Friday, June 18, 2021

June 17, 2021 – Week 14, Day 3

Mobility Prep
12” Log Incline Bench Presses
280x3 PR+13lbs

Inverted Ring Rows
bw+55x16 PR+10lbs

Incline Dumbbell Triceps Extensions (3 seconds negatives)
40’sx16 PR+4 reps

Paused Leaning Dumbbell Lateral Raises/Paused Half Kneeling Band Face Pulls
12x15/15 —lbx15
12x15/15 —lbx15

Comments:  I wanted the day to be done. This whole week I was just wanting to take a break. Sleep cycle was off a bit as I don’t think I got to bed before midnight any evening. Luckily still teleworking so I can still get 8hrs not dealing with commute even with that going on. Part of the stress of the day was waiting to find out if I was be recalled or not to start back in the office next month. I apparently made the cut but who knows how long that is. Mobility stuff for the lats, traps and scap. My upper abdominals were a little unhappy with some things but nothing major. So back to log without bands. Which seems to be the thing right now. Plan for the day was to work up to a triple that left me with 1-2 reps in the tank and then doe 3x4 with a percent based off of that for down sets. Anything over 267lbs on incline log press was going to be a PR for me as never tried heavier. Unracking was feeling pretty good and shoulders seemed ok. I did wonder if maybe doing triples all the way up (I did do a set of five and 40lbs jump at the start) with 30lbs jumps might make me fatigued prematurely. Possible but I told myself that that is what I’ve been doing for all these weeks and the idea with the second day is to have an auxiliary pressing to get those reps and work in. I’ve only just recently gotten used to it and reaping the rewards of it so no reason to screw with that. I’m not training for a max incline log bench press. Training is training. I have to think and rethink these things to keep the intent and focus on the right thing and not be going all out at all times. Do all the things all the time. The workout sets always feel rough on these and I think that feeling maybe helps because then I feel like I have to take that top set seriously. Can screw around. I knew I had my triple on that first rep, barring some catastrophic injury during the set. It felt good to continuing to see this improve. There was most definitely a rep there and most likely two. Down set I had some balance issues with unracking on the first set. Maybe the second too. I feel like I got better each set though. I went with the higher percentage. I mean, I had just done slightly heavier for more than double the reps two weeks prior. I’ve been reluctant to put the wrist wraps on for these as I’ve done in the past as I seemed to keep screwing things up when I went to put them on and my wrist seem fine doing wrist wraps on just my overhead stuff. Perhaps this is benefiting me as well. Ring rows after that. I’ll admit my rest breaks were a bit longer than usual as I was doing that beloved past-time of refreshing a spreadsheet on Reddit to catch the result of WSM this year as it happens. Kind of. So as seems to be the trend, doing the weights from last week and then aiming for a max rep set with 1-2 RIR. These felt really good today. I did have some wobbly weight issues on second set with positioning of the weight on my body. It still feels substantial but not as crushing when I’m on the ground getting setup like last week. Managed to match what I did two weeks ago with 10lbs more as far as the reps. So up next was the lighter things. Triceps with accentuated negatives again. A little different this time. Still doing same weight for sets of 12 but then the last set was for max reps. I was a little worried I’d lose count of my reps on that but I figured out a way to keep track a little better. At least for keeping track of tempo if it is only one way vs both ways. Got 16 reps here too. Last item for the day was shoulder and traps superset again. Again just two sets. I was a little worried I was going up too soon on the dumbbells as those extra three reps per set add up quickly over the shorter rest period between exercises. But it was fine and may have actually felt easier than it did last week. Workout did go a little later than planned but that was ok as I had already had food delivered (I was craving shawarma and curry) and I had off from work. Ate and then stretched.

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