Sunday, July 26, 2020

July 25, 2020 – Week 8, Day 3

5 Minute Walk (.25 miles)

Mobility Prep

NY Barbell Yoke
180x50’ in 5.48 seconds
270x50’ in 5.93 seconds
360x50’ in 6.38 seconds
450x50’ in 7.25 seconds
510x50’ in 7.50 seconds
510x50’ in 7.07 seconds
510x50’ in 7.23 seconds

Sandbag Rows

Sandbag Carry/Prowler Drag Medleys
215x50’ (keg)/210x50’/285x50’ in 35.77 seconds
210x50’/269x50’/465x50’ in 44.08 seconds


Comments: I feel lost. I’m a lot of different emotions and I have been for weeks now. Confused and not sure where to go. I did finally have a restful and recuperative sleep. I’ve had maybe two nights this month so far. And I say restful without having to resort to a muscle relaxer. I haven’t been using them as that is not a good thing to be doing period. So good sleep and that meant I pretty much slept until noon. My traps and lats on the left side have been very sore from the axle rdls. Kind of expected. Legs felt sore too. Plan was to do some foam rolling for my upper back and then train. But I waited too long letting breakfast digest that it started raining. It did sound like it would let up in a few hours and I could train so I took the time to get another meal and then do the foam rolling. Turns out the rain stopped a lot sooner than expected. I wasn’t going terribly heavy so I should be ok with feeling sore and having food in me. It was going to be lower temperature but muggy as anything. Walking and warm-up. Had scrubbed my iPod of songs that might trigger something to make me upset. I missed at least one but it didn’t get me like I thought it would. Yoke to start off the day. Speed day. Granted, I always try to move as fast as possible on everything when it comes to training. The only instructions had been work up to 60% of my 50’ max for three sets. Now, I didn’t take that as my all-time no drop PR as this yoke I have at my disposal right now is janky and wobbly and feels harder than the yoke I set it on. So I just kind of took how I felt last time I did yoke and just extrapolated how much more I could’ve done without a drop. So about 90lbs off my all-time best of 940lbs with 850lbs. So this would be working sets with 510lbs. I didn’t want to do 50lbs jumps this time. I figured that 90lbs jumps would go faster and with what I had planned and I’d have a chance to use lighter weight to start and build up to top speed. Trying to work on getting things to be better every time. So since this was speed training and not heavy, I wanted to do this like I have been doing with the farmer’s walk and have it all be uphill gradient. So that meant resetting the course after each run. Give me plenty of rest. I’m still playing around with the best approach to the pick and start. But it seems to change depending on the weight. Almost like a leg press when it is under 400lbs but then when it gets heavier that I don’t lift it right away, I can press into it and rock under to get the hips and go that way. Also trying to use the forward momentum and get really short choppy steps to start and then get into normal strides. Been doing this sport since 2008 and still finding new things to try with the basics. The 90lbs jumps seemed ok until I got to 450lbs as I felt a dramatic slowdown. That was when I felt the press up method didn’t go so well. The hip rock seems to give a little stretch relax. I didn’t feel comfortable with trying to rock under until my second working set. Second set was my fastest. Into the garage after that for sandbag rows. I took a bit of break here as the intensity of the sandbag rows was dropped considerably as the idea was more just a prep for the medley work. So I got some fluids in me and got things setup for the medley and then did the rows. My copper arm sleeve (which is really just a forearm sleeve) was not clean so I put the knee sleeves on my arms. My arms weren’t bothering me but I figured best to have them at the ready, especially with the medley. Rows were easy. Medley work after that. Unlike before, just two sets and the first set was to be lighter with the carry portion. I was advised that it was ok to use my light keg instead of another sandbag. Another reason to wear the copper sleeves to cut down on bruising. The second set was going to be the key thing here. Breathing was a little off (been a few months since I did a keg carry) but I felt like I was moving very fast on everything. The second set was the oops set. See, not being told set weights but the idea here was to do something 70-80% of what a proposed contest event would be like. The event is very heavy sandbags into a sled drag. The drag would be on a flat surface, I don’t have that. So ideally, I had meant for this set to be the same as what I did as my second set last time I did these. The first part of it I was flying. Then I biffed the pickup of the heavier sandbag. Slipped on me and I ended up just bear-hugging it up off the ground which did put some stress on the right biceps that I didn’t want or mean to do. This also had it a bit lower on my body so I was moving slower. This tends to make the drag harder when you impede this part. The drag started ok but it got difficult quick and I felt like my legs were moving in slow motion. I was out of breathe and gasping. Ugh. Afterwards, I realized I had made the drag portion 40lbs heavier than I meant to do. Still a decent time with the drop. But I need to get better. I will probably need to get new sandbags as the tape and leaks are becoming a liability. It took quite some time to cool off before I could stretch.

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