Mobility Prep
12” Log Strict Presses + Push Presses
12” Log Push Presses
Neutral Grip Pulldowns
230x17 PR+1 rep & 10lbs
bw+55x25 PR+10lbs
Neutral Grip Precor Chest Supported Rows
300x26 PR+10lbs
Comments: My sleep cycle is off. I need to correct it as
I’m getting maybe 6hrs of sleep a night. Unsure why but work has been busy
since Friday and doesn’t seem to be slowing down. Making things difficult with
system issues so getting a backlog again after having things clear for almost a
month. Got a deep tissue massage on Monday after work. I really needed it.
Ended up extending my 60 minute session to 90 minutes. I actually felt a bit
worn from it the next day but I didn’t want to get off the training schedule.
It was tempting to just go home as I was tired and the snow tripled my usual
commute time. I knew I was in for a late night. Not many people at the gym due
to the weather so really only the dedicated. I do forget the annual influx of
resolutioners that come in and you can have some good people watching. From a
safe distance. Warming up felt good. My lower back was a little stiff but that’s
ok. Axle was last week so log this week. Same plan as it has been the past
three weeks. Strict and push presses and then a top set of push press. Warmed
up with dumbbells before heading into the rack. Strict pressing with the log
felt better this time. Knees were really achy on the push pressing. Strict
pressing felt better on the log this time around. Took the 5 minute rest and
got ready. Probably went a little over that rest as I was nervous for some
reason. My breathing and timing weren’t that great today but still managed a
strong performance. I miscounted and thought I was at 17 reps before I took a
bit longer of a pause but it was actually 18. I might have tired another if I
had known I was only one away from 20 reps here. Didn’t feel like it was the
best thing to try and struggle out another two reps since I had to pause there.
I was little miffed that I didn’t get more reps but it is still good that reps
are this high still with increasing weight. Pulldowns with the neutral grip. Followed
that. I did need a little cooling down period haha. Same as regular pulldowns
last week as in the same reps and weights with the plan being 230lbs for the max
rep set. These are tougher for me than the regular style. Plan here being to
try and get as many as I can get with somewhat good form and then let slop in
to continue the set. And that is what I did. Push-ups after that. Was pretty
easy for the work up sets again. My triceps, shoulders and pecs were sore from
the deep tissue work. For the top set, I ended up using a band to wrap them
together. I was getting fatigued and ended up pausing a little unlike last time
to get 25 reps again. I’d have tried more but I came up uneven and it fell off
my back. Probably a good sign to stop. Last thing was chest supported rows. My
arms and back felt pumped and I actually felt really fatigued and weak at the
start on these. But that seems to have passed as I got heavier weight for some
reason. Felt stronger this time on that top set for the reps. I was spent by
the end haha. I’m noticing that I can rep things out nonstop generally for
about 40 seconds before I hit a wall when going all out it seems. I can go
longer if I pace things. Home to stretch, do recovery work and eat a lot of
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