Sunday, July 5, 2020

July 2, 2020 – Week 7, Day 2

5 Minute Walk (.25 miles)

Mobility Prep

Goblet Squats to Box (15”)

Axle Romanian Deadlifts w/ straps


Lying Leg Raises

bw+45x60 seconds

Side Planks
bw+15x60/60 seconds


Comments: The short workout again. I felt like crap. Good thing the plan was to lighten the workload on the deadlift day for two weeks. I was feeling like I had a cold. Was initially going to do this during my lunch break but with how things went last time and with not feeling so hot, I elected to wait until after work. I took an allergy pill during lunch and that seemed to help. I had taken nasal spray and Dayquil when I woke up. The plan was to go camping the next day. It was getting warm pretty quick. Added some more fans to the garage so that there is a constant airflow and a dull hum the entire time haha. Walk followed by the usual stuff. Knees had been achy but felt ok by the time I got to the lifting. First exercise was squatting to a box. Another day with Liza lifting in the garage. It’s a nice feeling. Squats with the goblet style are easy and feel good. Weights and reps staying the same for who knows how long. But that is fine by me. I like how these feel better than the front squats but it might just be the increased weight and the leverage that make these feel easy and not awkward. Axle rdls followed. The plan here was only working up to 380lbs with set reps and jumps. I did the empty axle for 15 reps and then decided I’d just do the plate jumps, which would make the working weights 10lbs heavier than planned. This felt better to me since that meant I didn’t have to deal with small plates. I was having more issues with keeping the weight from rolling (I had to add more wood to the one saw horse) with the angle of the garage floor from how I set things up. Knees and body were achy. Appreciating that this was a lower effort session. Might be that knowing it was lighter was why I didn’t go all in on this. I also think that if this was to be the day of a heavy triple as originally planned, I would’ve skipped the workout entirely with how I was feeling. The abdominal stuff was the same as last time. Crunches, lying leg raises, planks and side planks in that order. I drank a lot of fluids and put all the stuff away first to have rest and to not be puking up stuff. I had not done the abdominal work last week because reasons. I forget how much missing a week or a workout does on these. These all felt tougher than they usually do. Could be because I was under the weather. I did these in the garage this time so I didn’t have stuff going into the house. Got to relax and stretch before eating dinner and cleaning up to get ready for an early morning and decent drive.

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