I was tempted to add weight to these. Granted last week gave a range based off feel and to make sure it felt a certain way while this week had specific weights. So I stuck to that. I took big jumps on the doubles. I didn’t want to burn myself out after all the squats. These pulls can be weird as it can feel like it is going slow but moves pretty quick. The first rep is always rough. Perhaps because the slack fully comes out of the straps as it gets pulled into my body. It felt decently tough. On the rep set, despite feeling like I was going to puke from nerves, I wanted at least 8 reps. 8 reps with feeling like I had 1-2RIR at minimum. But what I really wanted was 10 reps with that feeling. I need to have things doing work that will result in +700lbs deadlifts. I could feel the hamstrings twitching on that last rep. Any more reps would be ugly and possibly have hitching, though not sure how that would work with the strap setup haha. Step ups followed. This time being 3x15. I thought it might be too much going for what I did last week for those reps. Was going to do 20lbs less but eventually talked myself back up so just 10lbs less. Those extra reps were tough. Knees were achy so I was a little hesitant warming up and at the start. I’ve been just resting between legs with the bar on my back but this time I felt that wasn’t going to be enough for me to recover so I did set it down between sides. I think part of my thinking with it before was that it wasn’t becoming a factor and a little “may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you're dead” for the fatigue. But I did seem to get better as these went and probably could’ve done the weight I did last week. Superset of band assisted Nordic curls with the hollow holds again. I took a slight departure from how I normally do super sets in that I took a break between them. Reason being that the words were on the Nordic curls to leave nothing in the tank each set. So that was going to suck. And I wanted to make sure that I was getting in quality work and not just fatigued stuff. Hollow holds remain the same. I wanted to get double digits on each set after hitting such a high number that first set. Got to make these hamstrings strong. Band leg curls again with holds after that. Trying to beat the reps from last time. Hamstrings so tight after the Nordics. I lost count of what I was doing on the first set. I wanted to make sure I did 20 reps here and I went over that a bit haha. Second set I got an extra 2 reps. After this was those darn quad fallbacks. Still 3x8 with bodyweight. Continuing to progress on ROM on these. These did not start out well. Ankles were killing me. I tried to fight through it but I had to stop after 5 reps that first set. It has to be a good bit of discomfort considering I finished up the workout when I fractured my elbow and sprained my wrist a few weeks back. I adjusted the pad so that it was supporting my ankles and my knees to see if that helped. And boy did it. It was like almost peaceful. I was getting greater ROM and I was 10” further away than I was doing the weight before. Big difference. These actually felt great and I look forward to doing them. Ankles are still going to need some time to recover from overdoing it on the forced stretch I’ve been putting them through having them on the floor like I have been for these for weeks on end. Last bit of the night was sled work again. Lights on and all the safety stuff. I had it in my head that I should be pulling my own weight. Or rather, the sled should be at least my bodyweight. I had only gone up 5lbs last time after how much adding 20lbs to the sled sucked so not sure where I got the nerve to go up to 295lbs but I did and it felt about the same honestly. Just pouring sweat. Put everything away (yep, wasn’t so tired like last week when I left it all out) before eating a lot of pot roast and then stretching.
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