Sunday, June 27, 2021

June 26, 2021 – Week 15, Day 4

Mobility Prep
Lateral Step Downs 
bwx3/3 (12”)
bwx3/3 (12”)
bwx3/3 (16”)
bwx3/3 (20”)
bwx8/8 (24”)
bwx8/8 (24”)
bwx8/8 (24”)

Circus Dumbbell Clean and Presses
Plate Loaded Dumbbell with Fat Gripz Extreme
72x1 R
72x1 L
72x1 R
72x1 L
92x1 R
92x1 L
112x1 R
112x1 L
Circus Bell
130x1 R
130x1 L
130x1 L
130x1 L
130x1 L
130x1 L
130x1 L
130x1 L
130x1 L
130x1 L
130x1 R (shouldering only and hold)
130x1 R
130x1 R
130x1 R
130x1 R
130x1 R
130x1 R
130x1 R
130x1 R

Safety Squat Bar Squats (5 second negatives)

Safety Squat Bar Dead Squats (2” above parallel)

Seated Arm-Over-Arm Pulls (2” rope, turf, tire)
120x50’ in 20.66 seconds
220x50’ in 23.05 seconds
310x50’ in 26.98 seconds
400x50’ in 32.13 seconds

Belt Squat Marches

Copenhagen Planks (ver 4)
bwx20/20 seconds
bwx20/20 seconds
bwx20/20 seconds

Glute Ham Raises w/ mini band

Comments: Still have some slight niggles in the lower back from disc bulge symptoms.  I did some more traction before I got in the car to drive out to train to see if I could get it a little more and nothing really. I guess as long as it doesn’t get worse or I feel that it is hampering things. One thing that might be the case is that I’ve been out of NutraDisc for about a week now waiting for a delivery. I’m thinking that perhaps that has been managing the little leftover symptoms for me as I ran out after the last weekend. I will have to see if things improve when I get some more hopefully in the next day or two. I say this as I noticed an immediate relief when I started taking it after my pain relapse in late 2019 and I’ve been taking it ever since for the nerve issues. Also have MRI tomorrow morning. Not nervous about that as I won’t find out anything until Friday morning. Just had bad experiences with the MRI stuff. First one there was a delay in getting results and the initial findings given were incorrect (told nothing wrong and it might be mental). That was for my back. Second one again showed nothing and I was told I was ok to compete (this was right biceps and I have deformation where muscle tore). I had to be careful and my insurance changed things go covered so I had to pay for it fully out of pocket for the deductible. So there is a low bar of being satisfactory haha. It felt really hot and humid although it was only 80. Warming up was fine but I was sweating excessively. Other people training there and working out said as much. I’m just too efficient at cooling myself. Lateral step downs again to start things off. My knees were feeling pretty achy so I did another set with the lower box height before I felt ok to move on up. Plan was 24” box for 3x8. These were a lot tougher compared to what I did last week. Left side noticeably behind the right side in that it takes 10-15 second longer to compete a set. Maybe I should keep up the icing of my knees some evenings after training lower body. Left side there were some reps that felt like the knee would go. So not terribly encouraging. No tosses today. That through me for a loop as initially the workout was going to have keg toss again but that got swapped out for circus dumbbell. It has been so long and I have to prep for a 23lbs PR in October. I knew the gym had circus dumbbells but I decided I’d bring mine since it has the thicker handle and would probably be the hardest of them as I can’t determine what kind is going to be used in October. It is really tricky training for this many shows at the same time. The plan was to do push presses with 75% for EMOM singles for 8 each side. But treat each side as its own EMOM. I needed a bit of warm-up to get my form feeling right. At the start, both sides felt equally awkward. One of the benefits of the gym was I had a drop tire so I didn’t have to worry about controlling down like I usually do to add addition fatigue. I’m under no illusions that I can progress to the point that I’m repping 225lbs circus dumbbell when the most I’ve done since 2015 is 187lbs. Eventually as I got into it, the left side got familiar with things again and it was easy. I chose the weight as an in between from using my best push press (162lbs but with 2 pause 2 second pauses) and best jerk (187lbs) to get something that would be my normal push press, which came out to the empty circus dumbbell. I had brought my grip shirt and wrist wraps in the event that I needed them but I didn’t. Right side was more hit or miss. I did a shoulder and hold to prep after doing the EMOM for the left side since it had been getting cold for about 10 minutes by that point. I’ve noticed in the past that if I don’t do something like that, my first rep with the other side is garbage. Last rep I rushed it and it ended up being more of a half strict press. But it is good to see that stuff didn’t feel too off once I was warmed up at least. Next was squats with the ssb. No tempo this time. Thank you. My legs actually are still a little stiff from Tuesday’s session. Like, weight doesn’t seem to matter as much with that kind of stuff. It is going to be awful. However, I was to do these with accentuated negatives. My choice of 3-5ct and I always seem to go for the longer. Plan here