Mobility Prep
Axle Push Presses
Axle Push Presses
Paused Axle Push Presses (3 seconds, beltless)
Chest Supported Barbell Rows (2 seconds hold, straps)
Ring Push-ups (3 seconds negatives, feet on ground)
Underhand Band Pullaparts/Band Y Raises/ Band Triceps Pressdowns
mbx10/(2)µbx10/ lb+µbx25
mbx10/(2)µbx10/ lb+µbx25
Comments: I had done a week of new training and it was another week before I knew it. Some stuff has definitely not recovered from Saturday by this point. Too bad. Some shoulder aches but my quads and glutes are feeling major DOMS. To be expected honestly with controlled negatives. But man those split squats killed me. Seeing as this week has them again, I purchased a rolling foot stand so that hopefully I won’t have issues with my feet being on the bench like last week. With this training today, the only thing I was worried about was the push press because my legs were toast. This new packaging on chicken seems hit or miss. Mostly ok but another not so good one today. I mean it was loads better than that one that started off Monday last week. My thinking is that these cheap bastards are skimping on the marinade so they come out tougher. Upper back didn’t feel like it needed nearly as much foam rolling as it did last week. Definitely needed those hip flexor stretches for my legs. All the other stuff was easier and better this time. Besides the split squats the first set. That was not fun. Just so damn tight. But seemed ok after that haha. Just have to remember to start with the left side now since that is the one lagging behind. So after that, outside for training training. I had moved the squat rack back outside during my lunch break. Axle push presses again. Plan being work up to 3x3 with 5-10lbs more than last week. Specifically being told not to do rebound reps this week. I didn’t like how my warm-ups felt last week and my hope was altering that so that I didn’t have a slow start and feel like it was a mistake again. So reverted to doing 20lbs jump singles. Hopefully this would allow me to get used to things more gradual and see how my legs were handling things. Another day of blowing out my PC speakers (replacement should show up this week). I’m not sure if this warm-up was better or not. Hard to say with how sore my legs were. I do think things were a little better but that could also be me realizing that the weight feeling heavy from the rack doesn’t mean I can’t lift it. Lockouts felt slow on the first set. Second set, each rep felt faster and stronger. Third set was a bit of both the first and second set. Right triceps seems to lag behind. Left shoulder feels a little achy when it comes to lockouts. Next was paused push presses. A bit of change from last time. Less weight, more reps per set and being advised to go beltless. I really tried this time to get it to be 3 seconds hold in the dip and I succeeded on that. Shoulders were tired but didn’t feel like I was so exhausted or out of position like last week. So that is good. Really got fluids in me after the pressing was done and got things setup for the rows. Same as last time but using straps as suggested. Being advised to try normal style straps vs figure 8s to see if I can keep from having bad habit of not engaging lats on pulls. Did a light warm-up and then got ready. I had to keep double checking to make sure I was only to be doing sets of 6. This did feel a little tougher than last time but I was using more weight across these sets. After those sets, dropped the weight 20lbs for a max rep set. Leave 2 in the tank. Gets tiring with the holds as mentioned. Need to keep in mind I did heavy rows just two days ago as well. I was a little hesitant on whether to go for 13 reps or not as hard to gauge when at that limit. Stopped there as I felt any more and I’d start to risk form breaking due to fatigue. Ring push-ups next. As I suspected, I had done a harder variation then intended. More reps. So feet on the ground this time and advised to only do 1-3 ct for the negative. So I did the 3 seconds. 3 sets with bodyweight and leaving 2-3 reps in the tank each set. I didn’t bother keeping count that first set but did after that. Wanted to make sure I was getting double digits on all sets. Stopped each set when I felt my triceps were getting quakey trying to lockout the rep. So the end of the workout was adjusted a bit. Sets dropped for the two shoulder based band things but the superset now being a triset. With how things felt last time and how I usually adapt to band exercises, I figured that I could increase the tension on two of the three. The shoulder stuff didn’t cook me as much this time. I think mostly because it was just two times through. Maybe I can up tension on the band pull aparts next time (assuming they show up again). Y raises I think need to stay at this tension. Triceps did well considering last time they were separate and I had slightly less tension and I took a rest between sets. Ate meatloaf and stretched. No icing knees but I did use car buffer to try and work some of the soreness out of my quads, hips and glutes. Because I got to lift tomorrow.
