Tuesday, June 8, 2021

June 7, 2021 – Week 13, Day 1

Mobility Prep
Axle Push Presses

Viking Strict Presses w/ bands (+36lbs (+27lbs) bottom/+45lbs (+34lbs) top)

Chest Supported Barbell Rows (2 seconds hold, straps)
2 seconds holds on first 5 reps, then normal style

Band Push-ups (3 seconds negatives)
No Bands
Added Bands
lbx16 PR+1 rep/bwx5

Prone Dumbbell Retractions/Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extensions w/ bands

Comments: It’s that stupid hot week. I had finally been able to make myself sleep in on Sunday and I spent some time outside mowing part of the lawn that needed it and going for a walk. Right knee was little sore from a misstep on a not so firm spot in the backyard mowing so I was hoping that didn’t effect training (only had a little bit of leg drive pressing planned). There were evening plans and with it being so darn hot, I tried to get stuff somewhat setup for training, just short of putting bars outside as I didn’t need to be getting burns from leaving those in the sun. I also got the fans out to see if I could make the patio area somewhat tolerable. I had been able to do some soft tissue work the night before at least so stuff like my knees and biceps didn’t feel so tight. Foam rolling felt good. Hip flexor stretch was fine and I could tell one side was tighter than the other. Movement prep was good. I was expecting discomfort but got none. Last week right biceps was tight on the lat stretches but not this time. So then it was time to train. Axle again. What appears to be the pattern is one week work to a top set and then back down sets and the other week do work sets and then do a rep set with less weight. So this was the do sets followed by rep set week. So on tap today was 280x3x2. Plan was the usual 30lbs jumps doing doubles up to 70%  and then singles. Which really meant just a single before the work weight. Despite the heat, I was feeling pretty ok today on the pressing. First rep with 280lbs was a little weird in that I didn’t quite have my balance ready so I was caught off guard with the bar path. Second rep I rushed it with how it went out in front. Second set banged off the rack arm on the right side walking out. That set was about the same. Third set was the one that felt the best for me. It does seem like I have a bad habit of taking time to get my shit together with axle overhead. Down set was to be 264lbs but it was easier to just make it 265lbs. I didn’t feel like I had the hyped feeling on the previous sets which is probably good as it wasn’t needed. It just when it comes to reps or new weight that my heart just starts pounding. Rep set was to be 1-2 RIR. Now as far as training would go since switching to home gym, technically 5 or more reps here was a PR. But if we go back to post 2016, I’d need to do 9 reps to get a PR here (as I’ve done 267lbs for 8 before). It felt good at the start but I got sloppy and my first attempt at a 7th rep went way too far out in front of me. I do this as I get fatigued and generally on all my pressing as I kind of hip shimmy under the weights and have flexible shoulders. That miss cost me but I knew that it was a form issue and I still could get it. It was a bit slow to lockout but I knew it was going. Annoyed that I missed it the first go as I feel 8 was there and still have a rep in the tank. On to viking press. Bit of a change here with not doing axle strict press. These were to be strict presses too with band tension added. Over complicating things figuring out the tension being added but then what is actually being added to weight in hand. I guess I wanted to know if I was moving equivalent weight and progressing. Plan here was 3x5 at RPE 7. The tension felt like a lot initially with how grounded the barbell setup felt but it moved well. I ended up doing about what I expected and was kind of surprised the last set felt the easiest. I’ve always wanted to do this kind of exercise and have tried in the past with different setup but that ultimately failed with figuring out the tension among other things. Mainly because I remember reading Dave Ostlund doing them in old training logs from 2005-2007. At this point, I put stuff away from the pressing and kind of setup stuff for rows but then took an hour or so break to spend time with family before they left for home tomorrow. I had done the math and realized that it would be after 8PM when I got done just the lifting (let alone stretching) so I made the call to stop. I had done this before this year with the dentist appointment. Granted I didn’t eat about 3lbs of steak while I was at the dentist so that was going to be something. So after that visit, I was back home to finish what I started. Half paused and half not rows. One less set but more reps per set. I probably could’ve gone lighter but I figured that the pause reps are the difficult ones and the regular style just take a bit to get the swing of things after prehausting them with the pauses. So I just did plate-quarter jumps so I was doing 225lbs. Could have been all the steak, the heat or just having really cooled down but these were a bit tougher than planned. Though in typical Craig fashion, the rows felt easier as I did more sets and last set felt just perfect. I had an issue unracking the second set so that was a little jarring. Push-ups with bands again. Move into the garage with the fans. This time it was 2x12 and then a max rep set. I decided to go back down to just a light band for this as going for 12 with the light band and two micros was a max effort last week and no way I’d be able to do that over several sets. I figured this was a safe tension to use and didn’t have to worry about the tiny bands shifting on me. And I should have the ability to hit a rep PR on the max set even with the fatigue of previous sets and maybe get more reps on the last set with bodyweight. It was definitely fine up until 9 reps I think each set before the fatigue kicked in. A little surprised I got just 16 reps but it was still a PR. Just absolutely wrecked when it comes to the bands coming off haha. Like how you feel after being on a trampoline or treadmill for a good bit and then back on the ground. Last bit of the night was superset again. Higher reps over two sets. Prone dumbbell only had slight pause so I figured I could do the extra reps ok with not having to hold them for “two-mississippi”. The triceps part was interesting as it indicated combination of dumbbell and band. I went with the empty dumbbell handle and a mini band. This seemed just fine that first set but the second run through it was a lot harder to finish things out. Really had to work for those last five reps each side there. Most of the stuff was put away so I was able to finish dinner (yes, I still had food to eat) and then stretched before icing my knees before bed.

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