Mobility Prep
12” Log Incline Bench Presses w/ bands
No Bands
Added Bands (+17lbs bottom/+36lbs top)
12” Log Incline Bench Presses w/ bands
No Bands
Added Bands (+17lbs bottom/+36lbs top)
Inverted Ring Rows
Incline Dumbbell Triceps Extensions (3 seconds negatives)
Paused Leaning Dumbbell Lateral Raises/Paused Half Kneeling Band Face Pulls
13x15/15 —lbx15
13x15/15 —lbx15
13x15/15 —lbx15
13x15/15 —lbx15
Comments: Still feeling that niggle in the left side of my lower back. It’s been better but I’ve also had way worse. My thinking is that perhaps a little too zealous on the leanback on some of those viking presses. I decided to do a little spine traction with the dip stand before lifting to see if that sorted things out a little. I think this is only twice I’ve done that in the past 15 weeks of training. I had to do that quite a bit more frequently before so obviously something is going right for me. Not sure if that got it all but I didn’t add any weight beyond my body to see if that was good enough. Got some tightness in my glutes on the right side. But it didn’t make things any worse and I could feel some of the tension had dissipated. Then it was on to training. Mobility stuff for the lats, traps and scap. My legs were still sore from Tuesday, more so than my upper body was from the workouts this week. These felt pretty good today. I actually felt like this was the best I’ve had as far as control and ROM with the scapula work this whole time which is probably also the case for years. Bands on the log press again. So the plan here was to do 7x2 with 5-10lbs more than last time I did these. Same band tension. I was told to try and keep rest period to 60-90 seconds so I setup my timer for 90 seconds so I was doing the sets on the timer and I had the rest of the 90 seconds to rest and recover. I went with 10lbs increase since despite it being more sets, this was just doubles and it would be less fatiguing. I swear these feel heavier than they end up looking on the video. Was feeling pretty good on these all things considered. Didn’t bang my chin or feel like I was getting crushed or have really sore shoulders during of afterwards. Ring rows after that. Going up in weight again. 10lbs jumps on this are no joke. I figured that doing bodyweight to warm-up wouldn’t be good enough considering the amount of weight. I still think that what I didn’t wasn’t enough to prepare for that first set as that felt so damn heavy. Like 10 reps was not a given that set. It could be that the setup I had for the weight wasn’t as stable so that could be why it was challenging as switching up the plate order seemed to make it more stable for the second and third set. Felt easier but still not a ton easier. But at least it felt like I had reps left. Last set was a bit different in that I was to do just body weight but really hard contractions. These actually felt pretty nice. Kind of funny to me that I’ve only been doing these for like half a year and gone from doing no weight to a really hefty toddler of weight. On to the triceps. Plan this time was to be 3x10. I went slightly heavier than what was written because my plate math would just be me putting two 10’s on each side of my 6lbs dumbbell handles. I didn’t think it was wise to go from 10lbs to them because that was a solid dumbbell vs a rolling one so I did a light set with the handles. I felt like doing a set of 10 was needed to warm-up the elbows and everything. These felt really difficult at the start of that first set but then I seemed to get a groove going and it wasn’t terribly difficult to finish these sets. Not to say that the joint pressure and the control wasn’t making me work. Last thing then being the leaning laterals and band face pulls. No sense in increasing the band tension on the face pulls as this seems perfect. Went up a tiny bit on the laterals with how they felt last week. I think I either held the pauses shorter last time than usual or I held them longer today as that was a challenge. But I do like that this is the second week in a row where my biceps haven’t ached on the laterals. Put the weights away and then had way too much curry for dinner before stretching.
Comments: Still feeling that niggle in the left side of my lower back. It’s been better but I’ve also had way worse. My thinking is that perhaps a little too zealous on the leanback on some of those viking presses. I decided to do a little spine traction with the dip stand before lifting to see if that sorted things out a little. I think this is only twice I’ve done that in the past 15 weeks of training. I had to do that quite a bit more frequently before so obviously something is going right for me. Not sure if that got it all but I didn’t add any weight beyond my body to see if that was good enough. Got some tightness in my glutes on the right side. But it didn’t make things any worse and I could feel some of the tension had dissipated. Then it was on to training. Mobility stuff for the lats, traps and scap. My legs were still sore from Tuesday, more so than my upper body was from the workouts this week. These felt pretty good today. I actually felt like this was the best I’ve had as far as control and ROM with the scapula work this whole time which is probably also the case for years. Bands on the log press again. So the plan here was to do 7x2 with 5-10lbs more than last time I did these. Same band tension. I was told to try and keep rest period to 60-90 seconds so I setup my timer for 90 seconds so I was doing the sets on the timer and I had the rest of the 90 seconds to rest and recover. I went with 10lbs increase since despite it being more sets, this was just doubles and it would be less fatiguing. I swear these feel heavier than they end up looking on the video. Was feeling pretty good on these all things considered. Didn’t bang my chin or feel like I was getting crushed or have really sore shoulders during of afterwards. Ring rows after that. Going up in weight again. 10lbs jumps on this are no joke. I figured that doing bodyweight to warm-up wouldn’t be good enough considering the amount of weight. I still think that what I didn’t wasn’t enough to prepare for that first set as that felt so damn heavy. Like 10 reps was not a given that set. It could be that the setup I had for the weight wasn’t as stable so that could be why it was challenging as switching up the plate order seemed to make it more stable for the second and third set. Felt easier but still not a ton easier. But at least it felt like I had reps left. Last set was a bit different in that I was to do just body weight but really hard contractions. These actually felt pretty nice. Kind of funny to me that I’ve only been doing these for like half a year and gone from doing no weight to a really hefty toddler of weight. On to the triceps. Plan this time was to be 3x10. I went slightly heavier than what was written because my plate math would just be me putting two 10’s on each side of my 6lbs dumbbell handles. I didn’t think it was wise to go from 10lbs to them because that was a solid dumbbell vs a rolling one so I did a light set with the handles. I felt like doing a set of 10 was needed to warm-up the elbows and everything. These felt really difficult at the start of that first set but then I seemed to get a groove going and it wasn’t terribly difficult to finish these sets. Not to say that the joint pressure and the control wasn’t making me work. Last thing then being the leaning laterals and band face pulls. No sense in increasing the band tension on the face pulls as this seems perfect. Went up a tiny bit on the laterals with how they felt last week. I think I either held the pauses shorter last time than usual or I held them longer today as that was a challenge. But I do like that this is the second week in a row where my biceps haven’t ached on the laterals. Put the weights away and then had way too much curry for dinner before stretching.
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