Comments: I had done a week of new training and it was another week before I knew it. Some stuff has definitely not recovered from Saturday by this point. Too bad. Some shoulder aches but my quads and glutes are feeling major DOMS. To be expected honestly with controlled negatives. But man those split squats killed me. Seeing as this week has them again, I purchased a rolling foot stand so that hopefully I won’t have issues with my feet being on the bench like last week. With this training today, the only thing I was worried about was the push press because my legs were toast. This new packaging on chicken seems hit or miss. Mostly ok but another not so good one today. I mean it was loads better than that one that started off Monday last week. My thinking is that these cheap bastards are skimping on the marinade so they come out tougher. Upper back didn’t feel like it needed nearly as much foam rolling as it did last week. Definitely needed those hip flexor stretches for my legs. All the other stuff was easier and better this time. Besides the split squats the first set. That was not fun. Just so damn tight. But seemed ok after that haha. Just have to remember to start with the left side now since that is the one lagging behind. So after that, outside for training training. I had moved the squat rack back outside during my lunch break. Axle push presses again. Plan being work up to 3x3 with 5-10lbs more than last week. Specifically being told not to do rebound reps this week. I didn’t like how my warm-ups felt last week and my hope was altering that so that I didn’t have a slow start and feel like it was a mistake again. So reverted to doing 20lbs jump singles. Hopefully this would allow me to get used to things more gradual and see how my legs were handling things. Another day of blowing out my PC speakers (replacement should show up this week). I’m not sure if this warm-up was better or not. Hard to say with how sore my legs were. I do think things were a little better but that could also be me realizing that the weight feeling heavy from the rack doesn’t mean I can’t lift it. Lockouts felt slow on the first set. Second set, each rep felt faster and stronger. Third set was a bit of both the first and second set. Right triceps seems to lag behind. Left shoulder feels a little achy when it comes to lockouts. Next was paused push presses. A bit of change from last time. Less weight, more reps per set and being advised to go beltless. I really tried this time to get it to be 3 seconds hold in the dip and I succeeded on that. Shoulders were tired but didn’t feel like I was so exhausted or out of position like last week. So that is good. Really got fluids in me after the pressing was done and got things setup for the rows. Same as last time but using straps as suggested. Being advised to try normal style straps vs figure 8s to see if I can keep from having bad habit of not engaging lats on pulls. Did a light warm-up and then got ready. I had to keep double checking to make sure I was only to be doing sets of 6. This did feel a little tougher than last time but I was using more weight across these sets. After those sets, dropped the weight 20lbs for a max rep set. Leave 2 in the tank. Gets tiring with the holds as mentioned. Need to keep in mind I did heavy rows just two days ago as well. I was a little hesitant on whether to go for 13 reps or not as hard to gauge when at that limit. Stopped there as I felt any more and I’d start to risk form breaking due to fatigue. Ring push-ups next. As I suspected, I had done a harder variation then intended. More reps. So feet on the ground this time and advised to only do 1-3 ct for the negative. So I did the 3 seconds. 3 sets with bodyweight and leaving 2-3 reps in the tank each set. I didn’t bother keeping count that first set but did after that. Wanted to make sure I was getting double digits on all sets. Stopped each set when I felt my triceps were getting quakey trying to lockout the rep. So the end of the workout was adjusted a bit. Sets dropped for the two shoulder based band things but the superset now being a triset. With how things felt last time and how I usually adapt to band exercises, I figured that I could increase the tension on two of the three. The shoulder stuff didn’t cook me as much this time. I think mostly because it was just two times through. Maybe I can up tension on the band pull aparts next time (assuming they show up again). Y raises I think need to stay at this tension. Triceps did well considering last time they were separate and I had slightly less tension and I took a rest between sets. Ate meatloaf and stretched. No icing knees but I did use car buffer to try and work some of the soreness out of my quads, hips and glutes. Because I got to lift tomorrow.
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