was triples up to a decent set of five reps and then cut off 10% for another set. I had an idea of what I wanted to hit. My knees hated me on that very first set and that’s when I remembered that I was wearing knee sleeves for these. Much better. I was worried on these that my shorts were ripping as they were tight around the hips. But no, that was just the sound of the fabric moving on my sweaty parts haha. I had thought I maybe went too heavy for my top set with how my last work up set felt but it seemed to be just on the borderline. The second set didn’t feel like I took any weight off as it was still tough. The rack squats again. This time I was to do timed sets. 5x2 with 10lbs more than last time’s weight and doing 60-75 seconds rest. So I did it with 75 seconds and whatever time after I did the double was what I had left for rest. I started heavy for the warm-ups and those singles were moving fast. Then the working weight and it felt like all the weight in the world that first set. Felt slightly better as I went but it was not feeling fast reps. Oof, still had more to go. I had to double check my workout to make sure I had the right order of exercises. Next thing was arm-over-arm pull. I was to do four sets of this and increase weight each round and get a good motion down. Ideally, keeping the rope taut and not touching the ground. The plan had been to setup using the exer-genie. But I couldn’t find it at my house and assumed it was at the gym as I probably left it there like 1.5yrs ago. I spent a good bit of time looking around before I started training for the day and couldn’t find it. So this meant using a sled. Which can be a pain in the ass in its own way. I setup a 50’ course on turf. The competition is a vehicle for that distance. I researched past videos of the contest to view the setup and saw it was seated on  a tire and smaller one at that. One that I’d not be able to get full extension. Also, the rope was going to be 2” diameter. All these factors meant I’d need to train this at a disadvantage and would result in lower weight to be used to get the training effect. I also anchored the rope higher on the sled to simulate how it would be connected to the front of the vehicle. I started with just the empty sled and realized it was too light but it was a start and I realized I needed someone to take the rope as it was bunching up on me in my lap. This isn’t a problem with a much shorter course training alone. I only went up 50lbs from there to see how things felt with a rope guide. I then made much bigger jumps. Resetting the course did give me some extra backwards sled drag work (just the empty sled and rope). At over 300lbs, the tire was moving so had to anchor it with kegs for the last set. That one was tough and my grip was definitely feeling it as I mistimed near the end on the second to last pull. I wasn’t successful in keeping the rope taut but I feel like this is easier with a vehicle resisting or the exer-genie. After that was something I figured I’d see show up since yoke is in October and it is heavy and got to work on the other stuff without destroying lower back. Belt squat marches. I’ve always been leery with belt squat stuff because of the traction. Some traction seems good but others not so much. Like, stuff that lets the lower body like from hangs or doing dips is great for me. Not sure on grounded stuff. Reverse hypers are terrible for my back with how they traction things. Maybe I was more anxious about it with just feeling some symptoms this week.  But the idea behind this seems sound for yoke training. Condition for it without the load on the spine. Put it all on the hips and legs. 200lbs was tougher than I thought it would be when I was setting up initially so I did my first set there. Trying to keep from teetering seem impossible to initiate the exercise but seemed ok after I got that first step down. I’m not sure if I was doing it right. I did keep adding weight and honestly, that initial pick up to start is the toughest thing as this isn’t made for the talls haha. Things finally winding down at this point. Copenhagen planks again. Whatever version for 3x20 each side. I went back to the 4th version as the moving the leg bit didn’t do anything for me. My right knee is still not a fan of these. Then on to GHRs for the last part of the day. I was told to do 3x10 with a mini band if I could and take off the mini band if I failed and finish out the reps of the set. I was thinking not happening with how things have been feeling on GHRs for me. I was going to just hold it in my hands so I could drop it quickly if needed but I decided I’d grow up and put it around my neck for max tension. I was just shocked I could do a rep, let alone a set of ten. And not just once but three times. Granted I was getting more fatigued each time I still made it through without needing to drop the band. Spent time stretching and letting my shirt dry out before driving home to clean up and eat a big dinner. I iced my knees so that I didn’t have a restless sleep so I would be ready to wake up at a reasonable time for the MRI in the morning.

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