Friday, August 20, 2021

August 19, 2021 – Week 5, Day 3

Mobility Prep
Circus Dumbbell Clean and Presses (Dumbbell with Fat Gripz Extreme, 3 seconds holds in bottom of dip and lockout, 3 seconds negatives)
30x1 R/10x1 L
50x1 R/10x1 L
70x1 R/10x1 L
90x3 R/10x3 L
90x3 R/10x3 L
90x3 R/10x3 L
90x3 R/10x3 L

Single Arm Axle Lockouts (8” ROM)

One Arm Dumbbell Bench Presses (5 seconds eccentric)/One Arm Dumbbell Rows (noninjured side) :  One Arm Band Rows (10 seconds holds, injured side)
OADBP – 10x10 R
OADR – 40x5
OADBP – 10x10 L
OADR – 80x5
OADBP – 40x10 R
OADR – 115x5
OADBP – 10x10 L
OADR – 145x5
80x10/10x10 – 170x10 (no straps) – abx10
80x10/10x10 – 170x15 (straps) – abx10
80x10/10x10 – 170x13 (straps) – abx10

Y Raises (no weight, 10 seconds holds)

Iso Hold Lateral Raises (hold 25lbs kettlebell injured side)/Band Crossover Rear Delts

Single Arm Band Triceps Pressdowns/Single Arm Band Hammer Curls

Comments: Hey, at least my body wasn’t inexplicably hurting this time. Out of nowhere last week. I had been tired and exhausted Tuesday evening and with the rain off and on the following day, I just left what I had out out. So car got some outside time. So I had to clean up a little before I got ready. Foam rolling and PNF stretches again. This is definitely the most I’ve been able to stretch out as one side was able to kiss the ground twice on the second round. Means one side still tighter than the other.  Movement prep back to doing the stuff I did last week (wall slides, TKE step ups and BTN presses in split stance). So first item of the day was circus dumbbell pressing. Every day forever I guess haha. I want to go all out on this training to get this up to snuff. Especially with how easy 160lbs was my literal first week in training with it. Anyways, it was the tempo presses again with the pauses and holds and negatives. Just 5lbs more than last week. I took a bit shorter rests here I think as I decided I’d do my injured side with 10lbs as kind of active rest. I can handle 10lbs. Keep that movement pattern nice and grooved so that when (I’m 1 billion percent confident I’ll get over this) allowed to get back to it, I’ll be there. One of the things I’ve noticed with the controlled negatives is that sometimes as I get stronger, I get better at controlling it and can make it even harder. Which I think was kind of the case today. My shoulder and triceps on that side were screaming and steaming by the end. Had me a little worried I’d screw up the rack work like I did last week. Into the garage for the rest of the session. Seated lockouts with my axle. Last week had not been ideal. About only good thing was the last set for reps. Had confidence that it was a fluke as I was advised to work up in doubles and then singles to between 125-135lbs for an EMOM. 8x1. I so badly wanted to do it with 135lbs because of last week. The balance of lifting this isn’t difficult, it is finding that balance point to break it off the rack that is the tricky part. I seem to do ok once I find that spot. Started with 20lbs jumps for the doubles and then 10lbs jumps for the singles. I knew this was going to be tough regardless of what weight I picked with how getting that balance point right. And it was. There were times I didn’t think the weight was going to go up as I had to keep adjusting. I think the 6th one was the toughest as I had to try it three times to get it moving. But I got my 8 lifts in without deviating from EMOM timing. Plan after that was to drop the weight down a little for some rep work. Good stuff here. So close to matching reps last week with 10lbs more. On to the chest and back stuff. Kind of similar to last week but again, slight changes. When it comes to the group sets (2-3 exercises back to back) most of the time, it is light enough or the previous stuff has me warmed up enough that warming up in minimal and I can usually jump right in. This is not the case for this part of the workout. See, the row part for the good side was going to be heavy and pushing it. I was told to work up to the top weight in sets of five. So rather than do first set of the benching and then all these warm-ups on rows, I decided to pair them as my warming up stuff and then I could jump right into it with the working weights. I tested my left arm and I was able to do the 10lbs this week without discomfort so I matched reps with my good arm on the benching. The band rows I kept the same as I was told to adjust reps to match intensity and honestly, having sets that last about 2 minutes with mostly contractions is quite exhausting. No need to do more than 10 reps really haha. Benching felt better this week. Band rows and benching stayed the same across the sets but the dumbbell row was a different beast. So the plan here was do a tough set of 10 reps without straps and then put on straps for the next two rounds for max reps with 1-2RIR. This actually ended up being a PR for me despite not doing this particular exercise in over 2yrs. Straps on these are little weird as the balance doesn’t feel right so I do have to mess with it a little to make sure it is balanced in my hand. Like I have to do a little exploratory tug. After that, it was on to Y raises. No weights again. Despite that, I accidentally started the first set with 10lbs dumbbells before I realized that this felt a lot tougher than usual haha. Ditch those and started over. I figured out a better way to keep track of the reps since I don’t have to hold weight. Use my fingers haha. After that, it was a shoulder super set again. Dumbbell lateral and the band rear delts. I kept the band tension the same for the rear delts and the weight for the dumbbell lateral. More so because I had started lighter last week and I wanted to try holding more weight in the injured side in the positon I can hold it and I wasn’t sure how that would effect things. Didn’t really so I know for next week. Last pairing for the evening was triceps and hammer curls with the bands. Increased reps so I actually lowered the tension I was using on the triceps but kept it the same for the curls as I figured they were getting hit just once a week and could handle going harder again. Injured side is feeling better each week as I was able to do some band tension on that side for curls. Cleaned everything up and had Thai food again (I had ordered too much Tuesday and had some leftovers but not enough to fill me up so I got more). Stretched and cleaned up before bed.

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