Friday, March 26, 2021

March 25, 2021 – Week 2, Day 3

Mobility Prep
12” Log Incline Bench Presses

Inverted Ring Rows

Lying Dumbbell Triceps Extensions/ Dumbbell Lateral Raises/Band Face Pulls

Comments: Well this time last week, my body wasn’t feeling the best. Yes, sore from training and hopefully allergies. I was also feeling like I was being run down. Really was hoping that wasn’t the case starting two days into training. Shoulders were super achy and sore (and not in the fun way) and I had just gotten first of two shots for vaccine. Flash forward to this week. Still sore but only in my quads at this point. Haven’t had to take allergy stuff for the past few days (nasal spray and Advil) and having good appetite. I had a little bit of an idea of what to expect this time around. Maybe. Mobility stuff for the lats, traps and scap again. Shoulders were really feeling achy on these. Second go through was better. Then it was time to lift the weights. Log incline again. Advised this time to make bigger jumps to warm-up. Shoulders didn’t feel like I had inflamed tendons this time around so that was doable. So the plan here being the warming up with triples and then doing 5lbs more than what I did for my top set of 8 for 3x6 and then drop down to the weight I used for sets of 8 last week for a max reps set. So kind of like the bench rows. Now not quite the same. Remembering this is just the secondary pressing day. As mentioned, these look really easy and smooth on camera but they don’t feel like it. There are like 5 sticking points for me haha. Could tell my lower back was a little tight from Tuesday with unracking the log. First set ok. Not great but not bad. I didn’t need to use the car buffer between sets to help  so that’s a win. Second set was ok but didn’t start out great. After the first rep, I figured why not tuck my elbows? Mistake, made me lose like all my power on this, especially on the right side. Back to what I was doing after that. Which seems to involve more chest and triceps for me. Third also done. No missed reps. Again, not the ease I’m used to with these (or had been used to) but still feeling better than last week. This isn’t the main thing that I want to be improving, it is just something that will help me improve. So after that was ring rows. 4x8 with slight holds at the top. I was not expecting these to feel strong, but they did. I did a few reps with no weight to see how things felt and then put on 20lbs of weights on my hips. Needed to see how that felt so that I can gauge how much I can potentially add to my bodyweight if needed for this exercise. Someone a house over was having a very loud conversation and despite my music being a decent level, I could still hear everything they were saying. I just want to lift on my patio without hearing someone else yammering about nothing. I was kind of surprised that I was not feeling like super fatigued after the sets as is sometimes the case with multiple sets for reps. Last bit of the workout was again the triset of light exercises for three rounds of 15 reps. I was advised this time to try and get away with using less weight on the triceps and use a stricter tempo. Not a problem. My 10lbs dumbbells might have been just too light for the triceps stuff. Everything else I had on point. Went through all three runs no stop and for good reason. Started raining as soon as a finished so I got my stuff inside before too much rain water got on things. Assuming this shows up again, I’ll need to put together my dumbbell handles so I got things right for next time. Had a roast for dinner and then stretched.

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