Friday, June 4, 2021

June 3, 2021 – Week 12, Day 3

Mobility Prep
12” Log Incline Bench Presses
247x9 PR+1 rep

Inverted Ring Rows

Incline Dumbbell Triceps Extensions (3 seconds negatives)
35’sx11 (miscounted)

Paused Leaning Dumbbell Lateral Raises /Paused Half Kneeling Band Face Pulls
13x12/12 —mmbx12
13x12/12 —mmbx12

Comments:  Still continuing the theme of just stuff feeling slightly off. But not anything I can pin down or put my finger on. More just a general sense of the work I do being pointless and trying to keep myself motivated to do the job on top of just the strangeness of life in general. I had not gotten to do everything I wanted the night before and I was nervous for training today as I felt like not doing soft tissue work was going to make this a bad session. So worrying about stupid things. Then I was given something legitimate to think about with hearing the passing of former friend earlier in the day. Lou was one of the guys from the beginning. Less and less of us these days. Makes you think. It had been expected to rain off and on with potential thunderstorm later in the evening so I had moved my squat rack into the garage so I didn’t have to worry about getting caught in a downpour later and also not have to worry about my feet slipping on wet patio. It was a bit hard to stay “distracted” on the present with getting updates and messages about what had happened with Lou. I can feel it later. Mobility stuff for the lats, traps and scap. Hard to tell if things were happy or not in my shoulders and joints but the mobility stuff felt good. So back to log without bands. This was what had me nervous. Not so much the percentages but what those percentages came out to in weight. 267lbs, what I had done for 5 two weeks ago was now the plan for 3x3. So over several sets. And then to do a rep set with 20lbs less essentially. Just had to tell myself do it again like last time. Just a number and the other numbers say I can do this no problem. And I know that if I get the first set, I’m getting the other sets. Just still have those recollections of how these felt those first few weeks of training with a second day and getting stapled. Warmed up just like last time, knowing that the odd plate combination would feel tougher and it would give me rest swapping it to the normal 2 plates a side for the work sets. These went well and I felt powerful and in control. Unrack on the second set wasn’t great balance wise for my wrists but I got it done. Rep set was to do it 1-2 reps shy of failure. 7 would be technical best for this training cycle, 8 would tie my PR. I definitely had 10 today but called it there to be smart. I really hope that this carries over to my other pressing. Ring rows after that. I was surprised to see that I was again doing 3x12 and then a max rep set with 45lbs this time. I did have to take breathers inside the house with how humid it was. It wasn’t that hot but the air was suffocating almost and I was getting soaked on my skin. My garage was just trapping it in even with the door open. I stubbornly haven’t used the fans yet as I feel like I can wait until hit 90 (which looks to be all next week). I did an extra rep for my warm-up with just bodyweight since the weight is getting heavier and I didn’t feel that I had to do an in-between weight here. As seems to be the continuing case, the first set feels not so comfortable and then I feel better as the sets go on. Rep set was to leave 1-2 RIR so I stopped at 16 as it was getting tougher. Maybe I could do 20 reps if I let form get loose and had gun to the head scenario. But trying to be smart with this stuff. Triceps with accentuated negatives again. Again, only three sets but I have a hard time judging the difficult with decrease in reps. I did an extra rep on the warm-ups because it felt right. I wasn’t sure with how my triceps felt if these would be ok today and I guess I went too light at the start. I tried a small increase for the next set but that wasn’t enough (and I unfortunately miscounted and did one rep less than planned). Last set I did get weights right finally to be where I wanted them for difficulty. These have been tougher to figure out what I can do compared to the other variation. Perhaps because I’ve just done them more not on an incline? Last bit of the session was the shoulder and traps superset sandwich again. I figured that this time around, I could handle more band tension on the face pulls and maybe a little more weight on the dumbbell. I had started cooking dinner and I put on a song by Dragon Force with the plan to get through all the sets before the song finished. Left shoulder and biceps didn’t care for the laterals that first set but ok after that. Traps and neck didn’t get all tense like they did last week. Finished up and put stuff away before eating dinner and listening to The Gambler on repeat for a bit. Stretched and just had the rest of the evening to think.

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