Wednesday, July 29, 2020

July 28, 2020 – Week 9, Day 1

5 Minute Walk (.25 miles)

Mobility Prep

Lock Big 3

12” Log Cleans & Push Presses (1 clean)
265x6 (2 cleans)

Bench Chest Supported Barbell Rows
135x11 (miscounted)

Close Grip Barbell Floor Presses

Trap 3 Raises

Safety Squat Bar JM Floor Presses


Comments: Another day of existence. Just ticking the days off. Hoping that get over it. Haven’t cried in two days. My body didn’t feel great. Despite making sure I was getting sleep and food, I felt like crap. Sluggish and unmotivated. Like soreness in my everywhere. I didn’t want to do anything. Warm-up stuff felt ok. I knew I was going to need my knee sleeves and arm sleeve for today. My joints felt achy. First thing was shoulder drills. About how they usually feel. I’ve been wondering if since I haven’t been eating my usual 2lbs of yogurt for about 6 weeks now if that is why I feel like I got cramps. I think it has more to do with the oppressive heat as I’m getting enough potassium in my shakes. Then log. Super anxious about this. Last time I did this was literally the day after things went to shit and I ended up lifting in the rain and blacking out and hitting the street. And axle didn’t feel easy last week. Plan here was same as axle, doubles up to a 5rm set. Not told to keep it 80% for this outing as the hope was that a week of training should have me firing mostly on all cylinders. The warming up felt ok. I didn’t want to top off at 250lbs despite that being the most I’d be doing for reps with this particular log outside of doubles. But I didn’t think I was good for 5 at 270lbs, especially with how I was feeling and how last week felt. So I added 10lbs to the log so that I could try 260lbs. Didn’t feel bad. Cleans were feel good after the first one. 220lbs actually went up nice and crisp and I thought that hey, maybe I undersold myself today. 240lbs felt like I had added 50lbs to the log and brought me back low again. Enough that I was feeling like 260lbs for 5 would be too much for me today. That would be a PR for this log and really a post 2016 backapocalypse  PR. I believe all-time might be 270lbs in training. So I had my doubts here so in expectation of failing, I added 5lbs more so that even if I got just 3 reps, it would be a PR of some sort post 2016 injury. I got set and went. Clean was ok but I felt off balance the entire time. I didn’t watch video until much later but I was definitely having the one side not in synch. Went for a fifth but dipped too far and had it go forward and lost it. Ugh. I didn’t feel done though and I just stood there contemplating recleaning it to get another rep. I decided to give it another go. Figures that that rep goes up better than my first one and since I had the log up there, I did another rep for 6 total as a fuck you to everything. Maybe could do another rep here. My triceps were really, really sore after this set. Bench supported rowing again. A bit of a change up. Previously these had been dumbbells and holds due to limited equipment. I’d been advised that if it worked as far as setup, that I could alternate barbell for not paused and dumbbells for paused. I really had not frame of reference how these would go since it has been so very long since I’ve done barbell type rows. Been mostly neutral grip rows. I probably could’ve done these from the floor but I went with elevated on the crash pads so that I could use 45’s. Didn’t film the first set with just the barbell as I wasn’t certain if I was going to do these or not, depending on the feel. These feel awkward. Like, I have to get into a position to then do the rows. Plan was to do 5 sets of 10 up to a 10rm. 225lbs was about all I felt comfortable with pushing today as these stress the biceps a bit. Right biceps not really a fan of them.  Then it was the floor pressing. Unlike with past floor pressing, this was heavier stuff. Plan being 5 sets of 5 to 5rm. My triceps were just burning. My hope is that they would keep going even if stuff felt heavy on my arms and shoulders. Just really sore with the bar to warm-up. My hope here was that I’d save my wrist wraps for the top set so that it would feel easier and I wouldn’t be freaking out if the work up sets felt hard. A bit more reps to work up then usually do with the 5x5. My hope was that I could do over 320lbs. That seems to be a sticking point where I don’t have the confidence that I can get five reps on it above that weight. I knew that 335lbs was a bridge too far today but I needed to do this. If I can’t press reps with this weight here, what chance do I have of putting that weight over my head on log? Every rep felt slow and heavy. But I kept my form and didn’t resort to an air hump to get the last rep. The end of the workout was in sight. T3 raises followed that. No set reps given for these. Advised to do 2 sets of moderate reps with the 10lbs dumbbells. My thoughts here were that the band pull aparts were for 2 sets of 20 reps and reps are about the same with the exercises. However, the time under tension is greater with these due to the longer ROM and controlled movements. I figured 10 reps wasn’t enough despite that probably being enough. Same with 12 reps. I was going to do 15 reps but I landed on 16 reps. Felt good on the upper back and shoulders. I was expecting some tension because my right biceps was a little stressed from the rows and still not a fan of the way I picked up the 269lbs sandbag Saturday. Last thing was the ssb jm floor presses. A big departure here from what I was doing. This wasn’t some light high rep end like previously. I was advised to do sets of 10 to a 10rm. I’ve pushed jm presses before in the past. But usually not more than 225lbs I think. Best being 255lbs for a triple on a barbell. Never pushed these very heavy. So this was going to be interesting. Reps calculator would say I could do 350lbs for a single. I’ve seen some strong benchers put up heavy weights for these. But I knew I needed to test things out. I wanted to set things up so that I could hit 225lbs for a top set with the possibility of doing 265lbs if that felt way too easy. I was not sure how things would go with my triceps feeling as sore as they did. Still moving things fast and explosive, even with 185lbs. Definite slowdown with 225lbs but still felt good. I was tempted to add wrist wraps for 265lbs as I was going to give it hell. But I figured I should just see how this felt without and gauge from there if I should going forward as I push heavier and heavier weight on this exercise. 265lbs was damn near a max as I couldn’t guarantee that I could get another rep back up to the saw horses. Pleased with that. But I need to get better. I had to cool off and eat dinner before I stretched.

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