Wednesday, July 22, 2020

July 21, 2020 – Week 8, Day 1

5 Minute Walk (.25 miles)

Mobility Prep

Lock Big 3

Axle Push Presses

Rack Chins (yoke, straps)

Slingshot Dips

Band Pull A-parts

Paused Floor Rolling Dumbbell Extensions
40’sx51 PR+2 reps


Comments: July has been unkind this year. I won’t go into it but if you know, you know and if you don’t you won’t. But two weeks off of training (not counting the abortive attempt at training during a thunderstorm) so a bit soft feeling. But the time off has made it so my joints aren’t always achy. Decision as far as training the only thing I’ve made is not pursuing SC Nats this year. A bridge too far considering myself physically and emotionally as well as costs and risks in this crazy COVID-19 world. Only definite is USS Nats assuming that happens next year. Assuming everything isn’t on fire (still on fire or even more fire). Maybe December but holding out to see how I feel in like two months. I’ve been doing nothing but walks and chores. Made myself do some kind of activities last week at least. So the usual warm-up felt good and normal on my joints and muscles but I was definitely getting a bit more winded than usual. I know I will be sore later just from the detraining and inactivity. It could also be because it is 95 outside with a high humidity. Shoulder drills after the usual warm-ups. I was expecting my body to resist these more than they did. But felt about how they usually do. Thankfully no cramps. Axle out of the rack in the street again. It was overcast so I didn’t need to move the rack down the street any. Right in front of the driveway. So doubles going up in 20lbs to a top set of five. Advised to go for about 80% since coming back after two weeks and not to have the expectation of crushing things. Based off how I felt with warm-ups, I felt really really good. Like, no stopping me today. I was moving pretty quick with the workout sets. I was leery about the sky opening up on me. Stuff started to feel heavy though after I got to 170lbs. I had not planned to put on the copper arm sleeve for these but my arm wasn’t liking it when I was getting to the heavier stuff so on it went. I was feeling that I wasn’t really breathing well for reps today. I’ve been doing mostly singles on these anyways. 230lbs felt darn heavy. So I decided that 250lbs (slightly less than 80%) would be where I decided if that was it for the day or to push it. If the first two reps felt explosive and easy, then go up. They did not and I felt that this was a near max effort for me near the end of the set. Ugh. I should be good for double these reps. Moving on. Then it was time for the rack chins. Changed a bit this time. Three sets of just bodyweight to warm-up and then go for something that I could do a tough 12-15 reps with. The bodyweight stuff was easy. The weighted stuff was what was going to be tricky. Always problems with getting the belt and weights to settle since I’m using straps to grip the yoke setup. Even though I’ve done 30lbs at most, I felt that I could do a good bit more. I felt that 45lbs wasn’t going to be enough. I was a bit lost and then I realized I could try doing my set of kettlebells and all the 10’s that had grips on them. 70lbs would be about right. I’ll have to try a different rigging system next time as the weights hung down a bit so that at the bottom they deloaded completely but kicked in right away. I’d like to try and have tension the whole time. Trial and error. Dips with the slingshot after that. The plan here was to do sets of 8-10 reps working up to 25lbs less than last time I did these. Oof, it was such a pain putting 25lbs on this setup since I had to take the clip off and then thread it. The traction still feels good. Definitely an exercise where it is a lot of strain on the entire body above the waist. I stupidly stuck with doing 10 reps the entire time. This was not easy. These were tough. My elbows were just questioning why I make them suffer so much. I got into a good groove on the last set somehow. Isolation stuff for the rest of the workout. Not to go all out on the band pull a-parts this time. Advised to do 2 sets of 20 reps with a fairly easy band tension. Took a gamble and did the band tension I usually do and it felt really comfortable for these sets. Last thing for the session being the reps of dumbbell extensions. I had no idea how these would go after a break. I decided to do them in the garage rather than inside on the carpet. Carpet deadens things a bit as I had the dumbbells graze my ears letting them settle on I think the fifth rep. I did not like that haha. Just kept going and going. I knew my arms would be sucky later but I got over 50 reps. I was a sweaty mess and I took a bit to cool down while I was stretching. Feels good to be doing something.

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