Friday, March 19, 2021

March 18, 2021 – Week 1, Day 3

Mobility Prep
12” Log Incline Bench Presses

Inverted Ring Rows

Lying Dumbbell Triceps Extensions/ Dumbbell Lateral Raises/Band Face Pulls

Comments: These have been tough workouts. Noticing things that haven’t been sore in a while or haven’t been sore in that way before. Still watching that Achilles tendon thing. Less and less worried about the knee. Uncertain how this day would go. It has been many months since I’ve done two pressing workouts in a week and even then, it was only briefly. Before that, it has been since 2017 I think and that was when I was still coming back from lower back injury and was doing very light stuff. I had added to the mix getting a vaccine shot the day before. Literally a last minute thing that was available so I kind of knew that there was a possibility that I’d been hampering things. I was already feeling allergies acting up and hard to say if the workouts are wearing me down too. Wasn’t too bad but my shoulder was getting really sore by the end of the day. I ended up talking nasal spray and Advil liquid gels when I woke up as I was going to need it to get through the fog and have my shoulder shut up for a bit. It eventually felt much less stiff and inflamed by the end of my shift. It was raining off and on all day. Not enough that would stop me from training but enough that I felt it made sense to walk my squat rack into the garage for training. No lower body stuff this session so knees shouldn’t be complaining and bit lower on volume and exercises so I should be able to manage even if not feeling the best. Mobility stuff was mainly focused on the scapulae, traps and lats. No lower body stuff for the warm-up. Just kind of used to that from before. The scap work was harder than I was expecting it to be. Band stuff was good. I was a little anxious that the face pulls would aggravate the left trap thing I had the past two weeks but nothing today. As has been the case, stuff feels better the second go through. So now on to the meat and potatoes. So the plan here was to do triples on log incline bench up to a top weight for a smooth set of 8 reps (leave 2 in the tank) and then drop like 7.5% - 10% off that weight and do 3x8. So big brain Craig was thinking before this 240-250lbs because of how this exercise has been going. But again, that has been when “fresh”. Granted it was after the other pressing but that was less volume usually and only recently was it paired with me doing rest pause stuff beforehand. This being the second pressing session (and having a sore shoulder and not feeling 100%) should’ve told me what I should do and aim for. Lifted my empty log and got a wakeup call. Both shoulders were sore. Like, felt like the tendons in the anterior deltoid were inflamed. I guess doing a bunch of push pressing, paused push pressing and then negative accentuated push-ups on gymnastic rings is going to do that to you. Especially when not doing those previously. So I figured I needed to be taking small jumps in weight to make sure things are ok and keep things warm. I would add weight, use my car buffer on my shoulders for a few seconds and then do a set. Make it through this. I made an error at 230lbs. What I should’ve done was swallow my pride and do my top set there. But I thought that if I got a good song on and put on my wrist wraps, I could feel the power coursing through me like when I did my max rep set of push presses earlier in the week. Gave it a shot but could tell immediately that it was too heavy for today and reracked the weight after a single. Now I needed to figure out how much I had to take off of this to ensure that my sore shoulders would let me get a solid set of eight reps. Shoulders didn’t want to do these today and my triceps tend to fatigue first on these from past experience. Either the shoulders are tired and don’t want to cooperate or I hit a sticking point near the end. I’ve been training this exercise without wrist wraps but I felt it made sense to use them to ensure I got my reps since I had already done a heavy pressing session this week. These always look easier than they feel. Got 220x8 and then took my time getting the other sets. It was more making sure my triceps were recovered enough to keep locking out the reps. 20lbs off for 200lbs. So pretty much 10% off to get these reps in. Hope is that I will adapt (or continue to adapt) to this training and next week I won’t be feeling this sort of way. But I can tolerate this feeling over body hurts that don’t seem to relate to things or recover. Or when my head says “it’s time to be sad now” for no reason. So after that was ring rows. 4x8 with slight holds at the top. Pretty much what I had done last time I did these. I was thinking that bodyweight would be tough enough despite this being what I did last time. My thinking was that I wasn’t feel so great, already done back stuff this week, etc. But doing a rep felt super easy so I figured I’d take a chance with adding a little bit of weight. The suggestion was to put weight on my lap. I had been testing out the chains and making weights like a belt or sash or vest situation and that had worked. So I made a belt of the chain for weight. As always seems to be the case with rows, they get harder as I go. But this was encouraging that these felt strong. After that was the last bit of the workout. As has been the case, most of the accessory stuff has been lumped together. Usually two things paired. This time it was three. 3x15 for each. Dumbbell extensions into lateral raises into banded face pulls. Even though I hadn’t really done these kinds of exercises for some time (some months, others years) I figured I could do them with what I got. The trick would be surviving through three rounds as the fatigue builds up. With the triceps, I figured I should be good as I’ve done these for over 50 reps in one set straight shot before. Body doesn’t forget something like that. So figured that would be fine. The raises and pulls I wasn’t so sure. Shoulders were super sore and I was worried it might be too light. Also as mentioned, wasn’t sure about the face pulls. Set Thunderstruck on and go to work. First round good, same with the second round. I could tell by the end of the second round, the weights for the other two exercises were right to get through the last set. Shoulders and upper traps were so fatigued and full of lactic acid by the end. This was one of those rare incidences where I finished my gallon jug of BCCAs as I finished the workout, rather than having stuff leftover to drink while cooling down. I was actually quite ravenous when it came to dinner. I was not expecting that with the lighter workload compared to the past two workouts. Ended up icing both shoulders before bed. Took some more Advil liquid gels to keep my sore shoulders and my allergies from keeping me up at night. 

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